辅导FIT2090 Business Information Systems and Process
Assignment 1 (20%)Submission Deadline: 12 Sep 2022, 4:30 PM (AEST) Group Assignment (two students from the same tutorial)Learning Objectives● By completing this assignment, students will be able to (a) create a business process model based on agiven problem, and (b) document and communicate a business process using standard notations of theprocess modelling techniquesGroup Assignment:● This assignment promotes students' collaborations working in pairs. Students must form their pairedgrouping within the same tutorial, the latest being the end of week 5. You will choose your group viathe Assignment One Groups (see Moodle Assessments page).● Every student in the group is required to participate actively and contribute to all parts of the assignment(i.e. not dividing tasks). At the end of the assignment, all students must complete their Peer Evaluation(to be made available in Moodle) confidentially and individually. These would be used as a basis formarks adjustment for the assignment's final score (if necessary). Failure to complete the assignment peerevaluation by the due date will result in a lower mark for the final score.Submission Requirements● You are required to submit the assignment via Moodle as an MS Word or PDF formatted document.The file names should include the Unit Code, assignment number and your Group ID number, followingeither of these formats:FIT2090A1_GroupID.docx OR FIT2090A1_GroupID.pdf● Only one of the group members will submit the assignment for the group, but all members must clickthe 'submit' button to accept the student submission statement.Late Submissions:● Late submissions will be penalised, as stated in the submission link in Moodle.Scenario1Paul’s Compression Pump (PCP) is a company specialised in medical compression pumps2. They lease pumpsof different sizes for patients in several hospitals and medical centres. Due to the specific medical conditionsof each patient, sometimes the standard equipment provided in hospitals and medical centres are not suitablefor some patients, for instance the standard compression pumps could be too small. The patient can hire the1 The narration is compiled based on the interviews with various key persons in the process. There could be some informationmissing due to the limitations in information gathering. For the purpose of business process modelling, you have to make reasonableassumptions when necessary.2 Similar to this: https://www.medirent.com.au/products/compression-pumps/2sanitised compression pumps from PCP for the duration required, for medical needs and even to achieve bettercomfortability. There are three categories of pumps available, namely Arms, Legs, and Pants. For each client– the hospital or the medical centre, there is a contact person for compression pump ordering, also known asliaison officer. A liaison officer can make an order on behalf of the patient, through phone or by email. Whenthe liaison officer places an order, PCP delivers the compression pump to the designated ward in thehospital/medical centre, or patient’s residence. The drivers will unpack and set up the compression pump forthe patients. At the end of the rental period (i.e. when a compression pump is no longer needed), the liaisonofficer will inform PCP to collect the compression pump from its current location. These pumps will then besanitised (e.g. cleaned, sterilised, disinfected), repacked and stored in PCP's storeroom, ready for their nextuse.Currently, PCP uses a simple rental management system to manage and record all orders. The current rentalmanagement system records the product information, client details, client's order requirements, delivery andcollections information. As a result of a recent increase in demand for their pumps, PCP requires a moreeffective system to manage their rental processes. Therefore, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and ownerof PCP has hired your business consulting firm to analyse their current business processes and propose a moreeffective rental management system. A priority of the proposed system should be improved efficiency in theday-to-day business operations.The current rental process is as follows. When a patient needs a specialised compression pump, the liaisonofficer can either call or email PCP's clerk to inform them about the requirements of the compression pump.Either way, the clerk first checks the existence of the client and Patient Unique Number (PUN) by enteringthe PUN into the system. If this is a new client or a new patient, the clerk will add their information to theClient data and the Patient data, respectively. Then, the clerk will retrieve the patient information, compressionpump type/size needed, delivery details, etc. from the relevant data store and lodge the order.When an order is successfully lodged, the system generates a reference number saved in the Rental data. Theliaison officer could use the reference number later, e.g. to check for the order status, details of charges, etc.Then, the clerk will retrieve a list of pumps that meet the requirements from the Pump data. The clerk willschedule for delivery and inform PCP's drivers. Using the deliver-collect tracking system, drivers examine thecompression pump, ensuring it is in good condition before delivery. The deliver-collect tracking system is amobile application that can scan the QR code on a compression pump and record its status, e.g. good to deliver,delivered, collected, sanitised, stored, damaged, etc. The deliver-collect tracking system is a separate systemfrom the central computer system used by the clerk. In some cases, when there are malfunctions in the deliver-collect tracking system or lack of internet connection, the data from the tracking system such as compressionpump status, cannot be uploaded to the main system. When this happens, the drivers or the clerk need to updatethe data to the main system manually. Once the compression pump is examined, and data are consistentbetween systems, the drivers deliver the compression pump to the designated hospital/medical centre, orpatient’s residential address.After use, when the compression pump is no longer needed by the patients, the liaison officer will informPCP's clerk, and the collection process is carried out by a driver. The collection process is similar to thedelivery process, e.g. examine, scan, and so on.The clerk sends the invoice to the client's accountant, and a copy of the invoice to the patient. Then, the client'saccountant pays the pump rental fees via EFTPOS, BPAY, or credit card.If the patient is claiming from their health insurance, they will send the information about the insurance to theclerk, and the clerk will send an invoice to their insurance company.3Finally, the clerk will update the payment information in the Rental data.Tasks (20%)Based on the descriptions given above, complete the following tasks:1. Prepare a table of entities and activities. (1 marks)2. Draw a context diagram. (1 mark)3. Draw a physical data flow diagram (DFD). (1 marks)4. Prepare an annotated table of entities and activities. On this table, indicate the groupings, bubble numbersand bubble titles to be used in preparing a level 0 logical DFD. (1 mark)5. Draw a level 0 logical DFD. (1 mark)6. Draw a BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation). (3 marks)7. The overall presentation of your business process model, including completeness, correctness andconsistency of the diagrams. State your assumptions when necessary. (1 mark)8. Discuss whether we need both DFD and BPMN to provide a complete representation of an informationsystem, or whether they are providing redundant analysis. Elaborate and justify your response, usereferences when necessary. (2 marks)9. Base on the above-mentioned scenario:a. Identify at least five characteristics of Quality Information, and discuss the importance of thesecharacteristics. (2 marks)b. Discuss how organisations could use business information systems (BIS) to achieve their businessgoals. (1 mark)10. PCP’s CEO believes that their current BIS can be improved. (3 marks)a. Identify and discuss any aspects in the current BIS that are inefficient and/or ineffective.b. Based on your discussion in part (a), suggest how their BIS can improve.11. Include at least two references3 and cite them in the body of your response. Use the AmericanPsychological Association (APA) style of referencing (https://guides.lib.monash.edu/citing-referencing/apa). (1 mark)12. Overall presentations, e.g. writing structure, flow, headings and subheadings, paragraph construct andlinkage, general grammar. Word limit (not including tasks 1-7 and references): 800 words (+/- 10%) inlength. (1 mark)13. Complete the Peer Evaluation form in Moodle. (1 mark)3 The references may include published peer-reviewed academic articles, e.g. journals, conference articles, books, book chapters, orwebsites and newspaper articles. They should be as current and substantive as possible.4Assessment CriteriaMarking rubric will be provided in Moodle.Tasks Marks Descriptions1 1Correctly identify entities.Activities: Complete and in the correct sequence.2 1Correctly identify the system/process.Correctly identify the data flows.Correctly identify the entities.3 1Correct entities.Correct data flow.Correct data store.4 1Correct annotated table of entities & activities.Details of the groupings (logical groupings make sense).Indicate bubble numbers and bubble titles that would be used in alevel 0 logical DFD.5 1Correct processes/activities as per groupings in Task 4.Correct flow and data stores.6 3Correct pools, lanes/participants.Correct events and activities depicted in respective lanes.Correct sequence/flows.Correct use of gateways and annotations.7 1Completeness.Correctness.Well presented.The consistency of tables, diagrams.State your assumptions when necessary.8 2 Completeness of arguments.Correctness of arguments.The richness of arguments.Clarity of expression.Use of appropriate references to support arguments.9 310 311 1 At least two references, correct in-text citations, and APA style.12 1 The overall presentation and word limit.13 1 Complete the Peer Evaluation form in Moodle.