CS3214 Fall 2023 Exercise 2
Due: See website for due date.
What to submit: Upload a tar archive that contains a text file answers.txt with your
answers for the questions not requiring code, as well as individual files for those that do,
as listed below.
This exercise is intended to reinforce the content of the lectures related to linking using
small examples.
As some answers are specific to our current environment, you must again do this exercise
on our rlogin cluster.
Our verification system will reject your submission if any of the required files are not in
your submission. If you want to submit for a partial credit, you still need to include all
the above files.
CS3214 Fall 2023 Exercise 2
1. Building Software
A common task is to use the compiler, linker, and surrounding build systems to build
large pieces of software. In this part, you are asked to build a piece of software and
observe a typical build process. Your answers will be specific to the version of the GCC
tool chain installed on rlogin this semester.
1. Download the source code of Node.js 18.18.0.
Read and follow the build instructions in BUILDING.md (note: Omit the ’make install’ step unless you specified a directory to which you have write access as the
installation directory (i.e., via the –prefix option to configure). The default installation destination directory is a system directory to which you do not have write
access. Hint: lookup the meaning of the -j flag to the make command before running make. Thanks to your engineering fees, make -j64 is ok to use on any rlogin
During the make process, identify the link command that produces the node executable and then answer the next two questions.
2. Find the -o flag, which specifies the directory in which the build process will leave
the ‘node’ executable post linking. Copy and paste the full path name appearing
after -o.
3. Find the location of the static library libuvwasi.a which is given in the link command line. How many .o files does this static library contain?
4. Which libraries are linked dynamically with the node executable (hint: use ldd and
ignore linux-vdso.so.1 and /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2)?
5. List the name of the 4 000th strong global text symbol found in the ‘node’ executable,
when considering them in alphabetical order. Hint: use a combination of nm, grep,
head, and tail.
6. How much space does the node executable take up on disk? (Use ls -l to find
7. The command size (without any arguments) gives you an estimate of how much
memory is needed if the executable were fully loaded into memory. Run size.
Roughly what fraction of the executable that is stored on disk would be loaded into
8. The command strip strips an executable of those parts that are not necessary to
run it. Run strip on the executable.
After stripping the executable, did the stored size of the executable on disk get
larger, smaller, or stay the same?
9. After stripping the executable in the previous step, did the amount of memory to
run the executable get larger, smaller, or stay the same?
CS3214 Fall 2023 Exercise 2
10. Almost half of the text size comes from a single .o module, out/Release/-
obj.target/node/gen/node_snapshot.o. Use nm on this file and pipe the
output through the c++filt program. Compare the output of this command to the
node.js API documentation at https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v18.x/docs/api/.
Research what code and data is contained in this “snapshot” file and how it benefits
11. Last, but not least, do not forget to remove the source and build directory from your
rlogin file space. It takes up about 1.4GB of space.
2. Linking Cush
In this part of the exercise, you are asked to make small changes to the cush starter code
to induce linker errors and changes to the executable. To that end, you should clone a
fresh copy of the starter code with
git clone git@git.cs.vt.edu:cs3214-staff/cs3214-cush.git
cd cs3214-cush
(cd posix_spawn; make)
The 3 parts are independent and you should undo any changes you made for one part
before continuing to the next.
1. After changing 3 lines 1
in 2 files, cush rebuilds but the build fails with:2
cc -Wall -Werror -Wmissing-prototypes -I../posix_spawn -g -O2
-fsanitize=undefined -o cush -L../posix_spawn
cush.o shell-grammar.o list.o shell-ast.o termstate_management.o
utils.o signal_support.o -lspawn -ll -lreadline
/usr/bin/ld: termstate_management.o:/..../cs3214-cush/src/utils.h:11:
multiple definition of ‘job_list’;
cush.o:/..../cs3214-cush/src/utils.h:11: first defined here
/usr/bin/ld: utils.o:/..../cs3214-cush/src/utils.h:11:
multiple definition of ‘job_list’;
cush.o:/..../cs3214-cush/src/utils.h:11: first defined here
/usr/bin/ld: signal_support.o:/..../cs3214-cush/src/utils.h:11:
multiple definition of ‘job_list’;
cush.o:/..../cs3214-cush/src/utils.h:11: first defined here
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [Makefile:27: cush] Error 1
What lines were changed? Provide the output as a patch (which you can produce
via git diff.)
1This is not counting any empty/whitespace lines. Also, in your reproduction, the line numbers do not
need to match.
I introduced newlines for readability.
CS3214 Fall 2023 Exercise 2
2. After a single line change, the project builds but the following nm command shows
$ nm cush | grep job_list
000000000041ffc0 B job_list
What line was changed and how? Provide the output as a patch.
3. After a single line change, the project build fails with
cc -Wall -Werror -Wmissing-prototypes -I../posix_spawn -g -O2
-fsanitize=undefined -o cush -L../posix_spawn cush.o
shell-grammar.o list.o shell-ast.o termstate_management.o utils.o
signal_support.o -lspawn -ll -lreadline
/usr/bin/ld: cush.o: in function ‘main’:
/..../cs3214-cush/src/cush.c:272: undefined reference to ‘job_list’
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [Makefile:27: cush] Error 1
What line was changed and how? Provide the output as a patch.
Remember to revert to the original starter code for each part!
3. Baking Pie
From past courses (CS 2505, CS 2506) you are familiar with threats that can affect vulnerable applications that contain buffer overflows. Some of the exploits that targeted such
applications made assumptions about the way in which they were built and run.
Consider the following program pie.c:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
int data = 42;
int bss;
int stack;
printf("my heap is at %p\n", malloc(4));
printf("my stack is at %p\n", &stack);
printf("my text is at %p\n", main);
printf("my data is at %p\n", &data);
CS3214 Fall 2023 Exercise 2
printf("my bss is at %p\n", &bss);
Compile and build two executables using the following commands:
gcc pie.c -o no.pie
gcc -fPIC -pie pie.c -o pie
Run ./no.pie two or more times, and run ./pie two or more times.
1. What does “PIE” stand for, and how did it change the environment when a program
built using this facility was loaded and run?
2. Which specific kind of attack technique is made more difficult when -fpie is used?
4. Link Time Optimization
Traditional separate compilation and linking has an important drawback: since the intermediate representation created by the compiler is no longer available at link time, potential interprocedural optimizations cannot be performed. For instance, the linker cannot
inline functions or replace calls to functions that produce constant results with their values.
Link Time Optimization (LTO) overcomes this drawback by preserving the compiler’s
intermediate representation and passing it along to the linker which can then perform
whole-program optimization across modules. Languages such as Rust use LTO to be able
to perform optimizations across the different source files that are part of a crate.
In this part of the exercise, you will be looking at how LTO works in a current compiler
(gcc 11.4.1).
Create or copy the following files lto1.c and lto2.c:
// declare externally defined function
// (this is not best practice - this declaration should be
// in a header file)
extern long math(long a);
#include <stdio.h>
main() {
long h = math(3025);
printf("%d\n", h);
#include <stdlib.h>
// some not necessarily correct math function
extern long math(long a)
CS3214 Fall 2023 Exercise 2
long l = 0;
long h = a;
for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++) {
long m = l + (h - l) / 2;
if (a > m * m)
l = m + 1;
h = m;
return l;
Compile and build the two files using the following commands:
gcc -O3 -flto -c lto1.c lto2.c
gcc -O3 -flto lto1.o lto2.o -o lto
Then answer the following questions:
1. Use objdump -d to find the code for the main() in the final lto executable. Copy
and paste the body of main (the disassembled machine code)!
2. Now compile these programs without LTO like so:
gcc -O3 lto1.c lto2.c -o nolto
Use objdump -d nolto to look at the main function, and reproduce the assembly
code here.
Explain in your own words what the compiler and linker did when LTO was enabled and how this was possible using LTO but not when LTO was not being used.