Assignment 2 – Advanced News Classifier

2023-11-29 Assignment 2 – Advanced News Classifier

Assignment 2 – Advanced News



1 Introduction 4

1.1 Glove file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 Task 1 - [2.5 Marks] 5

2.1 Task 1.1 - Glove(String _vocabulary, Vector _vector) [0.5 Marks] . . . 5

2.2 Task 1.2 - Task 1.5 [0.5 Marks each] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

3 Task 2 - [3.5 Marks] 5

3.1 Task 2.1 - Task 2.7 [0.5 Marks each] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

4 Task 3 - [3 Marks] 6

4.1 Task 3.1 - getDataType(String _htmlCode) [1.5 Marks] . . . . . . . . 6

4.2 Task 3.2 - getLabel(String _htmlCode) [1.5 Marks] . . . . . . . . . . 6

5 Task 4 - [10 Marks] 7

5.1 Task 4.1 - loadGlove() [5 Marks] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

5.2 Task 4.2 - loadNews() [5 Marks] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

6 Task 5 - ArticlesEmbedding [31.5 Marks] 7

6.1 Task 5.1 - ArticlesEmbedding(String _title, String _content, NewsArti￾cles.DataType _type, String _label) [1 Mark] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

6.2 Task 5.2 - setEmbeddingSize(int _size) [0.5 Marks] . . . . . . . . . . 8

6.3 Task 5.3 - getNewsContent() [10 Marks] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

6.4 Task 5.4 - getEmbedding() [20 Marks] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

7 Task 6 - AdvancedNewsClassifier [44.5 Marks] 10

7.1 Task 6.1 - createGloveList() [5 Marks] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

7.2 Task 6.2 - calculateEmbeddingSize(List<ArticlesEmbedding> _listEm￾bedding) [5 Marks] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

7.3 Task 6.3 - populateEmbedding() [10 Marks] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

7.4 Task 6.4 - populateRecordReaders(int _numberO fClasses) [8 Marks] 11

7.5 Task 6.5 - predictResult(List<ArticlesEmbedding _listEmbedding) [8

Marks] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

7.6 Task 6.6 - printResults() [6.5 Marks] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

8 Expected Output 12



1. For each class refer to its corresponding test to verify field and method naming


2. Although there are many ways to construct an application, you are required to

adhere to the rules as stipulated below (to achieve marks).

3. If variable names are not stipulated, you can use your own names for variables.

This shows that you have written the application (we will check for plagiarism).

4. Inclusion of extra imports is strictly prohibited and will lead to a substantial


5. Do NOT change or modify files included in the "resources" folder.

6. Do NOT modify the skeleton code. However, you are allowed to create your own

methods if they are needed.

7. You MUST complete this assignment independently – Do NOT discuss or share

your code with others, and Do NOT use ChatGPT! Any cheating behaviour will

result in a zero score for this module and will be subject to punishment by the


8. It is *STRONGLY ADVISED AGAINST* utilizing any translation software (such

as Google Translate) for the translation of this document.

9. The jUnit tests included in the skeleton code are basic and only scratch the surface

in evaluating your code. Passing these tests does not guarantee a full mark.

10. Wrong file structure leads to a substantial penalty. Make sure you have followed

the Submission Instructions on the Canvas page (the assignment page).

11. Creating your own .zip file without using the export function in IntelliJ may lead

to a wrong file structure.

HINT: You can use the TODO window in IntelliJ (View | Tool Windows | TODO) to

quickly jump between tasks.


1 Introduction

In the last assignment, you built a news classifier by using TF-IDF and Cosine Simi￾larity. This approach proved effective in numerous situations, with its primary benefit

being its simplicity in implementation. However, there are several disadvantages, such


• Lack of contextual understanding. TF-IDF focuses on the frequency of words but

doesn’t capture the context in which they are used. This can lead to misinter￾pretation of the text’s meaning, especially with homonyms or phrases where the

meaning depends on the context.

• Ignoring word order. TF-IDF treats documents as a "bag of words", meaning it

loses the order of words. This is a significant limitation, as the sequence of words

can drastically change the meaning of sentences.

• Computational complexity for large datasets. The method can become computa￾tionally intensive as the size of the dataset and vocabulary grows, making it less

efficient for very large corpora.

• High dimensionality. TF-IDF can lead to very high-dimensional feature spaces,

especially with large text corpora.

In comparison, more advanced techniques like word embeddings (e.g., Word2Vec

[3–5], GloVe [6]) and transformer-based models (e.g., BERT [1], GPT [7]) provide a

more nuanced understanding of language by capturing contextual meanings, semantic

relationships, and the order of words.

Hence, in this assignment, you are tasked with constructing an advanced new classi￾fier utilizing GloVe Embedding and Machine Learning. You are not required to under￾stand how Glove works or prior knowledge of Machine Learning, as this assignment

provides an existing GloVe file and incorporates two external libraries: Deeplearn￾ing4J [8] and NDArray4J [9] which facilitate the Machine Learning processes.

However, you do need to understand the structure of the Glove file to build the input

of the neural network.

1.1 Glove file

The file is called "glove.6B.50d_Reduced.csv" and is located in the "resources" folder.

It was trained based on Wikipedia 2014 1 + Gigaword 5 2

, which contains 6 billion

tokens. Originally, there were 400,000 words included in this model. For demonstration

purposes, we have reduced its size to only include 38,534 unique words. Below is an

example of how this file is structured:












Each line starts with a unique word (so 38,534 lines in total), then followed by 50

floating numbers (separated by ","). These floating numbers are the vector representa￾tion of that word. In other words, each unique word is associated with a size/length 50

vector. Elements in this vector must be consistent with the order of the floating numbers

in the CSV file. Using the word "abacus" as an example, the first element in its vector

representation should be "0.9102", then the second element is "-0.22416", and so on

and so forth.

2 Task 1 - [2.5 Marks]

The Glove class consists of GloVe objects, and you need to complete the following

methods to finish this class. strVocabulary is the attribute of the word stored in this

Glove object, and vecVector is its vector representation.

Testing this class with the GloveTest. java file.

2.1 Task 1.1 - Glove(String _vocabulary, Vector _vector) [0.5 Marks]

This is the constructor of the Glove class.

• Complete this constructor by assigning the _vocabulary to the strVocabulary at￾tribute, and _vector to vecVector.

2.2 Task 1.2 - Task 1.5 [0.5 Marks each]

• Complete the relevant get and set methods accordingly.

3 Task 2 - [3.5 Marks]

This class holds the basic information about the news articles located in the resources\News


1. newsTitle: stores the title of the news.

2. newsContent: stores the content of the news.

3. newsType: in Machine Learning, it is essential to divide the data into two distinct

subsets: Training and Testing. This particular variable (or attribute) serves the


purpose of identifying whether a given news article is part of the Training set or

the Testing set.

4. newsLabel: in Machine Learning, a "label" refers to the output or target variable

a model tries to predict or classify. It’s an integral part of supervised learning,

and the goal is to learn a mapping from input data to labels based on example

input-output pairs. In this assignment, a label represents which group a given

news article belongs to. For example, if there are two groups, the label should be

either 1 (the first group) or 2.

This assignment initially provides only the training set data with corresponding

labels. The ultimate goal is to develop a machine-learning model that predicts the

labels for the testing set data.

3.1 Task 2.1 - Task 2.7 [0.5 Marks each]

• Complete the constructor and the relevant get & set methods accordingly.

4 Task 3 - [3 Marks]

Similar to Assignment 1, the HtmlParser class provides various methods to retrieve

related information from news articles. The getNewsTitle(String _htmlCode) and get￾NewsContent(String _htmlCode) methods are provided already, and this task focuses on

the methods that allow you to get the data type and label information.

4.1 Task 3.1 - getDataType(String _htmlCode) [1.5 Marks]

The data type information is located between the <datatype></datatype> tag.

• If the article does not contain this tag, then consider it as Testing data. Otherwise,

return the data type accordingly.

• The return type should be the enum defined in the NewsArticles class.

HINT: Enumerated data type (enum) is introduced in Chapter 8 - Arrays in the


4.2 Task 3.2 - getLabel(String _htmlCode) [1.5 Marks]

The label information is located between the <label></label> tag.

• If the article does not contain this tag, then return "-1" (as a string). Otherwise,

return the label accordingly.


5 Task 4 - [10 Marks]

The Toolkit class includes methods you need to use/complete to load the Glove and

News data.

5.1 Task 4.1 - loadGlove() [5 Marks]

In this task, you are required to use a Bu f f eredReader (myReader) to read data from

the Glove file (FILENAME_GLOV E) line by line. FILENAME_GLOV E is the name

of the Glove file (the structure of this file can be found in Section 1.1, page 4).

• Read the file line by line and analyse the result - adding the word to listVocabulary

and its vector representation to listVectors.

• Use the Toolkit.getFileFromResource(String _ f ileName) method to get the cor￾rect file path.

• If the file doesn’t exist, throw an exception and print out the error message (using

.getMessage() method).

• The average execution time should be below 280 milliseconds.

HINT: Remember to use the try...catch()...finally blocks. Do NOT hardcode your

file path.

5.2 Task 4.2 - loadNews() [5 Marks]

Similar to Task 4.1, now please load the News data from the resource\News folder.

• Check the file name first and only load those with ".htm" extension.

• Please use the completed HtmlParser class to retrieve the related information,

then convert it into a NewsArticles object and add it to the listNews variable.

• The average execution time should be below 30 milliseconds.

6 Task 5 - ArticlesEmbedding [31.5 Marks]

Task 1 and Task 4.1 allow you to read data from the files and create the associated

Glove objective. Unlike the TF-IDF Embedding in the first assignment, these Glove

objectives are word-level embedding (or vectorisation) instead of document-level3

. So,

in this task, you are required to construct document-level embeddings based on the

related Glove objectives. In other words, each news article has one single embedding

that represents its content.


In A1, each document/article has a single TF-IDF embedding, this is called document-level embed￾ding.


The ArticlesEmbedding class is a subclass of the NewsArticles class, which was

completed in Task 2. There are three attributes in this class:

1. processedText. Back to the first assignment, there was a preProcessing() method

for text cleaning, text lemmatization and stop words removal, then saved the pro￾ceeded text to a string array called newsCleanedContent. In this assignment,

processedText is the equivalent of newsCleanedContent in A1 and is generated

in Task 5.3. The difference is that processedText is a single string instead of an


2. newsEmbedding. This is the attribute for the document-level embedding, which

will be generated in Task 5.4

3. intSize. Each news article has a different length, but neural networks can only

process inputs of the same shape. Therefore, we need to set the size of the em￾bedding here.

6.1 Task 5.1 - ArticlesEmbedding(String _title, String _content, NewsAr￾ticles.DataType _type, String _label) [1 Mark]

This is the constructor of the ArticlesEmbedding class. Complete it accordingly. You

can modify the existing code in this constructor (super("","",null,"");).

6.2 Task 5.2 - setEmbeddingSize(int _size) [0.5 Marks]

This is the set method of the intSize variable. Complete it accordingly.

6.3 Task 5.3 - getNewsContent() [10 Marks]

Override the getNewsContent() method in the NewsArticles class.

The idea here is that when this method has been called, it will automatically retrieve

the original news content from its base and execute the subsequent pre-processing steps

in the following sequence:

1. Text cleaning. Perform the text cleaning tasks by calling the provided textClean￾ing() method and output the string "***Getnewscontent Process Task***".

2. Text lemmatization. In the first assignment, we considered a simplified scenario.

Here, we will use a proper NLP library called CoreNLP [2], developed by the

NLP Group at Stanford University, for the lemmatization process.

The CoreNLP4

library has been included in this project, but you need to learn how

to set up the correct pipeline for text lemmatization by using the documentation

provided on their website.

HINT: There is a specific page about Lemmatization.



3. Stop-words removal. Use the STOPWORDS constant in the Toolkit class to

perform this task.

After these three steps, pass the string to the processedText attribute.

• Ensure all the characters in the processtedText are in lowercase. The .lemma()

method in the CoreNLP library may restore letter cases and produce some unex￾pected results.

• The pre-processing task only needs to be done once. Otherwise, it will have a

huge impact on the performance. In the related jUnit test, the average execution

time should be less than 13000000 nanoseconds.

6.4 Task 5.4 - getEmbedding() [20 Marks]

Before starting this task, it’s essential to have completed Task 6.1 and Task 6.2.

This task involves creating an array using ND4J (N-Dimensional Arrays for Java),

a library included in this project. The array is formed by the embeddings of words

present in the processedText string. For example, if "hello" and "world" have embed￾dings [0,1,2,3] and [4,5,6,7] respectively, the embedding for "hello world" is 0, 1, 2, 3,

4, 5, 6, 7.

Retrieve word embeddings from the Glove object list created in Task 6.1. Use the

intSize attribute to set the maximum length of the array, calculated in Task 6.2. You’ll

need to familiarize5 yourself with ND4J methods such as Nd4j.create() and .putRow().

The array’s shape should be [x,y] where x=intSize and y=word vector size.

Additional requirements include:

• Throw an InvalidSizeException with a message "Invalid size" if intSize is unini￾tialized (intSize = -1).

• Throw an InvalidTextException with a message "Invalid text" if processedText is

empty (processedText.isEmpty()) and output the string "***Getembedding Process Terminated***".

• Limit the length to intSize. If the document exceeds this, only process the first

intSize characters; if it’s shorter, fill the remaining space with 0.

• For a specific article, ensure the embedding process is done only once to avoid

performance issues. In jUnit tests, the average execution time should be under 8


HINT: Only include those words that have an associated Glove object.



7 Task 6 - AdvancedNewsClassifier [44.5 Marks]

7.1 Task 6.1 - createGloveList() [5 Marks]

Based on the Toolkit.listVocabulary and ToolkitVectors, create/populate the Glove list.

• Only create a Glove object for those non-stop words.

7.2 Task 6.2 - calculateEmbeddingSize(List<ArticlesEmbedding> _lis￾tEmbedding) [5 Marks]

As explained before, each article has a different length. Hence, it is essential to de￾termine a suitable embedding size. Using the smallest length will limit the ability to

include more semantic information in the document-level embedding. On the other

hand, there will be too many 0s in the embedding, which will pollute the semantic rep￾resentation and increase the training time of the machine-learning model. To balance

these concerns, we choose to use the median document length for embedding.

To calculate the median document length, follow these steps:

1. Determine the length of each document in your corpus/dataset.

2. Add these lengths to a list.

3. Sort the list in ascending order.

4. If the length of the list is even, the median is the average of the lengths at positions

N/2 and (N/2) + 1 in the sorted list.

5. Otherwise, the median is the length at position (N+1)/2 in the sorted list.

HINT: The length of the document is measured by the count of words it contains.

However, only words that have a corresponding Glove object are included in this count.

7.3 Task 6.3 - populateEmbedding() [10 Marks]

listEmbedding is an attribute that holds all the ArticlesEmbedding objects, which are

initialised in the loadData() method. Go through this list and call the getEmbedding()

method (completed in Task 5.4) to calculate the embedding for each article.

• If an InvalidSizeException occurs, (re)assign the intSize attribute in the Article￾sEmbedding class by calling the setEmbeddingSize() method.

• If an InvalidTextException occurs, call the getNewsContent() method to pre-process

the text and output the string "***Generate unexPected resulT***".

• At the end of this method, all the objects in the listEmbedding should have a valid

(nonempty) newsEmbedding.

• To avoid performance issues, use a single for loop to complete this task.


7.4 Task 6.4 - populateRecordReaders(int _numberO fClasses)[8 Marks]

The actual machine learning process is handled by a given method called buildNeural￾Network, but you are tasked to construct the training data (trainIter).

For a specific document, its associated DataSet object contains two elements: a) an

input (also called feature) INDArray and b) an output INDArray.

The input INDArray (inputNDArray) is simply the document-level embedding (.getEm￾bedding() method completed in Task 5.4). The output INDArray (outputNDArray) is

constructed as the following:

The shape of this array is [1, _numberOfClasses]. Assuming that there are 2 classes

(two newsgroups), then create an outputNDArray with the shape [1,2] and assign value

0 to it (outputNDArray=[0,0]. For a specific document, assign value 1 to the *first

element* ([1,0]) if it belongs to the first group (newsLabel="1"). Otherwise, assign

value 1 to the *second element* ([0,1]).

• Go through all the items that have been marked as Training data (use the .get￾NewsType() method, Task 2.3) from the listEmbedding, and initials their cor￾responding DataSet objects (DataSet myDataSet = new DataSet(inputNDArray,


• Once a DataSet object has been initialised, add it to the listDS.

• Your code should be flexible enough to handle more than 2 newsgroups.

7.5 Task 6.5 - predictResult(List<ArticlesEmbedding _listEmbedding)

[8 Marks]

The label data is obtained through the .getLabel() method in the HtmlParser class, as

outlined in Task 3.2. Initially, labels are available only for news items marked as Train￾ing data/type. The goal is to employ myNeuralNetwork for predicting labels for the

Testing data.

The myNeuralNetwork attribute holds the trained machine learning model. To gen￾erate a label for any given input, use its .predict() method.

The parameter of the .predict() method is the document-level embedding of a spe￾cific news article. The output is an integer array: 0 means this specific news belongs to

the first group, and 1 means the second group.

• Go through the ArticlesEmbedding list (_listEmbedding), and use the .predict()

method to generate a label for all the Testing data.

• Add all the predicted labels to the listResult attribute.

• Use the .setNewsLabel() method to modify the label information in the associated

ArticlEmbedding object.


7.6 Task 6.6 - printResults() [6.5 Marks]

Since the label information was updated in the last task, go through the listEmbedding

attribute and print out the grouping result for the Testing data.

• Use the related jUnit test to determine the correct string format.

• Your code must be flexible enough to handle more than 2 newsgroups.

8 Expected Output

If all tasks have been completed correctly, the output produced by the main() method

should match the following (ignore the colour):

Group 1

Boris Johnson asked if government ’believes in long COVID’, coronavirus

inquiry hears

COVID vaccine scientists win Nobel Prize in medicine

Long COVID risks are ’distorted by flawed research’, study finds

Who is Sam Altman? The OpenAI boss and ChatGPT guru who became one of

AI’s biggest players

Sam Altman: Ousted OpenAI boss ’committed to ensuring firm still

thrives’ as majority of employees threaten to quit

Sam Altman: Sudden departure of ChatGPT guru raises major questions that

should concern us all

ChatGPT creator Sam Altman lands Microsoft job after ousting by OpenAI


Group 2

COVID inquiry: There could have been fewer coronavirus-related deaths

with earlier lockdown, scientist says

Up to 200,000 people to be monitored for COVID this winter to track

infection rates

Molnupiravir: COVID drug linked to virus mutations, scientists say

How the chaos at ChatGPT maker OpenAI has unfolded as ousted CEO Sam

Altman returns - and why it matters

ChatGPT maker OpenAI agrees deal for ousted Sam Altman to return as

chief executive