代写Assignment #2 调试Java编程

2024-06-12 代写Assignment #2 调试Java编程

Assignment #2

In this assignment, you are required to implement different design patterns for the development of a Library Management System. The application should connect with a database named bookvault and support fundamental CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on events table within the database. Although the database consists of only one table, it is important to design your solution with scalability and extensibility in mind, anticipating the potential need for system modifications to accommodate additional functionalities in the future.

Part 1 - Design Your Solution

1. Develop a solution incorporating the Factory Method design pattern to create various types of Events based on the Library type. The system should accommodate two distinct Library types:

a. Public Library

b. Academic Library

2. Each library should provide two distinct Event types, each associated with a specific cost:

a. Academic Library – Workshop and Book Launch

b. Public Library - Movie Night and Kids Story Time

3. Implement calculateAdmissionFee() by using the rate and duration defined into Constants

4. Reference - Implement your solution based on the following UML diagram.

5. Implement the class named DBConnection utilizing the Singleton Design Pattern. This class should manage the creation of a single instance of the database connection.

6. Implement the class named DBOperations that is used for creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting a specific Event object generated by the Client class (You may create a separate class to handle the interaction between Client and Factory.).

7. Finally implement the class called LMSLogger responsible for managing application logging. Utilize the singleton design pattern to ensure the initialization of only one instance of the logger. This class should utilize various log levels (such as INFO, ERROR, WARNING, etc.) defined into the LogLevel class and used across the entire solution. Make sure to log the exception thrown by your program as well.

Part 2 - JUnit

1. Write test cases for DBConnection and LMSLogger class to test that there is only one instance of each object is created throughout the execution of your program.

2. Write test case for the each calculateAdmissionFee() method of the concrete implementation of each Event class.


· This task constitutes 7.5% of your overall grade and due by June 14 (Friday), 11:59 PM.

· Deliver a comprehensive coding solution.

· You code should include commenting and coding practice according to Java standards.

· You must demo your solution during the lab session and submit your code on Brightspace.

· Violating academic integrity or missing the deadline will result in a grade of 0 for your submission