代写MDSB61H3 Idea Assignment ; The Impact of Tik Tok on Generation Z (Gen Z’s) attention span.调试Haskel

2024-06-12 代写MDSB61H3 Idea Assignment ; The Impact of Tik Tok on Generation Z (Gen Z’s) attention span.调试Haskel


Idea Assignment ; The Impact of Tik Tok on Generation Z (Gen Z’s) attention span.

May 24, 2024

1.  Topic:  The Impact of Tik Tok on Generation Z (Gen Z’s) attention span.


(a) How TikTok users have been negatively impacted by constant usage, and how it’s affected their attention span.

(b) Due to the pandemic, Gen Z swapped to a digital-central lifestyle. TikTok, due to this, had an important role in staying connected with the rest of the world - but also acted as a distraction.

(c) TikTok is designed to have short-form. videos, between 15-60 seconds. Due to the influx of content on TikTok, any user can endlessly scroll and will find anything to keep them engaged. Due to this, Gen Z’s attention span has decreased, reducing their interest in longer activities or tasks.

(d) Generation Z

(e) In countries that have access to TikTok all around the world

3.  The reason why we chose “The impact of TikTok on Gen Z’s attention span” as our topic is because we believe that, from personal experience, Gen Z’s attention span tends to be lower than other generations. Judging from our calculated screen time, we’ve seen that TikTok takes a large portion of our day-to-day phone usage. Also, from our own personal observations - we have noticed that Tiktok has decreased our attention span due to the amount of short-formed videos that we consume on a daily basis. Before doing any research, we’ve found an average between us of 2 hours of screen time per day on TikTok. We also noticed that Tiktok is used as a pass-time and easily becomes a distraction from responsibilities and tasks that require our attention.

4.  I would choose my grandmother Katherine, a 79 year old retired teacher. I chose her because it was easy to interview her, and she was quite different from the research subject. Firstly, it was because she was not a part of Generation Z and she was also  new to TikTok culture and did not understand it. Through an insightful interview with Katheriene about her perspective and understanding of this research question, I believe we can gain a different outlook on the topic and improve her understanding of the lifestyle. and habits of the younger generation.

B) Deconstructed annotated bibliography.

1. Flynn, C. (2023, October 23). Failing focus. The Michigan Daily. Retrieved from https://www.michigandaily.com/opinion/failing-focus/

Summary: Claudia Flynn’s article “Failing Focus” discusses how short-form. media like TikTok affects attention spans, especially in Generation Z. Flynn explains that constantly watching brief content leads to an addiction, making the person’s ability to focus harder. She suggests activities like reading and listening to instrumental music to improve attention spans.

Relevance: This article is relevant to our topic on the impact of TikTok on Gen Z's attention span because Flynn’s analysis of TikTok's design and its neurological effects helps explain why Gen Z's attention spans are decreasing. Her discussion on how the pandemic increased digital media use, including TikTok, supports our points about the role of TikTok in Gen Z's lives. Her suggestions for improving focus provide practical solutions that can be discussed in our topic.

2. Citation: Strickland, K. (2023, March 20). TikTok’s impact on Gen Z’s productivity. Denmark Unleashed. Retrieved from https://denmarkunleashed.com/2449/student-life/tiktoks-impact-on-gen-zs-productivity/

Summary: Katie Strickland’s article “TikTok’s Impact on Gen Z’s Productivity” explores how TikTok affects Generation Z's attention span and productivity. Strickland explains that TikTok's design, featuring short, engaging videos, leads to distractions and decreased focus on tasks like homework. The app's addictive nature and the pursuit of viral fame further exacerbate these issues, making it difficult for users to balance social media with real-life responsibilities.

Relevance: This article is highly relevant to the topic of "The Impact of TikTok on Gen Z’s Attention Span." Strickland's discussion of TikTok's impact on productivity and the constant need for digital engagement agrees with our analysis of how the platform. affects attention spans. Her insights into the addictive nature of TikTok and its influence on daily activities provide a detailed understanding of the challenges faced by Gen Z. These points support our argument that TikTok significantly reduces the ability to concentrate on longer tasks and responsibilities.

3. Crispo, N. (2024, March 6). TikTok Brain: Can We Save Children’s Attention Spans? Richmond Journal of Law and Technology. Retrieved from https://jolt.richmond.edu/2024/03/06/tiktok-brain-can-we-save-childrens-attention-spans/

Summary: Nathan Crispo's article “TikTok Brain: Can We Save Children’s Attention Spans?” explores how TikTok's short-form. videos negatively impact children's attention spans, making it difficult for them to focus on longer tasks. Crispo compares TikTok's addictive nature to gambling and discusses the challenges of regulating children's social media use through laws.

Relevance: This article is relevant to our topic on the impact of TikTok on Gen Z's attention span. Crispo's analysis of how TikTok's design and its addictive effects support our argument about the platform's negative impact. His insights into the neurological effects and legal challenges provide a deeper understanding of the issue and potential solutions.

4. Eryc, E. (2022). The Impact of Tik-Tok Use on Self-Expression by Generation-Z users. JISAMAR (Journal Of Information System, Applied, Management, Accounting And Research), 6(4), 921-927. Retrieved from


Summary: This document is useful for studying the influence of TikTok on Generation Z’s attention span. Starting from self-expression. This document analyzes how Gen Z  express themselves on the TikTok platform. and their motivation behind it. The article further helps readers understand the performance of Gen Z on the TikTok platform. and how they use Tiktok as a form. of self expression.

Relevance: This document is related to the research topic because it takes Gen Z as the research object, emphasizing that they have different expression motivations from other generations. Hence, the heavy impact Tiktok has on Gen Z. Therefore, to further understand the impact of TikTok on Generation Z, it is key to analyze their self-expression on the platform.