Marketing Fundamentals
Term 3 2024
This is an individual assessment task.
Please note that a zero mark will be awarded for this assessment task if a student uses any company or product other than Borg’s.
You are required to research and prepare a 1,500-word written report which includes market segmentation, targeting, differentiation and positioning (STDP) strategies based on the following businessBorg’s.
Borg’s wants to continue expanding their operations in Australia. You have been hired as an independent marketing consultant to help Borg’s design a marketing plan to enable them to realise the opportunity the current environment presents. Your role is to develop a STDP plan for them. Identify a suitable target market of potential purchasers (individuals, not companies or businesses) for Borg’s.
You also must identify how Borg’s is positioned within the market.
IMPORTANT: YOU MUST NOT contact Borg’s, other businesses, or their personnel in relation to this assessment UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.
The marking criteria rubric has been placed in iLearn (Assessment Section).
The only accepted file type for upload is:
• Microsoft Word® (.doc and .docx). No other file types will be accepted.
Formatting: Arial 12-point font, 1.5 line spacing, and top, bottom and side margins that are 2.5 cm wide.
Word length: 1,500 words including in-text citations but excluding the reference list. Include the word count at the end of the assignment, before the reference list. These limits do not include the title page, table of contents, executive summary, tables, figures, images, infographics, or the reference list.
If your word count exceeds the word limit by more than 10%, a 5-mark penalty deduction will be applied to the submission.
Referencing: all sources (i.e. the work and ideas of others) must be cited and referenced using the APA 7th referencing system. You need to provide both in-text references and a reference list.
You are required to reference at least a minimum of five different sources, with at least two of these being peer reviewed sources. You must distinguish clearly between your own words/analysis and those of your sources. Your list of references should only include material cited.
Make sure that you:
• Use appropriate, credible and relevant sources.
• Have correct and consistent use of the APA 7th style of referencing.
• Have no mistakes in grammar and spelling.
• Use of concise, clear, professional language and writing style.
• Check that Turnitin similarly should be less than 10%.
Writing Style.: The assessment must be formatted as a business report to your client; (not an essay). The report is to be written as if you are an independent business consultant. It should follow a professional report writing format including Title Page, Table of Contents, relevant headings and sub-headings, and a reference list (not bibliography).
Here is a useful link that will help you produce a clear and correctly structured business report:
• Macquarie University StudyWISE Business reports
Additional support can be found in iLearn WHUB1000 Learning Hub for Numeracy and Academic Skills.
Structure: Your report should include the following:
Please note: The words per section highlighted in the table below are suggestions only. You may vary the words you use per section. The overall word limit for the Report is 1,500 words.
Title Page
(Excluded from the word count)
In the title page include:
• Title of the report
• Name and student ID
• Date and unit code
• Relevant word counts (i.e. Word count of relevant sections)
Table of Contents
(Excluded from the word count)
Include all the section headings and subheadings below, together with page numbers.
Executive Summary
(Excluded from the word count)
Provide a summary of this report.
• A brief summary of the report. An executive summary is
different to an introduction. It must not be longer than one page.
(150 words)
Please provide a brief fully referenced background to the report. This should include
• An overview of the industry, the organisation, and the needs of the market
• Explanation of the market offering provided.
Market segmentation
(450 words)
Provide three (3) appropriate consumer market segments for the company to consider targeting (individuals, not companies or businesses) - you MUST use a segmentation table to
present this information as per the layout given in Table 6.1:
Bases for identifying and analysing consumer market segments
on page 175, of the textbook. (A template has also been provided on the last page of this document.)
• Use all four (4) bases (geographic, demographic, psychographic,behavioural)
This assessment must be submitted via Turnitin in iLearn. Hard copies will not be accepted or marked.
1. Guidance on how to submit a Turnitin assignment may be accessed from
2. You may make several submissions via Turnitin to check your work for plagiarism and make adjustments accordingly up until the due date. Please note that for a first-time submission the similarity report will be available immediately but for any subsequent submissions it may take 24 hours for the similarity report to be generated in Turnitin.
3. Submit your assignment before its due date. If you submit after the due date, your submission will be counted as a late submission and penalties will apply (see Late Submissions section below).
4. Please note that if you wish to resubmit your work after the due date, you will need to contact the Senior Teacher, Carin Hurwitz ([email protected]) via your Macquarie University student email and attach a copy of your submission. If you submit again after the due date your submission will be counted as a late submission and penalties will apply.
Verify that your submission to Turnitin was successful.
You must check that your submission is displayed on iLearn after submitting it.
When you successfully submit your assignment in Turnitin, you will see a message that confirms receipt of the assignment and includes the submission time and date. You then need to click on your submitted assignment to check that it can be displayed in Turnitin.
If you experience any problems with online submission, you must:
(i) Take a screenshot of the error message that is displayed.
(ii) Contact the Senior Teacher, Carin Hurwitz (carin.hurwitz@mq.edu.au), immediately via your Macquarie University student email advising her of the problem.
(iii) You must attach the screenshot AND the file containing your submission.
(iv) The email must be received by the Senior Teacher before the submission deadline. Please note that if your email is received after the due date, your submission will be counted as a late submission and penalties will apply (see Late Submissions section below).
If you cannot access or view your submission via Turnitin in iLearn, you have not correctly submitted your work and will need to do so prior to the due date.
If you require assistance submitting through Turnitin, you may lodge a OneHelpTicket or refer to the IT help page. Please take a screenshot to include with any requests for assistance.
Please note that it is your responsibility to:
• allow sufficient time for submission of your work and any uploading of documents so try to avoid submitting your work just prior to the deadline.
• ensure that you make the correct submission, that you submit to the correct link, and that your document can be viewed in Turnitin.
Technical issues such as an internet outage or computer failure are not considered grounds for special consideration. For further details please check the Special Consideration Policy and the Special Consideration Eligibility Requirements.
Late submissions are possible but they will be penalised unless the student has been granted an approved extension (refer to theSpecial Consideration Policy). Late penalties will be calculated based on the total possible marks allocated to the specific assessment task. The penalty for late submission is as follows:
• 5% of the total possible marks will be deducted if it is up to 24 hours late
• A further 5% of the total possible marks will be deducted for each 24-hour period up to 3 days (including weekends)
• 100% of the marks will be deducted after 3 days and zero marks will be awarded
Please note that online submissions are electronically tracked, and the electronic record of submission will be used to determine late penalties. This means that submitting your work even a few seconds after the allocated deadline will result in a late submission which will attract the penalty noted above. There is no flexibility with the applying of penalties as they must be applied fairly and consistently to all students.
Students are required to keep a copy of all items submitted or completed for the purpose of assessment or evaluation until the end of the grade appeal period.
Feedback will be provided in Turnitin via iLearn by the end of Week 5. Marks will be available in Gradebook.