COMM 320 Study Guide Part 2 for Test #4, SPRING 2024
3 Reasons Why Influencer-Generated Content is valuable to brands.
IGC is low cost
IGC is diverse. By partnering with influencers from different walks of life you are able to provide different messages that resonate with different audiences.
IGC may have higher credibility than advertising
Public relations – Communications method used to generate goodwill for a company or brand.
Goodwill: the advantage that a company or brand acquires especially through its good reputation.
Goal of Public Relations: To generate goodwill, trust and integrity
Stakeholders – a term that defines anyone who has a stake in a company or organization.
A stakeholder could be customers, employees, investors, government agencies, media, community and even ad and PR agencies.
There are 3 stages of crisis management- pre-crisis, crisis and post crisis
One aspect of public relations often meets with investors and analysts and if it’s a publicly-held company must provide an annual report. This is financial relations.
What is an exclusive? Who might be offered an exclusive? This is an aspect of media relations.
Sportswashing – when an individual, corporation or government uses sports to improve their bad reputation
In class, we discussed an arrangement between Kohls and Sephora in which both Kohls and Sephora expected to reach new customers and increase sales. In addition, Kohls would get high end cosmetics in their store for the first time. What is the name of this arrangement?
Why would a company open their own store?
Advertising is different from public relations
Advertising Public Relations
Paid Earned
Builds exposure Builds trust
Audience is skeptical Media gives third-party validation
Guaranteed placement No guarantee, must persuade media
Complete creative control Media controls final version
Ads are mostly visual PR uses language
More expensive Less expensive
"Buy this product" "This is important"
IMC definition: The practice of unifying all marketing communications efforts so that the brand image is the same for all consumer contact points.
IMC starts with research.
A contact point that causes a significant emotional response is a touch point
IMC elements and what each element can accomplish.
Advertising – reach wide audience – create a brand image, gain new customers
Public Relations – create goodwill, affect attitudes and opinions, maximize credibility
c – low cost, unconventional method of creating brand awareness
Sales Promotions – generate immediate response and sales
Sponsorships and events – creates awareness, creates brand experience
Point of Sale – attract attention at the decision point
Direct Response – generate immediate response and sales, no retailer required
Packaging – attracts attention at selection point
Customer Service – solves customer problems
If you are a direct response company like Stowaway Cosmetics, why would discussing a sales promotion with a retailer make no sense?
Sales promotions – know the difference between a push and pull sales promotion strategy
Companies provide retailers with specific diagrams showing them how to stock shelves in their stores to increase sales. These diagrams are called planograms.
How In-House Ad Agencies Operate
In-house agencies have their own creative staff, media buyers, account executives and every other role you'd expect to see in an agency.
However, there are big differences when it comes to the approval process, hours, and workloads.
Alpha Testing is a type of software testing performed to identify bugs before releasing the product to real users or to the public.
Beta Testing is performed by real users of the software application in a real environment.
Two main types of memory tests
Recognition tests – Show person an ad. Ask, “Do you remember seeing this ad?”
Recall tests – Person is never shown the ad or commercial. They are shown the name of a brand and asked if they remember an ad for that brand.
Recall tests are much better indication of message effectiveness than recognition tests.
Why? Person recalls ad without seeing or hearing it during survey.
Once an IMC campaign is underway, how do you evaluate success or failure? Increased or decreased sales doesn’t tell you enough. Need to understand if your message is working.
This is called Message Effectiveness Research
Key message effectiveness research measures
Perception (see/hear) Which ads do you remember seeing? Did the ad stand among the other ads and content around it?
Emotion (feel)
What emotions did the ad stimulate? How did the ad make you feel? Do you like this brand?
Cognition (understand) Did you understand the ad? What happened in the commercial?
What brand is being advertised in this ad?
Association (connect)
Do you associate this brand with positive experiences? What is the personality of the brand?
Can you see yourself or your friends using this brand?
Persuasion (believe) Do you want to buy this product? Do you believe the claims the ad makes?
Do you have confidence in the brand?
Behavior (act)
How many people buy the product? Or how many people try, call, click, send, attend, volunteer or do whatever action is desired?
Scanner analysis
All large retailers use scanners to collect consumer buying information. More than just sales numbers.
Can collect info on sales spikes when certain ads and promotions are used.
Correlation - any statistical relationship, whether causal or not, between two random variables.
Causation indicates that one event is the result of the occurrence of the other event.
The Internet of Things
A giant network of connected things and people – all of which collect and share data about the way they are used.
Big Data - extremely large data sets that are analyzed with software programs to reveal patterns, trends and associations, especially relating to human behavior. and interactions.
Data mining is the process of uncovering hidden patterns in raw data using complex machine learning algorithms in order to make precise decisions
4 types of big data analytics
Descriptive analytics – What happened?
Diagnostic analytics – Why did it happen?
Predictive analytics – What will happen next?
Prescriptive analytics – What should be done about it?