Course Syllabus
Introduction to Programming
Summer 2024
Course Number: CIS 121 071 Runs 06/10/2024 through 8/1/2024
Prerequisite: MAT 085 or placement into MAT 110 or higher
Course Description:
Computer-based problem solving and algorithm development. Computer programming using flowcharts, pseudocode, structure charts, and program coding and debugging using a block structured high-level programming language. Selection, repetition, and sequence control structures, including arrays, files records and object-oriented programming. (IAI: CS 911).
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to design, implement and debug a computer program using basic programming components of sequence, selection, iteration, and functions and be introduced to advanced programming constructs such as arrays and objects in the preparation for writing programs within a business context.
Communication and Interactivity
Email: All students are required to obtain an e-mail account. If you have any questions about the course or need assistance, please contact me in person, by telephone, by email (the best method), or by some other means of conferencing during my online office hours. Please note that you can contact me by email anytime. Include the class in the subject line and make sure you include your full name. My goal is to respond to e-mail within 48 hours, phone messages often take longer. ANY communications, in person, e-mail or telephone using profanity will be grounds for dismissal from the class. The communication standard is business professional English.
Turning in Lab Assignments
• You may be asked to demonstrate the program output. I will grade your execution as you show it to me. The main advantage of demonstrating the programs to me is that if you need to make minor changes, I will give you that opportunity. Demonstration of your work also allows me to grade your work more quickly.
• Upload the program .cpp file and a Word document with screenshots of your output to Blackboard. When a project is created in Visual Studio 2013, several overhead files are created even for the simplest program. However, I only need you to upload the file that has an extension of .cpp. This file is the actual program file.
• You will be given a significant amount of time in class to do program assignments. Some program
assignments will be done completely in class. I will demonstrate problem concepts and constructs in class and use some of the homework problems as examples. So you just have to follow the example and create the code along with me. However, you most likely will need more time outside of class to complete the assignments. Please do not fall too far behind as this is the biggest detriment to a student’s success in the course.
Grading Distribution
A: 900-1000 Points (90% and up)
B: 800-899 Points (80% to < 90%)
C: 700-799 Points (70% to < 80%)
D: 600-699 Points (60% to < 70%)
F: 0-599 Points (59% and below)
Assessments for Course
Points Ea
Exams - Midterm & Final
Total Points in Course
• There will be exercises covered during lab time, designed to help you understand concepts in class and will be used in the assigned programs. Additional programs may be given depending on the comprehension of the course material. Late programs will be lowered by one grade.
• Each exam will be announced in advance in class or on the web site.
• Assignments may change depending on the needs of the class.
Discussion Posts Grading Rubric
Accuracy: Did you adequately convey understanding of the topic 5 points
Relevance: Did you convey how topic is applied or the value of the topic 5 points
Length: 250 words minimum Deduction of points
Grammar/Spelling Deduction of points