Homework # 6 – Linear Maps, Kernels and Images
Winter 2024
Q1. Let T : R2 → R2 be T(x1 , x2 ) = (x1 + x2, 3x2 − x1 ). Compute the matrix representation [T]α(β) for each of the following bases.
(a) α = {e1 , e2 }, β = {e1 , e2 }
(b) α = {(1, −1), (0, 1)}, β = {e1 , e2 }
(c) α = {(1, −1), (0, 1)}, β = {(1, −1), (0, 1)}
(d) α = {e1 , e2 }, β = {(1, −1), (0, 1)}
Q2. Let v = (2, 3). Show that [T(v)]β = [T]α(β)[v]α for each part in Q1.
Q3. On Homework #1 you proved that (R+ , 田, ⊡) was a vector space. Recall that,
R+ = {x : x > 0} x 田 y = xy c ⊡ x = xc.
Prove that the function T : R+ → R given by T(x) = ln(x) is a linear transformation. Q4. Let T be a linear transformation such that T : V → V.
(a) If V = R2 , can image(T) = ker(T)? Is so provide an example. If not, justify with a proof. (b) If V = R3 , can image(T) = ker(T)? Is so provide an example. If not, justify with a proof.
These two example hint at a general condition for finite dimensional vector spaces that must be true in order image(T) = ker(T). Prove that if this condition holds a linear transformation does exist such that image(T) = ker(T).
In the next question, you will generalize the notion of image and ker.
Q5. Let V and W be vector spaces with V′ ⊆ V and W′ ⊆ W subspaces. Suppose that T : V → W is a linear transformation. Prove the following:
(a) T(V′ ) = {T(v′ ) : v′ ∈ V′ } ⊆ W is a subspace of W.
(b) T −1 (W′ ) = {v′ : T(v′ ) ∈ W′ } ⊆ V is a subspace of V.
And now we consider the relationship between T(V′ ), T −1 (W′ ), ker(T), and image(T). (a) For what subspace W′ ⊆ W does T−1 (W′ ) = ker(T)?
(b) For what subspace V′ ⊆ V does T(V′ ) = image(T)?
Q6. Consider the linear transformation: D : Pn(R) → Pn(R) given by D(p(x)) = dx/d [p(x)]. Equivalently
D(p(x)) = p′ (x). A subspace W of V is called T-invariant if: T(W) ⊂ W. If T is the derivative operators, determine with proof if each of the subspaces are T-invariant.
(a) W = {ax3 + bx2 + cx + d ∈ Pn (R)|b + c = 0}
(b) W = {ax3 + bx2 + cx + d ∈ Pn (R)|a = 0}
An operator is is Nilpotent if there exists a k such that Tk = 0.
(a) Prove that if T = D, the linear transformation is Nilpotent.
Q7. Let T : V → V be a linear transformation were dim(V) is finite. Prove that the following statements are equivalent.
(a) The image(T2 ) = image(T)
(b) ker(T) = ker(T2 ).
(c) image(T) ∩ ker(T) = {0}.
(In the next assignment, we will prove that this is equivalent to a few more statements.)