Assessment Task: Take Home Assessment
This assessment task must be performed individually. Answer all questions. This assessment task is work 20% of the entire unit
Figure 1. Seepage flow problem modelled by finite element method.
For the seepage problem shown in Figure 1, use the finite element method to calculate the hydraulic heads at points P and Q. Use the following data: k1 = 0.042 mm/s, k2 = 0.61 mm/s, k3 = 0.053 mm/s and k4 = 0.21 mm/s, L1 = 220 mm, L2 = 51 mm, L3 = 260 mm and L4 = (36 + a) mm. The known hydraulic heads ℎc = (184 + b) mm, ℎB = (65 − c) mm, ℎA = 36 mm. The cross-sectional area of all the soil sections are A = 0.2 mm2 .
The following data depend on your student number
a = last 2 digits of your student number
b = last 2 digits of your student number
c = last 1 digit of your student number
Figure 2. Assembly of three 2-node bar elements subjected to force P.
Consider the assembly of three 2-nodedbar elements shown in Figure 2. Use the finite element method to determine the nodal displacements. The node numbers are presented next to the filled circles. The element numbers are in brackets. The Young’s modulus of the elements is E = (1200 + b) KPa. The cross-sectional areas of the elements are the same i.e., A = 0.05 m2 . The lengths of the elements are L23 = 1.8 m. The force F = 18 KN
In your solution you must show:
1. The element connectivity table
2. The reduced global assembled system of equations
The following data depend on your student number
θ = (30 + last 1 digit of your student number)in degrees
α = (10 + last 1 digit of your student number)in degrees
b = last 2 digits of your student number
Figure 1. Two beam elements subjected to distributed load q and concentrated load
Figure 1 shows two beam elements subjected to distributed load q and a concentrated force P = 120 KN. The flexural rigidity of the beam elements are EI = 240 × 103 KNm2 . Element numbers are in brackets and node numbers are beside the filled circles. Calculate the displacements and rotation at nodes 1 and 2. The following data depends on your student number