2024-07-19 代写BU552Z RESIT ASSESSMENT PAPER代写C/C++语言



July 2024

The paper will be released on Monday 1st  July 2024 at 12 noon (UK time)

Hand in date is Monday 8th  July 2024 at 12 noon (UK time)


The paper comprises TWO questions you must answer both questions. This comprises an individual assignment.

The submission should be in the form. of 2 short essay style answers.

It should be your own, individual work and each answer should be no more than 750 words in length, excluding your references/bibliography and any charts, graphs etc.

It will count as 100% of the course mark.

The Business School recommends the use of the Harvard referencing style. The library produces useful information on Citing References.

At present the University of Aberdeen Business School uses Safe Assign to check students work and you will be asked to submit an electronic version of your report to this for analysis. Further instructions on this can be found via the assessment guidance on MyAberdeen.

You should submit your answers using the Submission link on your BU552Z course page on MyAberdeen Blackboard by 12 noon on Monday 8th  July 2024.

(NOTE: if you are using a Mac computer please convert to PDF prior to uploading to avoid issues)

The Centre for Academic Development provides guidance on how to avoid plagiarism

http://www.abdn.ac.uk/sls/online-resources/avoiding-plagiarism/ and you should refer to this prior to finalising your assignments.

Question 1

You are acting for a private client who is interested in purchasing 6 Aitken Street, Largs as an investment. Your client has significant funds and would not need mortgage finance, but is under no pressure to invest any money if the correct opportunity does not come to the market.

Please see attached the property particulars prepared by the selling agent, Britton Property. Prepare a market valuation and full report on the property advising your client on all the factors that he should consider before placing a bid.

Your valuation should be clearly laid out and you should highlight any assumptions you have made. It is recommended that you make use of the Costar database and carry out your own research on appropriate journal articles to reference.

NB. As this may still be a live instruction, under no circumstances should you contact the selling agents.

(Max 750 words)

Question 2

Valuations are required for many different purposes.

The owner of the heritable interest in the retail shop, 127 George Street, Aberdeen (subject of the measurement exercise) has asked your firm to prepare a valuation of the property

(ground floor and basement) for the following purposes:

a)   Loan security

b)   Business rates

c)   Compulsory purchase compensation

Prepare a valuation for each of these purposes for this property making the following assumptions:

•    The valuation date is the submission date for this assignment.

•    The property remains vacant

•    The former John Lewis store, opposite the subject property, has received planning permission for demolition and development of a new three-storey residential apartment block which will start on site on 1 July 2024.

•    In addition, for c), assume that the block of properties including 127 George Street is included in a confirmed Compulsory Purchase Order for redevelopment of this area of the city centre.

You have been asked to prepare an internal report for your head of department (not a formal valuation report). You should set out your calculations clearly and explain your reasoning for the input figures and any further assumptions you make. Include a paragraph which compares and contrasts the three valuation figures and explains why they may differ.

You should make use of the information previously provided for the measurement exercise on 12.2.2024.

(Max 750 words)