SOSS1000 Policy and Society
Campaign Report Assessment Brief
Assessment details:
The Campaign Report evaluates an activist campaign that aims to influence and change policy on key social issue(s).
Please choose from one of the campaigns listed on Moodle (under the ‘assessments’ toggle). In
your Report, please refer to the campaign website (where available), however it is just the starting point: it is expected that you will do your own research around your chosen campaign.
It’s important that you collect evidence from multiple sources of information (at least three
different ones). Don’t base your assessment on one source only, and don’t base your assessment only on the campaign website and hashtags (where available). For example: a campaign may
appear in the news, in an advocacy group’s website, debated in the government, debated on social media, published in academic journals, etc. Try to learn as much as you can about the campaign, understand the different perspectives around it. Read relevant sources and assess critically.
Weight: 35%
Word length: 1,500 words (word count does not include reference list). +/-10% leniency on word count Format: Report style. with subheadings. See template for report format below
Due date: Friday 8 March 11:59 PM (Week 4)
In your Report, address the following four questions:
1. What is the main problem/issue the campaign aims to address? Why is this
problem/issue important?
Outline the significance of your chosen campaign’s main issue in broader social context. You might want to consider the following: What population or demographic are impacted by this issue? What is the potential or actual harm?
2. What evidence does the campaign use, and how does it use it?
Consider to what extent does the campaign use evidence to support its argument for change.
First, assess what sort of evidence the campaign uses. Is it anecdotal? Consider whether the
evidence the campaign uses can persuade others to change their views and/or act. Also consider if the campaign has presented sufficient evidence about the issue the campaign wants to change.
3. What activities and tactics does the campaign utilise?
For this, you should identify and analyse the campaign approaches (e.g., rallies and marches,
social media, online petitions, media articles, storytelling, TV interviews, lobbying, digital
advocacy, building coalitions). If the campaign has a hashtag, see if you can find posts with the hashtag on social media: are there many?A few? If there’s an online petition, does it have many signatories? If rallies, are they well-attended? Think about why were these activities/tactics chosen – is it to influence the public or individual politicians (for example, perhaps the campaign targets individual politicians or other influential people)? Is it a mix?
4. How effective do you think the campaign has been to date?
This is your own evaluation of the progress the campaign has made towards achieving its aim(s). To answer this question, you’ll also evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign’sactivities and tactics in engaging the public. Consider whether the campaign achieved its aims in full, partially, or not at all? How has it influenced the views of the public or the policy debate? If the campaign hasn’t achieved its aims, think about why that might be the case (goals too ambitious? Clash of ideologies? Ineffective activities and tactics? Etc.)
Format and Style
Your Campaign Report should include the following elements:
• Title of campaign & group
• Introduction (summary of the campaign, history, organisation)
• Campaign issue (Question 1)
• Evidence supporting the need for policy change (Question 2)
• Campaign tactics and strategies (Question 3)
• Impact and effectiveness of the campaign (Question 4)
• Conclusion (Recommended nextsteps for campaign)
• Reference list (not included in word count) and in-text citations. The Referencing style is Harvard in-text referencing
Please use a standard font type e.g.: Calibri, Arial, Times New Roman and size, e.g.: 11 or 12. Please use standard margins and 1 or 1.5 line spacing.
Try to remember that your marker will be looking at this on a screen, so make it as pleasant to look at and easy to read as possible.
Please try not to get distracted by focusing anxious energy on the format style, as we're overall evaluating the substance of your report (i.e. the content).