COURSE TITLE: Business Law and Ethics
COURSE #: MBA-3006
COURSE DATES: 1 July – 8 September 2024
This course introduces basic legal frameworks for business, and fundamental legal issues involved in conducting business in the complex global environment. Topics include legal systems, forms of business, corporate law, duties to shareholders, shareholders’ rights and liabilities, intellectual property, unfair competition, antitrust law, contract law, and employment law. The course explores how law shapes managerial behavior. and demonstrates how to apply ethical principles in business settings while coping with external factors such as laws, regulation, politics, and local customs. The course addresses how ethics and law shape tradeoffs across the triple bottom line (economic, social, and environmental), and applies theories of corporate social responsibility and principles of responsible investment to ensure legal and ethical organizational posture. The course also applies strategic analytical tools for ethical organizational decision-making.
• Day of week: Each module spans the Monday through Sunday of each week.
• Time: Attendance and timeliness are based on weekly participation and posting within class discussions. While each module spans 7 days, participation is expected before the 7th day to allow time for engagement with classmates and the professor. Posting and assignment timelines are found within the assignment descriptions below and in each module in Canvas.
The following courses are required in order to take this course: none.
Priority Registration: Students in the following program will receive priority registration
for this course (all others will be admitted if space allows): None.
The course is: Open ☒ Closed □ Requires permission of Program Chair □
Other course requirements: None
The Course Learning Objectives are as follows:
• Describe local, state, federal and Constitutional law and legal principles and apply them to business processes and scenarios.
• Explain how business ethics and law work together to facilitate sound business decisions and actions.
• Describe cyber-law and apply cyber-law to business processes and scenarios to ensure legal compliance and protection to the business.
• Describe intellectual property and anti-trust laws and apply them to business decisions and actions for legal compliance and protection to business assets.
• Describe contract law and apply it to ensure sound contract formation and execution.
• Describe business tort and product liability laws for legal compliance and business protection.
• Describe consumer protection laws, employee protection laws, and
environmental protection laws and apply them to ensure legal compliance and business protection.
Carpenter, M. A. & Dunung, S. P. (2011). International Business. Saylor Foundation ISBN 13: 9781453312995
* This text is available as a PDF in Canvas during the course.
Module 1 Ethics Research Essay
Read the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business and Quick Facts Bribery Offenses then follow the General Ethics Research Essay Instructions.
Module 2 Article Summary
The assignment is to read the article: How to Navigate the Ethical Risks of Doing Business in China then follow the Article Summary General Instructions.
Module 2 Ethics Research Essay
Read the Levi Strauss & Co. in China then follow the General Ethics Research Essay Instructions.
Module 3 Article Summary
The assignment is to read the article: How to Develop Ethical Leaders, then follow the Article Summary General Instructions.
Module 3 Ethics Research Essay
Read Trade between two unequal partners , then follow the General Ethics Research Essay Instructions.
Module 4 Article Summary 1
The assignment is to read the article: The Way Forward for Intellectual Property Internationally, then follow the Article Summary General Instructions.
Module 4 Article Summary 2
The assignment is to read the article: Global Justice Index Report 2020 , then follow the Article Summary General Instructions.
Ethics Essay General Instructions
After reading the assignment, use steps 1-4 of the Rock Ethics Institute 12-step approach to analyze the following components:
1. State the nature of the ethical issue you’ve initially spotted.
2. List the relevant facts
3. Identify stakeholders
4. Clarify the underlying values
General Instructions: The corresponding appraisal must follow each step of your analysis. Look for relevant literature on the part of the case that is of interest by
analyzing facts and ethical ramifications of the business practices. This is an opportunity to practice a case study analysis. Do not use quotes; instead, put the ideas and analysis into your own words.
Your submission should be between 2-3 pages with support using scholarly and legal resources formatted according to APA 7th edition guidelines. There should also be a
title page as well as a reference page formatted according to APA 7th edition guidelines.
Article Summary General Instructions
After you have finished reading the article, you are to write a summary of the main points in the article.
1. Your summary must accurately capture the main points and concepts discussed in the article. This illustrates your reading, comprehending, and pulling out important information.
2. Your summary must emphasize concepts and guidelines rather than descriptions. In other words, the summary should focus on explaining what, why, and how to navigate the issues identified in your summary. For example, descriptive information should appear in your summary only if it illustrates ethical concepts and guidelines.
3. The summary must be written in your own words. Do not merely copy phrases from the article. Do not use quotes in your summary. Please use your own words with
support from the article content.
4. The summary should be two to three pages, not including the title and reference
pages. The document should be formatted according to APA 7th edition guidelines.
Case Tournament Presentation
The signature assignment for this course is an International Business Ethics and
Sustainability Case Tournament adapted from Loyola Marymount University and the
University of Maryland, Baltimore County. The tournament will be held online and on the campus of Sofia University during the final 3 modules of the course including the last in- person campus meeting. Teams of 3-5 members will compete in 3 competitions during the event:
• Online: Each student will develop and post a 90-second elevator pitch explaining the ethical dilemma and the importance of sustainability
component of the problem from your case article.
• Online: Each team will create a 10-minute trailer or preview of the business case, including the ethical, sustainable, legal, and financial aspects. Each
team will incorporate the suggestions given through feedback and comments from the discussion board forum. Each team will integrate the feedback in
preparation for the 25-minute on-ground presentation.
• Onground: The 25-minute tournament, in which teams will present a
business case and give a full presentation analyzing the ethical, sustainable, legal, and financial aspects of a problem and present a viable, practical,
sustainable solution.
Project Team 1: Case Article: The Dangers of Being a Female Rideshare Driver in Jakarta
Project Team 2: Case Article: Platforming Human Trafficking: Tweeting Human Auctions in the Middle East
Project Team 3: Case Article: Global Hating
Project Team 4: Case Article: The Case for Human Rights Due Diligence Laws in the United Kingdom
The competition will begin online during Modules 3-4 in the discussion forum during
weeks 6 & 7. The tournament will conclude in person on the Sofia University campus in Palo Alto, CA.
During the 3rd in-class live session, each group will present a 25-minute business case and give a full presentation analyzing the ethical, sustainable, legal, and financial
aspects of a problem and present a viable, practical, sustainable solution.
For the presentation, Integrate the details and facts from your case article, the additional resources provided, the course materials, and other researched sources. Please use
the outline below to provide structure and support for your case analysis:
1. Identify the relevant facts
2. Identify the possible policies / decision centers /outcomes / influences.
3. Analyze each aspect; reject if prima facie unjust
4. Identify the principles and values
5. Identify the consequences
6. Identify the applicable laws, regulations, or ethical contexts involved.
7. Identify and analyze the tradeoffs
8. Analyze the ethical issues with respect to the laws
9. Analyze the ethical issues with respect to the relevant professional code(s) of ethics
10. Draw and justify a conclusion
11.Write a cogent summary of your analysis and reasoning.
See the Rubrics in Canvas for specific evaluation criteria.
Posts and/or papers submitted after the deadline will have a deduction in points made and may result in a grade of Incomplete. Please contact the professor as soon as
possible if there are circumstances that require late postings or submissions.
Full attendance on this course is mandatory for adequate student learning. Any missed classes will result in points deducted from your overall grade. For weeks where we are not meeting in person, arrival on time is determined by engagement in the weekly
discussion during the week of the discussion. A minimum of 80% attendance is required to pass the class, regardless of the total points received.
Attendance is determined by active presence and participation in the course each week
(i.e., posting within the discussion forums). Attendance is posted by Sunday at
midnight of each week of the course. An absence of participation in the discussions will result in an absence in the course for that week. If you know that will be absent or unable to participate in a course assignment for any reason, please communicate directly with me.
Posting requirements include an original post for each discussion and responses to at least 2 classmates unless otherwise stated by the professor. See Standards below for more detailed information about posting requirements and evaluation criteria.
Classwork should be scholarly work in APA style exploring a topic within the scope of the topics explored in this course. Papers will be judged on clarity of writing, strength of the presentation, and the number and relevance of citations.
Papers should present a clear overview and analysis of the topic and use a variety of examples, facts, and arguments to illustrate critical points. Sentence construction
should be clear and purposeful. Paragraphs should flow in a logical sequence with transitional sentences. Any material not original to the student must be cited in APA format. Using written material or data from outside sources without proper citation is considered plagiarism.
Discussion Standards:
Each week, we will discuss the readings or other materials outlined in the syllabus.
Conversation deepens learning; therefore, posting at different times during the week is required. Frequency of posting, over-posting, and under-posting will all be considered in evaluating participation and attendance.
• In a graded discussion responding to an assigned topic, a minimum of one post
responding to the topic and replying to other students are required. A maximum of five posts is recommended.
Standards for Substantial Posts.
A “substantial post” adds to the discussion by asking a question, expressing your
own thoughts, or integrating your own thoughts and experience with those presented in texts, lectures, or other students’ posts.
For example, saying, “I agree/disagree with ” is not a substantial post. Saying, “I agree/disagree with Martha because … and in addition …”, giving reasons for your agreement, and adding thoughts or references to other information is a
substantial post.
Asking a question about the topics for the week, with reference to assigned
materials, is also a substantial post. A substantial post might range from 25 to 250 words. Excessively long posts are inappropriate.
When reading a classmate’s response, consider:
• What stands out to you in the response?
• What do you agree or disagree with--and why?
• Is there something in the post that you would like to have more clarity or information on?
• What has been clarified or illuminated for you in the post?
• What questions does the post bring up for you?
• Where does this response guide your thinking or understanding of the topic?
Language for posts can be informal, but not so informal that others cannot
understand your ideas because of poor spelling or grammar. If you do reference or offer direct quotes from readings or outside material, use APA 7th Edition formatting standards to cite your sources.
Unless otherwise specified, discussion posts should not use large language model (LLMs) including AIs such as ChatGPT, Bard, etc. If you choose to use such technology, you must note this in your post using APA 7th citations and offer your reflection and interpretation of the content offered by the AI, similarly to how you might respond to a classmate's discussion response.
Rubrics for all discussions and written assignments are contained in Canvas FINAL GRADES:
Attendance & Participation Graded-Activity Weighting 15%
Written Assignments listed below Graded-Activity Weighting 50%
Assignment Type
Ethics Research Essay
Module 1
Article Summary
Module 2
Ethics Research Essay
Module 2
Article Summary
Module 3
Ethics Research Essay
Module 3
Article Summary 1
Module 4
Article Summary 2
Module 4
Case Tournament Presentation
Module 5
Discussions listed below Graded-Activity Weighting 35%
Discussion Topic
What are cultural barriers in
Week 1
International Business: Ethical
Week 2
Importance of ethics in international business
Week 3
What is Business Ethics?
Week 4
International Labour Organization Standards.
Week 5
Norman Bowie, A Kantian
Approach to Business Ethics | Organizations as Moral
Week 6
Case Tournament Project
Discussion 90 Sec Elevator pitch
Week 6
Regulating AI Systems without
Stifling Innovation: A Look at
regulation, ethics, and innovation
Week 7
Case Tournament Project Team Discussion 10 min trailer
Week 7
The Future of Resilience
Finance: Ethics of Finance Diplomacy
Week 8
Case Tournament Draft
Week 9
What was the most interesting topic in this class and why?
Week 10
Final grades for the course are based on the weighted accumulation of points from the weekly discussions, written assignments, and the case tournament.
95 - 100
77 - 79
90 - 94
73 - 76
87 - 89
70 - 72
83 - 86
60 - 69
80 - 82
59 or <
No pass = 82 and below