代写Linguistics 101 (850): Introduction to Linguistic Analysis Winter 2024代写Java编程

2024-08-21 代写Linguistics 101 (850): Introduction to Linguistic Analysis Winter 2024代写Java编程

Linguistics 101 (850): Introduction to Linguistic Analysis

Syllabus, Winter 2024

Course Description and Objectives

This course presents an introduction to the core areas of linguistics and a discussion of the fundamental concepts in the study of language. We will explore technical aspects of linguistic theory as well as broader questions about language as a specifically human phenomenon. We will examine in depth the subfields of phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics.

At the completion of this course, you may expect (1) to understand the principles of the structural system underlying all human languages, (2) to have some facility in the technical analysis and description of language samples, and (3) to appreciate the intricacy and elegance of our human communication system.

This course has no prerequisites

Grade Distribution




Quiz 1: Semantics

Wednesday, January 31


Quiz 2: Phonetics

Wednesday, February 14


Quiz 3: Phonology

Wednesday, March 6


Quiz 4: Morphology

Wednesday, March 20


Quiz 5: Syntax

Wednesday, April 3


Final exam (cumulative)

Friday, April 12


Experiment participation




Required textbook:

William O’Grady & John Archibald (eds.) (2020). Contemporary Linguistic Analysis (9th Edition).

Toronto: Pearson Education Canada Inc. EBook is also available on the web portal [access code found in all new copies, instructions for accessing the portal will be provided on eClass].

Optional Study Guide:

Study guide to accompany Contemporary Linguistic Analysis (9th Edition), prepared by Teresa Vanderweide (provides some extra practice problems for the textbook chapters). Also  available on the portal for your textbook.

Supplementary text:

Catherine Anderson, Bronwyn Bjorkman, Derek Denis, Juliane Doner, Margaret Grant, Nathan Sanders, and Ai Taniguchi (2022). Essentials of Linguistics.

https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/essentialsoflinguistics2/ (free digital textbook)

Other materials will be provided on eClass.


Quizzes are accessed through eClass. For each module, there is a self-test quiz which does not count towards your final grade but should give you an idea how you will be tested on the module, and there is an official quiz which does count toward your final grade. This official quiz will be available from midnight at the start of the day to midnight at the end of that day (24 hours). You may begin each quiz at any time during the period it is open. You must finish within 60 minutes, and by the time it closes (whichever comes first). You may use notes and your textbook as you wish.

Although it is possible to do the quizzes on a mobile device, some questions come out mis-formatted on small screens and so using a smart phone or tablet may result in poorer grades. You are responsible for using a device with sufficient screen space. (You may try the self-test practice quizzes to help determine whether the device you wish to use is sufficient.)

All standards of academic integrity remain in force for quizzes.

Experiment participation

See information beginning on page 7 of this syllabus for details.

Final exam

The final exam will be an open-book exam administered through eClass. The final exam is a three-hour exam. It will be held on April 12, the last day of the semester. See eClass for times and other information about the final exam.

Deferred final exam

Students who miss final exams must apply for a deferred final exam from the Faculty in which they  are registered. Instructors cannot grant deferred final examinations. In Arts students are required to submit a written request by completing the “Application for Deferred Final Exam” form in the USS office. The deferred final exam date for this course is Wednesday, May 8, 2024.

Detailed course schedule

Week: Day(s)

Topic (reading)

Quiz / assignment

1: January 9, 11

Overview of linguistics


2-3: January 16,18,23,25


4-5: Jan 30, Feb 1,6,8


Q1: Semantics January 31

6: February 13,15


Q2: Phonetics February 14

Reading week: February 20-23

7: Feb 27,29

Phonology (continued)


8-9: March 5,7,12,14


Q3: Phonology March 6

10-11: March 19,21,26,28


Q4: Morphology March 20

12-13: April 2,4, 9,11


Q5: Syntax April 3

(See also the Google Calendar for the course, linked on eClass.)

Important Dates

First day of class:

January 8

Add/drop deadline:

January 19

Fee deadline:

January 31

50% Withdrawal deadline:

February 7

Withdrawal deadline/ exploration credits:

April 5

Last day of classes:

April 12

Final exams:

April 15-27

Territorial statement

The University of Alberta acknowledges that we are located on Treaty 6 territory, and respects the histories, languages, and cultures of First Nations, Metis, Inuit, and all First Peoples of Canada, whose presence continues to enrich our vibrant community.