MAE 115 – Applied Engineering Thermodynamics
Examination #2
Conceptual Short Answer (20 points):
1. Answer the following questions:
a) List the “Air Standard Assumptions” and discuss why it is useful to use them for studying gas cycles?
b) Demonstrate that for the same compression ratio (with r≠1) ηth,otto > ηth,Diesel
Vapor cycles (25 points):
2. Superheated steam enters in a steam turbine at 400°C and 30 bar, at a rate of 10 kg/s. The output pressure is 1 bar. Assuming that the turbine operates in steady state conditions and with an isentropic efficiency of 85%, determine:
a. The mechanical power produced
b. The vapor quality at the turbine outlet
Use vapor and liquid tables or computational methods to determine the thermodynamic properties of superheated and saturated fluids.
Steam properties at 400°C and 30 bar: h = 3232 kg/kJ, s = 6.922 kg-k/kJ
Gas turbine cycles (30 points):
3. Consider an ideal simple Joule-Brayton cycle that works with air at 30°C and 1 atm. The maximum temperature of the cycle is 1000°C and the compression ratio is 4.
Determine the following:
(a) All state points for the ideal cycle (temperatures and pressures). Assume air as an ideal diatomic gas with constant specific heat capacities
(b) The first law efficiency of the ideal cycle
(c) Assuming an isentropic efficiency for the compressor and turbine of 90% and 92% respectively, determine the states of the real cycle
(d) Determine the first law efficiency of the real cycle
(e) In the real cycle case, is it possible to use a recuperator? If so, determine the first law
efficiency of the recuperative cycle, assuming an effectiveness of the heat exchanger of 100%
For extra credit, estimate the speed of a fluid leaving a simple gas turbine (no recuperation) with the same properties as the engine above. Assume the engine is operating at take-off (i.e., inlet fluid speed = 0 m/s)
Diesel Problem (25 points):
4. Determine the performance of a compression-ignited reciprocating engine. The inlet pressure and temperature are 1 atm and 80oF respectively and a compression ratio of 18. For a peak cycle temperature of 3550oF, determine the following:
a. State the two-syllable cycle associated with this engine,
b. Plot the cycle on a T-s and P-v diagram,
c. Calculate the work and heat transfer for each process in Btu/lbm,
d. Complete the table below,
e. Calculate the cutoff ratio,
f. And calculate the thermodynamic efficiency.
For extra credit, determine the engine speed for a 4 stroke engine operating with the same state points as this problem if the volume inside the control volume prior to compression is 6.0 liters and the engine power output is 100,000 Btu/hr.
Assume variable specific heats
State Point
T (R)