代做BUSM2562 Understanding Business Environment: Assessment Task 2调试Haskell程序

2024-09-01 代做BUSM2562 Understanding Business Environment: Assessment Task 2调试Haskell程序

BUSM2562 Understanding Business Environment: Assessment Task 2

Project plan

Task 1 | Project plan

Point value

You are required to set up a project plan that outlines all the below tasks in the lead up to the Australian Conference of Economists (ACE). Your project plan should outline all the tasks in order of completion.

You will need to allocate a timeline with achievable deadlines when you are completing each of the tasks. This will help us all keep on track.

You can use any software, excel, Microsoft planner, SharePoint, one drive, RMIT assignment planner or even a Kanban board. The software choice is up to you. It just needs to be presented in a software that is easy for us to follow and highlights all the task names, quick details of the task, the date it is due and who is responsible completing it. Feel free to add branding and colours to your project plan.

Extend yourself: Please remember that we are here to help and give you feedback. If you would like to set up your project plan first and submit to your mentor (tutor) for additional feedback, please do so with ample time to allow your tutor to get back to you. 

1 point

Format – Evidence of Project Plan

Academic articles

Task 2 | Academic articles

Point value

Our client, Healthy Burgers!, is particularly interested in discussing the proposed benefits of a fruit and vegetable subsidy.

You are required to research, find, and choose five (5) of the latest articles discussing "fruit and vegetable subsidies”. Please only focus on academic articles by using Google Scholar material and only from the year 2000 onwards. (Please use RMIT Harvard referencing style).

It is important that you provide us with an overall summary on top of the bibliography highlighting what criteria you use to pick the most relevant 5 articles. The internet is full of information, and this can be either a good thing or a bad thing. Being able to discern the difference between high quality and low-quality information is very important.

Finally, for each article provide a brief explanation (up to 100 words) as to why you think we need to include it in our literature review.  

6 points

Format – Evidence of articles | Reference list and article links.

Summarise findings

Task 3 | Summarise findings

Point value

You are required search for the below article and summarise the findings in approximately 200 words.

Based on this article, what advice do you have for your client, Healthy Burgers? (Hint: should it lobby the government for a subsidy?).


Blakely, T., Cleghorn, C., Mizdrak, A., Waterlander, W., Nghiem, N., Swinburn, B., ... & Mhurchu, C. N. (2020). The effect of food taxes and subsidies on population health and health costs: a modelling study. The Lancet Public Health, 5(7), e404-e413. 

3 points

Format – Evidence of findings | Reflection (written)

Demand, Supply & Taxes

Task 4 | Demand, Supply & Taxes

Point value

Our client is interested in highlighting to the government that taxes are generally associated with a loss to society. To do so, please create two demand and supply diagrams to show the effects of a "tax".

In the first diagram show consumer and producer surplus with not tax.

In the second diagram introduce the tax and identify consumer surplus, producer surplus, government revenue, and the deadweight loss.

Below, using three (3) dot points briefly summarise what happens to consumer and producer surplus and relate that summary to the deadweight loss.

7 points

Format – Evidence of findings | Written reflection.

Client profit

Task 5 | Client profit

Point value

In a recent meeting between the government and our client’s CEO, the government has deemed that Healthy Burgers actually specialise in producing a range of unhealthy (high fat, high salt, high sugar) products. This mean that as far as the government is concerned a proposed “fat tax”, rather than a fruit and vegetable subsidy, would apply to their products.

Using a simple equation tell us how the tax influences Healthy Burger’s profit. Discuss what happens to prices, quantity, and costs. Please do so in no more than 150 words.

5 points

Format – Evidence of client profit | Reflection (written)

Negative externalities and fast food

Task 6a | Negative externalities and fast food

Watch the videos on ‘Externalities’ found in your Assessment 2 brief (under Learning Resources) in Canvas.

See Task 7b below for reflection requirements.

Negative externalities and fast food

Task 6b |Explain the concept of negative externalities

Point value

In no more than 200 words, briefly explain the concept of negative externalities.

Does eating too much fast food generate a negative externality? Why or why not?

4 points

Format – Evidence of negative externalities | Reflection (written)

Negative externalities and fast food

Task 6c | Negative externality: Consuming too much fast food

Point value

Create two demand and supply diagrams to demonstrate the following:

In your first diagram show the negative externality of consuming too much fast food. Carefully label your diagram and identify the deadweight loss.

In your second diagram add a tax to this market. Highlight what happens to consumption.

In a dot point below your last diagram briefly tell us whether the second diagram has a deadweight loss.

8 points

Format – Evidence of negative externality of consuming too much fast food | Reflection (written)

Positive externalities

Task 7 | Positive externality

Point value

Our client argues that "eating fruits and vegetables generates a positive externality." Discuss whether this is the case and how a subsidy can address this. When discussing please do not use a graph, please prepare a 200-word statement.

6 points

Format – Evidence of positive externality | Reflection (written)