Business Analytics
Tableau Seminar 2
In this week’s seminar, we will continue our work with the Tableau Test dataset. Please make sure that you already have a copy of Tableau Public or Desktop on your laptop, or at least access to Tableau Online.
We will be looking at an example which you can do as a walkthrough with the session tutor. After that, please make sure you can attempt the following:
Starbucks Calories Task
1. Download the Starbucks Data set from your Canvas page. Import this into Tableau.
2. Check the fields – is everything appropriately named using a meaningful field name?
3. Hide all fields except Drinks and Calories
4. Go to Sheet 1 – prepare a visualisation that shows the calories of each Starbucks drink
5. Create a filter that allows your visualisation to only show drinks that are:
a. Above 100 calories
b. Below 250 calories
Add-on Task:
Your boss has informed you that the calories in drinks need to be categorised into the following:
Drinks with 0-100 calories: Low
Drinks with 100-200 calories: Medium
Drinks with 201 calories and above: High
Prepare a heat map with a filter that can answer the following question:
- If you wanted to buy one drink between 40 and 75 calories, what drink could you choose? Share you answer to this question on Padlet
Hint – you may need to alter some of the data in Excel: use the Excel skills you have refined in the first seminar to help you do this.