代做Business Analytics Tableau Seminar 4代写C/C++语言

2024-09-01 代做Business Analytics Tableau Seminar 4代写C/C++语言

Business Analytics

Tableau Seminar 4


This week, we will be working with the EU Superstore dataset. Our focus will be in bringing together the skills that you have learnt so far, adding to it some more advanced tweaks when dealing with large volumes of data, and focusing on creating visualisations that are efficient, clean and suitable for a target audience.

Task 1: Creating your own visualisation

Using the EU Superstore dataset, create a visualisation that demonstrates what you have learnt so far up until now. Make sure that you utilise all the skills, including the use of tool tips where relevant.

Task 2: Which product types are more likely to be returned?

 Create a visualisation that can show to the user which product types are more likely to be returned.

Task 3: Profit, by country, by segment

Create a visualisation that shows the profit of the company, by country, by segment.