ENGL_1001_A02_202425:Assignment 3:Comparison and Contrast Essay
Assignment 3 contributes 15%toward your final grade.Although you're not required to follow the suggested schedule in the Course Guide,it is a good idea to complete Assignment 3 by the end of Module 6 or roughly at the end of week 8 of the course.Non-completion of an assignment will result in a mark ofzero for that assignment
Essay Topic
This essay of 750-800 words requires you to choose two stories from among those covered in Modules 1 to 6.
You're limited to the stories that you haven't already written about in the two previous assignments.One of your challenges for Assignment 3 is to select two stories that are good matches for your chosen topic.While it is not
required,you may wish to consult your Open Learning Faculty Member about your topic and short story choices.
In the meantime,review the list of stories.Strike-out any you used in previous essay assignments.
“Royal Beatings”by Alice Munro
·“The Yellow Wallpaper”by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
·“Sonny's Blues”by James Baldwin ·“Rules of the Game”by Amy Tan ·“Paul's Case”by Willa Cather
·“Death by Landscape”by Margaret Atwood ·“To Room Nineteen”byDoris Lessing
●“Great Falls”by Richard Ford
·“Bartleby,the Scrivener”by Herman Melville
·“Cathedral”by Raymond Carver
·“Hills Like White Elephants”by Ernest Hemingway ·“Barn Burning”by William Faulkner
“The Horse Dealer's Daughter”by D.H.Lawrence
Your essay should have three parts:an introductory paragraph,a body containing fully developed paragraphs,and a concluding paragraph.Following is a general guide for what to include in each section of your essay.
In your introductory paragraph:
·Introduce your chosen stories (with their full titles)and their authors.
·Identify clearly your essay topic—the subject of your comparison/contrast
·Include a strong thesis statement on the comparison and contrast topic that indicates what can be learned from the comparison/contrast.
In your analysis in the body of your essay:
·Make effective use of topic sentences to identify the categories of comparison or contrast in your analysis. ·Support your comments with evidence (paraphrase and direct quotations)from your chosen stories.
·Explain the significance of each piece of evidence you present as it relates to your thesis. In your concluding paragraph:
·Restate in different words the purpose of your comparison/contrast.
Be sure to back-up your arguments with examples from the stories.Quotations and close paraphrases require a page number in parenthesis and a citation in a Works Cited list using MLA style.Quotations count toward the word length, but Works Cited items listed at the end do not.You are not required to do any research for Assignment 3;however if you feel confident about including secondary sources,feel free to do so.
Writing Help
If you have questions about academic writing,MLA citations,or Works Cited lists,the following resources may help:
● TRULibrary' s MLA Citation Style Guide
● Purdue University's Online Writing Lab (OWL)MLA Formatting and Style. Guide
·Open Learning studentscan get writing support online or in person on TRU's Kamloops campus at the Writing Centre.Peer tutors give feedback on your writing (including organization,sentence structure,grammar,or punctuation);answer questions about MLA style. or citations;and offer strategies foreffective revision. ·Also check the resources listed in the Writing Resources and Reading Resources course areas.
Comparison and Contrast Essay Topics
Choose just oneof the following topics:
1.Compare and contrast two stories in which the respective central characters cause their own problems.You might wish to consider whether they had no choice.
2.Compare and contrast two stories which explore the presence or absence of moral courage.
3.Compare and contrast two stories in which the physical setting mirrors the conflicts faced by the main character.
4.Compare and contrast a story that turns on a traumatic event and another story in which the main issues reveal themselves more slowly,with a kind of slow erosion of the character's circumstances.
5.Compare and contrast two stories in which the main character is damaged by unrealistic social pressures.
This is the end of Assignment 3. Refer to the following submission procedures.