代做The Future of Organisations and Work (BMGT2002S) 2024代写Processing

2024-09-29 代做The Future of Organisations and Work (BMGT2002S) 2024代写Processing

The Future of Organisations and Work (BMGT2002S)


This Study Guide is designed to provide you with details of the module The Future of Organisations and Work, the learning outcomes, delivery and assessment arrangements. The Study Guide consists of 6 parts.

In Part 1, background details on the subject area are provided, and the broad aims of the module are set out.

Part 2 consists of the module outline. In this part, the (a) module learning outcomes, (b) the themes and topics to be explored are explained along with the (c) learning supports to be used.

Part 3 gives details of the module delivery arrangements. It sets out the session arrangements and the expectations in relation to your prior preparation and student engagement.

Part 4 provides details of the assessment techniques used in this module, explaining the assessment components and their rationale.

In Part 5, the UCD grading policy is explained, and grade descriptors drawing on the university document are given for each assessment component.

In Part 6, concluding comments are presented.  

Accessing Brightspace Collaborate for online classes only.

Please log into Brightspace, go to “BMGT2002S-TFOW (Singapore-2023/2024 Summer)”, click “My Class”, “Zoom”.

The zoom meetings are created and labelled accordingly to the group number for UCD Fly-in (1, 2, 3) based on the introduction and closing sessions as stated in your timetable.

Introduction Session

FT BBS41 Group (1) (Introduction Session) (23 July 2024) – Prof Karan Sonpar
Zoom Link:  https://ucd-ie.zoom.us/j/63419743305

FT BBS41 Group (2) (Introduction Session) (24 July 2024) – Prof Karan Sonpar

Zoom Link:  https://ucd-ie.zoom.us/j/62042257463

FT BBS41 Group (3) (Introduction Session) (25 July 2024) – Prof Karan Sonpar

Zoom Link:   https://ucd-ie.zoom.us/j/64128954042

Closing Session

FT BBS41 Group (1) (Closing Session) (11 Sep 2024) – Prof Karan Sonpar
Zoom Link:  https://ucd-ie.zoom.us/j/67299105401

FT BBS41 Group (2) (Closing Session) (12 Sep 2024) – Prof Karan Sonpar

Zoom Link:  https://ucd-ie.zoom.us/j/69952596197

FT BBS41 Group (3) (Closing Session) (13 Sep 2024) – Prof Karan Sonpar

Zoom Link: https://ucd-ie.zoom.us/j/67827755607

Please always login using your UCD email address and your name. Your name should be visible to the lecturer and other students to facilitate collaboration.  

Please join your online session no later than five minutes before the advised time of your session.  

Engagement tools on Zoom 

Throughout the online sessions for this module, you will be frequently asked to engage with both your lecturer, and with your fellow students. 

The lecturer may send you into breakout groups and you discuss some class content in smaller groups before your findings are discussed with the whole class. You may use the “Share Screen” function (if enabled) to show some summary points of the breakout group discussions.  

If you select “Chat”, a chat window will open and you can communicate with the whole class or with your lecturer. If you would like to send a private message to your lecturer, please select your lecturer’s name instead of everyone. 


By clicking on “Reactions”, another menu will open. This menu allows you to raise your hand if you have a question or would like to comment. If you see a hand icon in the left upper corner of your screen, your hand is currently raised. You can lower your hand by clicking on this icon a second time. The lecturer can also lower your hand.  


When you join a Zoom session, you will be muted, and your camera is turned off. Please only unmute yourself if you would like to speak to avoid background noises. You can change your audio and video setting by clicking the small arrow beside the “Unmute” or “Start Video” icon.  

Background Details

The Future of Organisations and Work (or Organisational Behaviour) centres on human behaviour in organisations and how it impacts organisational performance.  The three levels that affect human behaviour and outcomes in organisations are individuals, groups, and organisational structures. The study of organisational behaviour draws on the behavioural sciences such as psychology, social psychology, sociology, and anthropology.

The core topics that you will study in this module include attitude development and perception, motivation, diversity, conflict management, negotiation, communication, leadership, power and politics in organisations, group and team structures and processes, organisational culture and change management. As managers and employees, we draw on our knowledge of these subjects to implement best working practices in all areas, thus ensuring that we attract and retain the most excellent workforce and maximise organisational efficiency and effectiveness. Organisational Behaviour is unique among several business studies areas in that it is not a specialised area of study; rather, in covering the principles of human behaviour at work, the module is of high importance to any professional, supervisor or manager.

Module Aims

The aim of this module is to provide students with an overview of the theory and practice of management in organisations. This module focuses on

1. The individual in the organisation:

2. Groups in the organisation

3. The organisation system

On completion of this module, you will be able to understand the theory relating to the management of organisations and apply it in the context of the organisation that you work for and / or the case studies that we will work on during the course.

In designing the assessment strategies for this module, I followed the module themes of integrating theory and application as well as using the assessment process as an important learning opportunity by itself. Thus, the assignments ask you to interact with people and organisations in the ‘real world’ and help you integrate theory with practice.


      Module Title:  The Future of Organisations and Work   

Module Code:  BMGT2002S  

      No. of ECTS:    10

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module, you should be able to:  

o Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the key concepts and principles of organisational behaviour

o Critically discuss contents of the course material and demonstrate how the course content is applicable in the workplace.

o Appreciate the role and the importance of people in organisational functioning

o Identify the main challenges and opportunities for managers in the use of OB concepts and models

o Understand the implementation and the consequences of change initiatives in organisations

o Assess the roles of Managers and Leaders in organisations

Module Text:

Description (Book Title)






Organizational Behavior. 

 Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge

etextbook: ISBN-13: 9781292449968




print: ISBN-13: 9781292450025

You will supplement the text with readings from current sources, as will be described later in this study guide.

Themes and Topics

Organisational behaviour is the systematic study of the impact that individuals, groups, and structures have on behaviour within organisations.  The rationale for studying OB is to apply it with a view to improving organisational effectiveness and performance and organisation members’ well-being while keeping in mind the interests of all stakeholders (e.g., customers, the general public).  In the first chapter we begin with an introduction to OB.

Part 1: Introduction

1. What Is Organisational Behavior?

Next, we consider the individual in the organisation and the topics we will cover are:

Part 2: The Individual

2. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Organizations

3. Job Attitudes

4. Emotions and Moods

5. Personality and Individual Differences

6. Perception and Individual Decision Making

7. Motivation Concepts

8. Motivation: From Concepts to Applications

Humans are social animals and much of the work we do organisations requires us to work as part of a team or group. A group is two or more individuals who are interdependent and interact in order to achieve their objectives.  Therefore, we will study how humans interact and work together. The topics we will cover are:

Part 3: The Group

9. Foundations of Group Behavior.

10. Understanding Work Teams

11. Communication

12. Leadership

13. Power and Politics

14. Conflict and Negotiation

15. Foundations of Organisation Structure

Finally, organisational structure defines the way that work is formally divided, grouped and coordinated.  Organisational structure impact how effectively individuals within organisations work together. We will consider the various structures and the challenges they present. In this section, we will also consider how cultures emerge in organisations and the impact they have on performance.  Finally, we will take a brief look at how change is managed in organisations.

Part 4: The Organisation System

16. Organisational Culture and Change

17. Human Resource Systems and Practices

18. Stress and Health in Organisations