2024-09-29 代做PHI 107 FIRST PAPER/GRADED WRITING ASSIGNMENT Fall 2024代写数据结构语言


Fall 2024

TASK/TOPIC:Assessing Traditional Arguments about God's Existence.

·Write a 3-4 page(double spaced)paper (approx 1,000-1,200 words)that critically

examines one of the 4 main traditional arguments for or against God's existence:

·Ontological Argument

·Cosmological Argument (Simple Basic version or First Cause version)

·Design Argument

·Argument from Evil(Mackie version or Possible World version)

·Include a first page -do not count it as one of the 3-4 pages of the paper (or as partof the word count)-on which you give an explicit statementin numbered premise/conclusion format of the specific argument you are evaluating in your paper.You can use any of the statements of the relevant arguments given in lecture,in the textbook,or your own formulation -OK to "cut and paste"argument from lecture Powerpoint.(If you usean explicit statement from a source other than the lecture or textbook,be sure to cite yoursource.)Do NOT cut and paste anywhere else in the paper.Outside research is not encouraged.

The main pointof the paper is to explain why you believe the argument is successful ORis not successful in establishing its conclusion.

1.You should first give a clear complete explanation of the argument in your ownwords.Explain the idea behind the argument,its various steps,and how it is supposed to work.Then use the main part of your paper to assess the argument -

2.What possible objections might be raised against the argument?In particular,-Is the reasoning valid(or strong if inductive)?(If not valid(or strong),say whichspecific inferences,(steps of reasoning)are not valid(or strong)and explain.)-Are allits premises true?If challenging premises,say which premise(s)you reject andwhat your reasons are.3.Could the argument be defended against those objections?How?Play "Ping Pong".4.Sum up your overall evaluation/conclusion at the end.Do you believe the argumentis successful?unsuccessful?uncertain whether it succeeds?Sum up reasons you believe that

DUE DATE:Papers due on Blackboard (through your section)Thurs.,Oct 3,11:59PM.GRADING:The essay will receive up to 40 points using the GPA scale:A=4.0=40pts,A-=3.7=37pts...B+=3.3=33pts,B=3.0=30pts.(20%of course grade)

*ACADEMIC INTEGRITY-IMPORTANT REMINDER:In submiting your paper you areattesting that it is your sole work product.Be sure to cite and credit any sources you relyon-whether you are using explicit quotation,paraphrase or someone else's ideas**All cases of suspected plagiarism will be investigated,and if substantiated will besanctioned in accord with University and course policies as posted on syllabus.

Citation:For lecture or textbook readings -OK to just cite in parenthesis e.g.(Lecture)or(Anslem,textbook p#).For other sources give author name &date in parenthesis and completecitation at end of paper:author,title,date,journal/publisher or web adress.