2024-10-08 代写EEET2097 ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS ASSIGNMENT 2代做留学生Matlab程序



Submission date and time: 11:59pm, 18 October 2024

Please note this is individual assignment.

An analogue amplifier circuit is shown in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1 Integrated amplifier circuit.

Circuit Data: VDD = 12 V, -VEE = -12 V, ISS = 1.6 mA

Transistor Data:

Q1, Q2, Q7: NMOS, μn COX   = 90 μA⁄V2 , W⁄L  =  10 μm⁄1.6 μm , Vtn  = 0.7 V, λnL  = 0.10 μm⁄V

Q3, Q4: PMOS, μP COX   = 50 μA⁄V2 , W⁄L  =  10 μm⁄1.6 μm , VtP  = −0.8 V, λPL = 0.05 μm⁄V

Q5, Q6: NPN BJT, β =  120,  VBE   = 0.7 V, VA   = 100 V

For the amplifier circuit shown in Figure 1:

a)   Calculate the required value of resistor R1  to achieve the required tail current ISS.

(20 marks. To get the full mark, the early effect of all transistors needs to be included. If you exclude the early effect, the highest mark you can get is limited to 10 marks)

b)  Calculate the output resistance of the current mirror comprising transistors Q5 and Q6.  (4 marks)

c)   Calculate the differential mode and common mode small signal voltage gains of the differential amplifiers (the output of differential amplifiers is vo2  as shown in Fig. 1). (12 marks)

d)  Calculate the input differential mode resistance and input common mode resistance. (4 marks)

e)   Calculate the required value of resistor R2  to achieve an output DC voltage of 7 V (the output port is labelled as vout  as shown in Fig. 1).  (8 marks)

f)   Calculate the differential mode small signal voltage gain of the amplifier circuit (the output

port is labelled as vout  as shown in Fig. 1). (5 marks)

g)  Calculate the common mode input and the differential input range. (12 marks)

Use NI Multisim simulations (desktop version) to verify your calculations in:

(1) Part (a).           (5 marks)

(2) Part (c).           (14 marks)

(3) Part (d).           (5 marks)

(4) Part (e).           (5 marks)

(5) Part (f).            (6 marks)

Hint1: For NMOS transistors, use the “MOS_N” available in the component library. To change the parameters, double click the component. You can change the transistor length and width directly in the “Value” tab. To change other parameters, click “Edit model”, and then change accordingly. Here, you will need to change “KP” (i.e., kn(′)), “VTO” (i.e., Vt ), and “LAMBDA” (i.e., λ). Other parameters can be left as default.

Hint 2: For the PMOS transistors, use the “MOS_P” in the component library. The parameters can be changed in the similar way as in Hint 1.

Hint 3: For the BJT transistors, use the “BJT_NPN” in the component library. To change the parameters, double click the component and then select “Edit model” . You will need to change “BF” (i.e., β), “VAF” (i.e., early voltage) and “VJE” (i.e., VBE ) here.

Total marks: 100