代写DIG103: Interaction Design帮做R编程

2024-10-08 代写DIG103: Interaction Design帮做R编程


Subject Code and Title

DIG103: Interaction Design


UX and UI analysis and web design proposal




8-10 pages 500 words (+/- 10%)

Learning Outcomes

C) Apply fundamental visual composition and

typographic principles relating to design for digital interactive environments

D) Demonstrate an understanding of UX and UI research, analysis and practice

E) Explain and summarise an interaction design proposal, process and outcome via documentation


By 11:55pm on Sunday of Week 3



Total Marks

100 marks


This Assessment aims for students to explore the design the UI of a webpage, taking into consideration fundamental UX principles. The webpage will then be developed and coded in Assessment 2 + 3. It is intended for graphic, communication, web and creative technology students to explore the UI and UX development process of web content.


You will be provided with a client brief who require a webpage to be developed. Your task will be to investigate different competitors, analyse different strategies and develop a proposal design of what the product will look like. You should take into consideration various UX fundamentals, UI principles and web standards. You will be provided with some assets of the brand to include in your proposal. The goal is for your final webpage design to be thoroughly explored and considerate of the various factors that the brand and product require. The thinking behind your design decisions are important in this Assessment.


First, analyse who the users of the site will be. Consider and explore their values and goals of using the site as this will inform. the type of experience and UI that the site should have. Try to look for current cultural trends and nuanced perspectives here, rather than standardised design ideas.

Second, research and analyse existing competitors for insights. Consider competitors in the same product line, but also those who hold the same value as the brand though in a different product line.

Third, explore your initial design ideas using wireframes. Wireframes allow you to explore quickly and efficiently various compositions, and to consider the strategy and funnel that a composition can have for users as they navigate the page. These should be created in industry standard UI software.

Fourth, create your final high-fidelity visual design of the home page. It should incorporate various  ideas uncovered during your research into the users, competitors and wireframing. Industry practice is to present the finished design of a webpage to the client before coding it.

The document submitted should present a clear summary of your findings, thoughts and ideas and should look and feel professional.

Submission items:

The document must include in a 8-10 page PDF document:

1.    1 X SWOT Competitor analysis

2.    3 X Personas of target audience

3.    1 X Wireframe. exploration

4.    1 X High-fidelity visual design


Submit your assessment task via the Assessment linkin MyLearn. For both online and face to face classes,this assessment is due on Sunday of Module 3 (Week 3).

Assessment Rubric

Assessment Attributes

Fail (Unacceptable)





Distinction (Advanced)

High Distinction (Exceptional)

Analyse the UX of a Competitor website

25 points

Failed to produce a SWOT analysis of a competitor    site to an adequate


The SWOT analysis of a competitor site is

produced to an

adequate standard.

The SWOT analysis of a competitor site is

produced to an

effective standard.

The SWOT analysis of a competitor site is

produced to a high standard.

The SWOT analysis of a competitor site is

produced to a

sophisticated and

professional standard.

Research and design personas of target    audience


25 points

Failed to research and

design personas of target audience to an adequate standard

The research and

design of personas of the target audience   are produced to an    adequate standard.

The research and design

of personas of the   target audience are produced to an

effective standard.

The research and design of personas of the target audience are produced   to ahigh standard.

The research and design of personas of the target audience are produced   to a sophisticated



Assessment Attributes

Fail (Unacceptable)





Distinction (Advanced)

High Distinction (Exceptional)

Analyse the UX of a Competitor website

25 points

Failed to design a Low-

fidelity Wireframe. of the  proposed new homepage

The research and

design of personas of the target audience   are produced to an    adequate standard.

The Low-fidelity   Wireframe. of the proposed new

homepage is produced

to an effective standard.

The Low-fidelity   Wireframe. of the proposed new

homepage is produced to ahigh standard.

The Low-fidelity  Wireframe. of the proposed new


is produced to a

sophisticated and

professional standard.

Research and design personas of target    audience


25 points

Failed to research and

design personas of target audience to an adequate standard

The High-fidelity visual graphic of the

proposed new

homepage is produced to an adequate


The High-fidelity visual  graphic of the proposed

new homepage is produced to an

effective standard.

The High-fidelity visual  graphic of the proposed new homepage is

produced to a high standard.

The High-fidelity visual  graphic of the proposed new homepage is

produced to a

sophisticated standard.