COMP5565 Decentralized Apps Fundamentals and Development
Individual Assignment (10%)
[Deadline: 23:59:00 2nd November 2024 (Sat)]
This is an individual assignment. You may use the course material and Internet resources to answer the questions. However, you should not post the questions online and ask for help.Discussion among your peers is encouraged; however, you must produce answers by yourself and in your own words. Any suspicion of plagiarism will be thoroughly investigated. Copying answers from GenAI tools into your assignment is a form. of plagiarism. Note that plagiarism is a serious offense. Both copiee and copier will receive 0 mark. Serious cases would be submitted to the Departmental for further disciplinary actions.
Question 1 – Modifying a Smart Contract (40 marks)
Complete Lab 1 Task 6. Submit a completed file faucet.sol. Note that your solution must work in a real-world scenario, i.e., when any account tries to interact with the faucet in any order and for any number of times.
Submit a file called q1.sol.
Question 2 – Creating a Smart Contract (40 marks)
1. Develop a Smart Contract that enables two players, each having an EOA, to play a paper-scissor-stone game. When the contract is deployed, it has to be initiated with the two players’ EOA addresses. Before playing the game, the two players have to deposit 0.1 ETH to the contract. Only the two players can deposit ether to the contract. Each of them will trigger a function, play(), which accepts the choice of paper, scissor or stone, specified by the player. The play() function should determine who wins the game when it is called, provided that both players have called this function already. Only the two EOA addresses can trigger the play() function.
The winner will receive 0.2 ETH from the contract account, which is the total deposit from both players. If there is a draw, each player will be refunded 0.08 ETH. After the game ends, the contract will be self-destructed and the account balance will be refunded to the EOA which deployed the contract.
You are allowed to develop other (internal) function(s) in your smart contract. Make sure the functions are having proper access control.
At the beginning of the contract. Type the steps in details, in terms of comments, of how to deploy your contract, and how the game is set up and played by calling various functions of the contract. [30pts]
Submit a file called q2-1.sol.
2. In a near future, the SELFDESTRUCT opcode in the EVM (therefore, the selfdestruct() function in Solidity) will be deprecated. On a copy of your previous contract and make it work behave in an equivalent way while not relying on the selfdestruct() function. [10pts]
Submit a file called q2-2.sol.
Question 3 – Improve a Faucet (20 marks)
Take the front-end of the Holešky faucet you used during Lab 1, given in the attachment, and implement the following features using the ethers.js v6 library. Refer to the documentation at For this exercise, you will need to host the front-end on your localhost. A quick way to do so is to spawn a HTTP server using Node’s http-server package. Since we will later make use of NodeJS, why not prepare your environment now?
To install NodeJS, refer to On Windows, select prebuilt installer. Once installed, run the command:
npm install http-server -g
to install the HTTP server. Finally, once placed on the directory that contains faucet.html, run the server using: npx http-server. You will be able to access it by browsing to see outputs from the command).
1. Instead of copy-pasting the address into the text field, make the form. interact with the user wallet to select the proper account, populate the text field and disable the field to prevent modifications when the address is provisioned from the wallet. Add a Connect/Disconnect button on the top right corner of the page to initiate the interaction with the wallet, or disconnect the wallet and revert back to manual input. [10pts]
2. When an address is input manually, there are opportunity for making mistakes. If undetected, funds could reach a wrong address and become unrecoverable. Fortunately, Ethereum addresses often come with an integrated checksum. While an address is approximately a hash of a public key with the result encoded in hexadecimal (which is case-insensitive), Ethereum checksumed addresses encode an extra checksum in the
letter case. For instance, this is an address without checksum:
and this is the corresponding checksumed address:
Implement a checksum verification of the supplied address and prevent the form. from being submitted if the checksum is invalid. [10pts]
Note that you will not have the backend to make the faucet work. Therefore, calls to the backend will show the error “Error: Unexpected end of JSON input”, which is normal.
Submit a file called q3.sol.
The deadline of this assignment is 23:59:00 2nd November 2024 (Sat). No late submission is allowed.
1. Compress all files q1.sol, q2-1.sol, q2-2.sol and q3.sol into a single ZIP file
2. Name this ZIP file as as Assignment__. E.g., Assignment_ 12345678d_CHANTaiMan
3. Submit the file to the “Assignment” entry under “Assessments” in Blackboard.
Any wrong file naming and submission will receive 0 mark for the whole assignment. You have the obligation to check the correctness of your submission.