代做Assessment Two: Website

2024-10-15 代做Assessment Two: Website

Assessment Two: Website

This is a creative and critical assignment centring on the construction of a website and incorporating a number of components: 

A.     Website Design

B.     Photography project

C.     Podcast

D.    Video essay

E.     Critical reflection

You will learn the tools, workflows and concepts relevant to developing each of these components over weeks 7-11. While the assignment is graded holistically, each of the components is important to that final mark, so try to ensure that each component is completed to a high standard. The marking is not mechanistic, as we are also assessing the overall aesthetic and conceptual coherence of the website.

A.     Website: Construct a website using WordPress. Use an appropriate theme and plug-ins to achieve design objectives. Design an effective navigation system and page layouts. Design an attractive and attention-grabbing home page that combines text and visuals. Your homepage should be an introduction to you and your website. Ensure the site functions across desktop and mobile devices.

Assessment Criteria:

·       Coherence of visual communication design within pages / layouts

·       Aesthetic coherence across pages

·       Coherence of experience design (navigation, device type etc)

B.     Photography: design and produce a photographic project, gallery or portfolio that is incorporated into your website and that engages with one of the following themes:

·       The aesthetics and affordances of the selfie

·       Algorithms and/as photography

·       Digital images and truth

Please note:  You may use images that you have taken yourself or you may use stock royalty-free images for your photography projects but will clearly need to work with these images. The projects should be between 3-9 images depending on what you plan to do with them and you may use captions and/or commentary to explain your project.

Assessment Criteria:

·       Engagement with critical/theoretical/cultural concepts

·       Aesthetic quality of images

·       Technical quality of images (composition, exposure, etc)

C.     Podcast: design and produce a 3-6 minute podcast that is incorporated into your website and that engages with one of the following themes:

·       The political economy of digital music and streaming

·       The aesthetics and affordances of the podcast

·       Mashups and remixes as conversations

·       Vocal performance

Assessment Criteria:

·       Engagement with critical/theoretical/cultural concepts

·       Aesthetic quality of podcast

·       Technical quality of podcast (levels, recording quality, etc)

D.    Video Essay: design and produce a two-to-three minutes-long video essay that is incorporated into your website and that engages with one of the following themes:

·       YouTube, distributed violence and extremism

·       Copyright, Content ID, and Remix

·       Gender and the work of reaction

·       Let’s Play Videos

Your video should use audio voiceover, accompanied by images and/or video footage and/or graphics. The video should not just be footage of yourself talking to camera.

Assessment Criteria:

·       Engagement with critical/theoretical/cultural concepts

·       Aesthetic quality of video

·       Technical quality of video (sound quality, pace of editing, etc)

E.     Critical reflection: Produce a 600-800 word critical reflection on your website and the issues and concepts it engages with. This critical reflection will form. the ‘About’ page on your website. Please note that producing a critical reflection is not like writing an essay, in that it does not ask you to advance a particular argument. Rather, it requires you to situate your work and the decisions you have taken within a framework that is informed by the theories of digital media that were explored during the course. You may wish to consider how particular decisions you have made were constrained, guided, shaped or afforded by the platforms and technologies you have engaged with. You may also speculate about how the website or particular pieces of content might be spreadable or shareable if this was not a university project.

Assessment Criteria:

·       Ability to connect practice to theory

·       Ability to communicate clearly and concisely

·       Ability to write lucidly and relevantly, avoiding generalisation

A+ 90-100 Marks in this band will reflect work of outstanding quality that consistently demonstrates profundity; insight; individuality; imaginative responses; personal engagement with, and interpretation of, material; ability to clearly implement an appropriate and deliberate aesthetic style; technical excellence in production quality; breadth and depth of reference that influences the work; clarity of expression; and the ability to engage with complex critical and/or theoretical ideas. Although all work should demonstrate a high level of literacy and be well-presented, work assessed at this level will be exemplary.

A-/A 80-89 Marks in this band will reflect work of very high quality that demonstrates insight; individuality imaginative responses; personal engagement with, and interpretation of, material; ability to clearly implement an appropriate and deliberate aesthetic style; technical excellence in production quality; breadth and depth of reference that influences the work; clarity of expression; and the ability to engage with complex critical and/or theoretical ideas. Although all work should demonstrate a high level of literacy and be well-presented, work assessed as achieving an A-grade MUST do so.

B/B+ 70-79 Marks in this band will reflect work of very good quality, showing many of the characteristics of the band above. While work will evidence some personal insight and imagination, thoroughness and detail will be more evident, or conversely, work in the band may be highly creative, but lack a detailed critical engagement. Characteristic qualities will be coherence and soundness of argument based on a very good understanding of critical/theoretical contexts and concepts, clear aesthetic choices, and technical competence.

B- 65-69 Marks in this band will reflect work of good quality, but work in which thoroughness and detail is more evident than insight and imagination, or work which is highly creative but lacks conceptual depth. Characteristic qualities will be aesthetic coherence and technical competence, a good understanding of critical contexts, and a clear focus on a particular issues.

C-/C/C+ 50-64 While satisfactory, work given marks in this band will reflect a greater tendency to generalize, demonstrate a more limited conceptual engagement, be more derivative in argument, exhibit a less creative set of responses and demonstrate limited technical competence.

D 40-49 Marks in this band will reflect work that does not meet the minimum requirements set out above. Typical features are a lack of intellectual engagement; little insight; imprecise expression; poor organization of material; generalization; incoherent aesthetic choices and technical incompetence.

E 0-39 The assignment has not met the requirements of the assignment - in theoretical understanding, critical engagement, creative expression, insight or presentation.

Course Learning Outcomes:

1.     Recognise and account for the affordances and limitations of digital media forms and platforms.

2.     Reflect on their engagement with digital media in a critical manner

3.     Produce online and web-based media that demonstrate digital literacies and technical competencies

Here are some sample assignments from 2020 to check out.

Sample 1: https://digitalmassey.com/14268634/ 

Grade B

This website is technically solid across all parts but lacked theoretical depth in the podcast and videography. The design is generally good, but a few inconsistencies here and there.

Sample 2: https://digitalmassey.com/18033001/ 

Grade B+

This website has a consistent and attractive design and an extremely impressive video essay. The photography and reflection are less strong, but still good.

Sample 3: https://digitalmassey.com/1226381/ 

Grade A

This website is strong across all the projects and has a coherent and creative design across the site.