代写ITECH3108 – Dynamic Web Development代做Java编程

2024-10-15 代写ITECH3108 – Dynamic Web Development代做Java编程

ITECH3108 – Dynamic Web Development

Assessment Task Front-end Development


For this assessment task, you will use skills acquired through the first six weeks of material to build an interactive front-end to an API.

You will be developing a front-end for a simple forum application, using front-end JavaScript,  the Document Object Model, and fetch to connect to a RESTful web API. You will also submit a written reflection on your learning.

Timelines and Expectations

Percentage Value of Task: 30%

Due: Refer to Course Description Minimum time expectation: 34 hrs

Learning Outcomes Assessed

Refer to Unit Description.

Assessment Details

For this assignment, you will need to create an interactive front-end for an existing API, using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Part one – Install the API server application

Using the skills you developed in the week 1 laboratory task, install the API server application. The application can be installed using the following single command:

deno install --allow-read --allow-net


Ensure that is correctly installed by running chat_server and pointing your browser at

https://localhost:7777, which should give an overview of the server API and a live display of the current database.

Data Model

The database exists in-memory only, and will be reset every time the server restarts, so

don’t be afraid of breaking anything in it.

There are two top-level object types: users and threads. A user has a username and a name (or display name).

A thread has a title, an id, an icon, and an array of posts.

A post has a user (the author of the post) and a text field (the content of the post). The complete database is displayed in the browser, and updates automatically.

Server functionality

The chat  server API has (at minimum) the following resources available:



Retrieve a list of all threads



Retrieve a specific thread



Retrieve a specific thread and all the associated posts



Retrieve a list all users



Retrieve information about a specific user



Retrieve all threads started by a particular user



Create a new thread. Requires a JSON body to be submitted with a content-type of


The body must be a JSON object containing the following keys:

user : The username of the user posting.

icon: A single character - e.g. an emoji.

title : The title of the thread. A string. text : The content of the first post. A string.



Create a new post within a particular thread. Requires a JSON body to be submitted with a content-type of application/json

The body must be a JSON object containing the following keys:

user : The username of the user posting. text : The content of the post. A string.



Delete an entire thread, and all posts within it. Requires a JSON body to be submitted with a content-type of application/json

The body must be a JSON object containing the following keys:

user : The username of the current user, which must match the user who created the post

otherwise an error value is returned.

Any errors will be reported both by an appropriate status code (eg. 400, 401, 404) and by a JSON response containing an “error” key.

The API does not allow creating or deleting users, nor deleting individual posts. It does not support the PUT verb for any resources.

Creating a thread using the API also creates the first post within it.

Part two – Build the application

Create a front-end HTML, CSS and JavaScript. application that uses the above API.

Your application should run within the regular Deno file_server application. During development you will need to run both file_server to serve your assignment files and chat_server to serve up your chat forum API. In Windows, this is easiest achieved by running multiple command prompts.

The application should have the following functionality:

•     Upon loading the site, the user is presented with a “ login” screen this does not need to perform. any authentication and merely asks the user to type their username. (e.g. Figure 1)

Figure 1. Login screen

•     The application should check that this username is already in the database by requesting the appropriate API endpoint, and retain this username and use it in   subsequent requests as required.

•     After login, the application should display a list of all threads, where each thread is a clickable link (e.g. Figure 2)

Logged in as Owen Dow

Figure 2 Threads screen

•     The user should be able to create a new thread, supplying a thread title and the text of an initial post. (No mockup supplied – implement this however you like).

•     When the user clicks on one of the listed threads, the list of posts should be dynamically loaded and displayed underneath (e.g. Figure 3).

Figure 3 Posts screen

•     The user should be able to add a post to a thread.

•     The user should be able to delete a thread that they created themselves.

•     Every 10 seconds, the data currently being displayed should be refreshed from the server, without losing user input (for example in the Reply box).

Hint: look at using window.setInterval or window.setTimeout


•    You must use the APIs from the given library. If you need to use additional APIs from other libraries, please make sure you include the exact version. Otherwise, the system will pull the latest APIs, and your page may break.

Challenge task (optional!)

•     Use the History API to make it possible to use the Back and Forward browser buttons to navigate (eg, clicking back after clicking a thread).

Part three – Written report

Include in your submission a written report which includes:

•     A personal reflection usingGibb’s Reflective Cycledescribing your approach to   the assignment, any difficulties encountered, and what you learned in completing the task (approx. 300-400 words, about 1 page). Note that any plagiarism in this reflection is absolutely unacceptable, and will be reported if discovered.

•     A statement of completion indicating which parts of the assignment you did or did not attempt.

•     A statement of assistance showing what sort of help you obtained from external resources or peer groups.

•     Any instructions necessary to run your application (if not obvious)

Anything cool or extra youve done.