代写SOEN6461 Fall 2024代写留学生Java程序

2024-10-16 代写SOEN6461 Fall 2024代写留学生Java程序

SOEN6461 Fall 2024

First Deliverable

Due on Fri. Oct. 11 th , 2024

Clone the code of the Ptidej repo. at https://github.com/ptidejteam/ptidej-Ptidej, import it in your favourite IDE, and compile and run it. Explain what you run, how and why.

Study its PADL project and answer the following question. Always discuss pros and cons of each architectural, design, and implementation decision.

1. What are the purposes of the packages padl .analysis and ptidej .ui .analysis, their contents and subpackages? Use at least two class diagrams to describe their purposes and “main” functioning. Use at  least one sequence diagram to describe how a client developer can use

padl .analysis .repository .AACRelationshipsAnalysis .invoke(IAbstractModel).

2. Identify and report on at least one concrete example of:

1.    Distinguishing typing from code reuse

2.    Implementing duck typing

3.    Adding one level of indirection

3. Using at least one sequence diagram, including the used resources (i.e., files), describe the functioning and use of the ptidej .solver .java .test .manager .ManagerTest.