Econ 315 Homework 1: Data Preparation and Simple Dashboard
Due Date: 10/11 @ 11pm in Canvas.
Please submit your written report in MS Word and your complete work in Tableau by saving all your work as *.twbx file (Tableau Package Workbook and check that you can open it if you used the data interpreter)
You are given a 2003 paper by Frankel and Rose “Is Trade Good or Bad for the Environment? Sorting Out the Causality”
And two datasets:
Data Set 1: Original Data used for the Paper by Frankel and Rose “Frankel and Rose 2003 Data” (this is a truncated dataset – I removed various unnecessary fields from the original data for this homework)
Data Set 2: Data from the World Bank that contains four variables:
CO2 Emissions (kt), CO2 Emissions (Metric tons per capita), GDP (current US$), and Merchandise imports (current US$).
The data set “Frankel and Rose 2003 Data” is already cleaned and ready for analysis, but the other data set will need to be cleaned and combined in an appropriate way with the first data.. It is up to you how you choose to combine the data to answer the questions.
Part 1:
Read the paper by Frankel and Rose to learn about the data, their analysis, and findings.
1. Use measure “Mean Sulfur dioxide” and “PWT 5.6 Openness” to recreate Figure 1 from the
paper (SO2 versus measure of openness to trade) – recreate the figure with all the necessary improvements to make the data standout; the original graph needs improvement, use what we have learned in class to create clear graphs. Use the “Institutionalized Democracy Score” measure to create a “Low Democracy” group that has a score less than or equal to 8, and “High Democracy” that has a score higher than 8.
a. Hint1: The figure won’t include all the same countries as some of the values are missing and Tableau will omit them whereas in the paper, they forced some values with some missing information
2. Using the GDP, CO2, Imports Data create:
a. a similar figure as the Figure 1 in Frankel and Rose. This figure should have CO2 and Openness, where Openness is measured as the ratio of Imports to GDP. Create this figure using data for years 1990 – 2023. Focus on making the graph clear and improve on the original, just as you did in Question 1. For this figure, you can use the same measure of “Institutionalized Democracy Score” as you did in Question 1.
b. Create asecond graph using the same variables as 2a but now use the other measure of CO2 that you did not use in 2a. (this graph should/can be the same as in 2a. above but use the other measure of CO2 that you did not use in 2a).
3. Create a Dashboard with the graph from 1 and either 2a or 2b:
a. Allow for highlighting between the two figures on the dashboard, that is, selecting one or more countries in one figure, selects them in the second figure on the same dashboard. (Again, it is fine if not all countries will be the same between the different datasets as the data in the Frankel and Rose paper only extends until 1996 and the other dataset is up to date. It is fine if some countries don’t show up, but most should be the same)
4. Comment on the features of your visualizations; that is, how and why you chose to create the visualization you did. Part 2:
1. Recreate the information in Figure 1a (Simple Scatterplots of data and pollution and trade) from Frankel and Rose as much as you can; focus on the top 6 graphs only and remake them by making the data standout. The original figure is not very good, make this information better using 6 graphs that will have similar layout. The goal is to use the lessons we learned in class to make this graph better. (this can be one worksheet or one dashboard, it is up to you) For income, use variable: PWT 5.6 Real GDP per capita "Income”
2. Create a figure like Figure 1a but using the GDP, CO2 and Imports Data. In this figure, take the top 6 countries that emit CO2 (metric tons per capita) in 2019 and create 2 graphs that show countries Openness from 2000-2023 and CO2 emissions from 2000-2023. Put the graphs on a dashboard and allow for some interaction between the two graphs. Here again use ratio of Imports to GDP as Openness.
Part 3:
Create one more visualization using this data that you think is interesting and visualizes impact of trade on environment. This one is your choice, essentially, explore the data using visuals and create one additional figure. Briefly describe the figure.
What to turn it:
A report in MS Word that is no more than 2 pages of writing: double-spaced with 12 point font. The report should include all images you created in the Appendix of the report. These don’tcount against the 2 page max requirement.
Also, Save and submit all your Tableau work as Tableau Package Workbook file: *.twbx
Please make sure that each worksheet/dashboard is clearly labeled and in order so that it is easy to navigate while grading.
Grading: Inherently some of this grading is subjective but I will focus on:
Is the data clear
Is there lack of chartjunk
Are Tableau Worksheets well organized and clean, well labeled
Did you accomplish the tasks required?
Are the visuals clear and easy to read/understand