Econ 4210 - Assignment # 3
(Version 2 - Issued 9/28/24)
Due on 10/14/24
Problem 1 (Pricing a Credit Default Swap ) Consider a simple econ- omy in which there is one complex asset, S, and three states. The payoff of this asset in each state is denoted by Xi. Thus,
State 1 State 2 State 3
X1 X2 X3 .
In this economy, in addition to this complex asset with price PS , two deriva- tives are traded: A call option with strike price K with X2 < K < X3 and cur- rent price C(S, K), and a put option with strike price K* with X1 < K* < X2 which sells for V (S, K* ).
Suppose that you have purchased a bond that promises to pay one unit of consumption in each state but the market believes that the firm that has issued the bond will only pay 0.5 units of consumption in state 3
1. A credit default swap (CDS) is a contract that promises to compensate the holder for the difference between what the bond promises (one unit of consumption in every state) and what it actually pays. Go as far as you can determining the price of a CDS on the bond as a function of the price of traded securities.
2. What is the price (in terms of traded securities) of a portfolio that includes the bond and the CDS on the bond. Hint: Think about the payoff of such a portfolio.
Problem 2 (Pricing a Put and a Swap) Consider an economy in which there are two possible states G and B . Let the real interest rate be rf . Let the price of a stock today be S0 , and the two possible prices tomorrow are dG > dB . Moreover, assume that there is a call contract traded in this market with strike price K where
dB ≤ K ≤ dG and dB ≤ S0 (1 + rf ) ≤ dG
which are implications of efficient markets. Let the risk neutral probabil- ity of the good state be
1. Price a put on this stock.
2. Consider the following swap contract: One party owns a variable rate loan that pays rf − δ in the G state and rf + β in the B state. (Here assume that δ and β are small numbers so that all the rates are positive. This institution wants to hedge the interest rate risk and enters into a contract that pays a constant rate, ¯(r) in exchange for the stream of (random) interest payments on the loan. To be precise, the seller of this swap offers to pay the buyer¯(r) in each state of nature and keeps for itself the interest on the loan. Assume that perfect competition implies that there is no arbitrage in this market. Go as far as you can determining the rate ¯(r).
3. Assume that
dG = 100, dB = 80, S0 = 90 and rf = 0.10.
Compute ¯(r) as a function of (δ,β). Assume now that δ = 0.03 and β = 0.02. What is ¯(r)?
4. If the value of¯(r) that you computed is different from the risk free rate can you explain why?