Subject Code and Title
STA201 Business Statistics
Data Visualisation Presentation
5-minutes video presentation and 5 PowerPoint slides
Learning Outcomes
This assessment addresses the following Subject Learning Outcomes:
a) Produce, analyse, and present data graphically and numerically, and perform. statistical analysis of central tendency and variability.
e) Utilise technology to analyse and manipulate data and present findings to peers and other stakeholders.
By 11:55 pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 2.2 (Week 4).
Total Marks
100 marks
Assessment Task
Collect sample data and use it to produce descriptive statistics and present your data through appropriate tables, charts, or graphs. Prepare a 5-minute video recording presentation of five (5) PowerPoint slides addressing the assessment tasks. The slides will include the descriptive statistics that you will calculate and the charts and graphs that you will use to present your dataset
Please refer to the Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
Statistics involves collecting, organising, analysing, and interpreting data to make informed decisions. Descriptive statistics are used to summarise the important characteristics of large datasets and are also the focus of this assessment. Descriptive statistics help to organise and present information in away that is more meaningful than raw data and allows for simple interpretation. Proper presentation of datasets helps stakeholders to better understand information, identify trends and make informed decisions.
Through this assessment, you will be able to demonstrate and improve various skills such as collecting data, calculating descriptive statistics such as a measure of central tendency and variation, and using EXCEL to present their findings via appropriate charts and graphs.
1. Collect data for sales of houses in a suburb in Australia for two distinct periods: Period A
- the months of May 2023, June 2023, July 2023 and August 2023 and period B – the months of September 2023, October 2023, November 2023 and December 2023. The list of suburbs is given at the bottom of the marking rubric and your Subject Coordinator/Learning Facilitator will allocate a specific suburb to you. You may collect the information from or Please do not include any other property type (apartments, units, blocks of land, etc.). In your presentation you must mention the name of the suburb, city, and source of your data.
2. Data collected must include the following variables for each house sale:
a. Selling price
b. Number of bedrooms
c. Number of bathrooms
d. Property size
e. Distance to the nearest train station or bus stop in kilometres (kms).
3. You will have two datasets, one for Period A (May 2023 to August 2023) and another one for Period B (September 2023 to December 2023).
4. In order to have the same sample size, select 25 sales for Period A and 25 sales for Period B.
5. Use EXCEL to carryout all the calculations.
6. The EXCEL file (which must also be submitted) should include raw data, calculations, charts and graphs. You should use separate EXCEL worksheets for your raw data and each of the tasks.
7. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation, consisting of a maximum of five (5) slides (excluding the title slide).
8. Record a 5-minute video in the PowerPoint presenter mode where your face is visible. It is recommended that you use Zoom. However, if Zoom is not available, you may use any other recording platform.
9. You are required to compare and contrast the relevant data from Period A and Period B by completing the following four (4) tasks.
Task 1
Draw an appropriate chart for the variables ‘number of bedrooms’ and ‘number of bathrooms’ for each period (i.e. Period A and Period B) showing a comparison between the two.
Task 2
Calculate the measures of central tendency and variations for the variable ‘selling price’ for each period (i.e. A and B). Calculate the five-number summary for selling price for each period. Present your findings in a table. Construct an appropriate plot that allows you to compare the five- number summary for Period A against Period B.
Task 3
Construct a frequency distribution table for the variable selling price for Period A and Period B. Using the information from your tables, construct histograms for both periods. Using the relative frequency approach, determine the probability that a house price would fallin each of the classes of the frequency distribution. Do this for both periods.
Task 4
Present and analyse the findings of the first three tasks and compare the data of the two periods in a 5-minute video presentation. Include the tables and charts you have constructed in your presentation. Ensure that you also comment on the suitability of your chosen graphs and charts. You can use the following guide to structure your presentation:
• 1 slide for Task 1
• 2 slides for Task 2
• 2 slides for Task 3
It is essential that you use the appropriate APA 7th Edition style. for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing in theAcademic Skills webpage.
Submission Instructions
Submit this task via the Assessment linkin the main navigation menu in STA201: Business Statistics.
Please note that during the submission process you will need to submit your EXCEL file,
Powerpoint slides, and the recorded video presentation in mp4 format. Once your first item has been uploaded, click ‘Browse Your Computer’ to attach your extra documents as an appendix. Then click the Final Submit button. Make sure all documents are uploaded before hitting the “Submit” button.