PSYCH 201 (06/11/2021 17:00) Perception and Cognition (Exam)
Answer ANY EIGHT of the TWELVE questions from SECTION A. Section A is worth 40 marks. Each question is worth 5 marks.
SECTION A (40 marks)
Answer ANY EIGHT of the following TWELVE questions (5 marks each)
1. What are the three common measures of central tendency for a distribution? Briefly describe how each is calculated, and what type of error do they minimize.
2. Donders believed that time would be a useful measure of cognition. Briefly describe the experiment from which he based his idea and how that led to his belief. What is one of the problems associated with Donders’ technique?
3. Briefly describe the overload and underload explanations behind the decrease in vigilance over time.
4. How has EEG shown that congenital amusia is associated with deficits in the processing of language tones, and so is not limited to pitch processing in music only? What other aspect of EEG data would you recommend be explored, and why?
5. How would you describe “mentalese”?
6. In order to understand a specific cognitive ability, scientists often create experimental microworlds. Using at least two examples, explain why they do so.
7. What are (a) incubation effects and (b) insight problems?
8. Explain how the Geneplore model confirms many creative peoples’ claim that the key to creativity is hard work.
9. Reading is a process that requires a person to use orthography, word meaning, syntax and phonology. Explain how each of these is used in reading.
10. What difficulties will a person experience with each of the following disorders?
a. Phonological dyslexia
b. Surface dyslexia
c. Deep dyslexia
11. What type of sentence is this: “the teacher told the story smiled”? What language process(es) do you need to use in order to understand it?
12. Give an example of each of the following: a semantic substitution error, a blending error, a morpheme-exchange error, and a word-exchange error.