代写ISYS90117 Managing Business Analytics Semester 2, 2024代做Java程序

2024-10-25 代写ISYS90117 Managing Business Analytics Semester 2, 2024代做Java程序

ISYS90117 Managing Business Analytics

Semester 2, 2024

Take Home Exam Specification


Due Date:       Monday 28th  October @ 11:59 pm (During the Examination Period)

Weight:          35%

Length:           Maximum length is 2,000 words in total (this is a hard upper-bound); word count does not include executive summary, references, citations, tables, or headings

Type:              Individual Report


General assessment details:

•    This take-home exam is aimed at addressing Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) 1 to 5.

Assessment  Requirements are contained within Take Home Exam - Case Scenario (download from Canvas > Assignments > Take Home Exam (Individual)).

Submission Format:  WORD file or a PDF.

No submission will be accepted 1 hour past the due date without prior approval.

Requests for Extensions must be received by Kameron Chan by 11.59 pm on Sunday, 27th October.

•    Questions  regarding  requirements:  Please  direct  them  only  to  Kameron  Chan  or  the  Canvas Discussion Forum, enabling a standardised response for everyone.

Plagiarism identified by Turnitin, which is not appropriately acknowledged and cited, will be dealt with accordingly as per the University of Melbourne’sAcademic Integrity Policy.

Your report should:

•    Contain evidence of original thinking and critical analysis.

•    Logically build your argument/views based on the case scenario’s context.

•    Contain well-developed explanations reinforced with high-quality research.

Utilise images/tables/figures, etc., effectively where appropriate.

•    Include any relevant assumptions as explicit statements (if any).

Your writing should:

•    Focus on the intended audience.

•    Be concise and coherent, with effective use of the word count.

•    Be well structured, in a logical order, with well-flowing content.

•    Be proofread and spell-checked. You may leverage sentence structure, grammar, and spelling tools to give your writing a professional look and feel.

•    Use appropriate citations and references in APA format.

Note on report structure:

•    There is no specified template for this report. A table of contents is not required, but a cover page and a reference list are essential requirements.

•    Please ensure your Student ID is in a header and number every page in the footer.

•    Failure to adhere to these  presentation  requirements will cause you to lose marks under ‘ Report Structure’ .


Having now developed the necessary skills and knowledge required to identify and specify requirements for a business analytics or data warehousing solution, you are now required to do this as part of a take- home exam to demonstrate your new-found understanding of Managing Business Analytics as an individual consultant or business manager.

For this project, please read the provided case study and put yourself in the shoes of a consultant tasked to help business leaders generate a business analytics plan that caters to their needs.

These needs are explained in the case study, but the exact solution that the organization is looking for will be clearly specified by the instructors and the relevant assignment page(s) on Canvas.

Overall, the project’s final report should build on concepts from the course over the semester on which the format is based upon the original report you developed.

Note: The deliverable is a plan or a consultant report and not a business intelligence solution i.e. there is no coding required.


As you did throughout the semester, you are to develop a final report where you will propose a business analytics or data warehousing solution.

Hence, the main deliverables for this take-home exam are to:

1. Produce a Project Outline that describes the principles of your idea.

2. Construct coherent Data Model that also illustrates your proposed architectural design.

3. Propose your final recommendations in the form. of a business report.

To support the above deliverables, your final report should follow the below structure:

a. An overview that contains the principle and the idea as to what the project is and why it is needed.

b. The functionality and features of the required/desired BI system such as which processes or KPIs you will focus on, reporting capabilities and dashboard options. Further, who will use them and what are the applications that will extract data from the data warehouse for presentation and analysis?

c. The proposed architecture of  your   solution containing  all  the   backroom  and  front-room technologies and its corresponding justifications to meet the needs of the business. You may specify products and vendors, but you do not have to.

d. Your proposed data model. This should contain at least one fact table and several dimension tables made up of several fields. Be sure to justify the selection of your model type, any required snowflaking, and treatment of the dimensions.

e. Your plan for Extraction, Transformation & Loading. What are some of the challenges involved with the transformation, integration, performance and validity of data and how do you intend to resolve these in your solution?

f. Recommendations for actions that detail the next steps for business leaders to consider in the form. of a high-level project plan.

Unlike in your team report, where you submitted various sections throughout the semester, all you are required to do for this take-home exam is to submit a single file of your response.

Please label this as: ISYS90117_Student ID_Take Home Exam.docx OR .pdf