Homework 2, S2 2024
ECON6025 Strategic Behavior
Question 1. The cost cθ of supplying an indivisible unit to a seller and its value vθ to a buyer depend on the realization of a random variable θ, which takes values in {a ;b}. The specific buyer values and seller costs in these two states are shown in the table below:
θ =a θ =b
cθ 40 20
vθ 50 30
Assume that only the seller privately observes θ . Both hold a common prior that p=0.8 is the probability that θ =a.
Payoff from no trade is normalized to zero. Restrict attention only to bilateral trading mechanisms seller's transfer and the buyer's transfer always add to zero.
1) Describe a direct mechanism and write down the IC conditions. Is ex-post efficient trade possible?(10 pts)
2) Give at least two (non-trivial) reasons why we cannot use Myerson-Satterthwaite Theorem in this environ- ment. (5 pts)
3) Show that the expected gains from trade must be bounded above by 10.
4) Give an explicit example of a direct mechanism that achieves the above bound? Is this mechanism interim, ex-ante or ex-post efficient? Explain. (15 pts)
Question 2. Assume two potential buyers whose values for an indivisible object are independently and uniformly distributed on [0;1]. Let D={s ;1;2} denote the social decisions as in class.
1. Specify the allocation rule d * :[0;1]×[0;1]¡→ D that maximizes seller's expected revenue. (15 pts)
2. Modify the sealed bid Second Price Auction appropriately and present a Bayes Nash Equilibrium in which the allocation is in fact d * . (15 pts)