EE 2301
Introduction to Digital Systems Design
Fall 2021
Midterm 1
Mon., 23, 2021, 9:05AM to 09:05AM.
1. Number Systems and the Complement Method for Negative Numbers [33 points]
Consider numbers in two’s complement format.
(a) Write -4 in 2’s complement notation, with 5 bits. [2 point] (b) Write 3 in 2’s complement notation, with 5 bits. [2 point]
(c) Show that −4 × 3 = 12, performing the operation directly in binary. [6 points]
(d) With 12 bits, what range of positive and negative numbers can you represent? [4 points]
(e) Write –32 in 2’s complement notation, with 12 bits. [2 points] (f) Write 56 in 2’s complement notation, with 12 bits. [2 points]
(g) Show that −32 × 56 = −1793, performing the operation directly in binary. [15 points]
2. From Logic Gates to Truth Tables [33 points] Consider the circuit below.
Figure 1: Circuit
What is the output value, f20 , for the following input combinations?
3. From Truth Tables to Logic Gates [34 points]
Consider a function f(W,X,Y, Z) that is one if there are exactly two one’s among the inputs or if there are exactly three zeros among the inputs.
(a) Fill in the following truth table. [3 points] inputs
(b) Write a minimal AND-OR two-level expression for this function. [5 points]
(c) Write a minimal NAND-NAND two-level expression for this function. [3 points]
(d) Write a minimal OR-AND two-level expression for this function. [5 points]
(e) Write a minimal NOR-NOR two-level expression for this function. [3 points]
(f) Write an XNF expression for this function, that is, an expression consisting of
the XOR of AND terms, with no negations. [15 points]