代写Assignment 2: Microsoft Word代写数据结构语言

2024-10-29 代写Assignment 2: Microsoft Word代写数据结构语言

Assignment 2: Microsoft Word (10%)

Word Long Document and Thesis Formatting

This task is to test and allow you to show your competency in applying all the skill regarding long report and thesis formatting using MS Word Tools & Mendeley SW. This skill is important when you want to write and format your thesis at degree, master or PhD level.

1) Find a journal article with Min 8 pages: (5 Mark)

a) Have min 3 tables

b) Have min 3 figures

c) Then do the following formatting and task

2) Basic formatting: (5 Mark)

a) Alignment justify

b) Font Times news roman 12

c) Line spacing 1.5

3) Make a Cover Page: (5 Mark)

a) Put your picture.

b) Your name and matric number.

c) Article title.

d) Other related content for front page.

4) Make a Table of Contents. (One page) (5 Mark)

a) Main Headings (min 5 main heading)

b) Sub-headings (2@3 subheading for level 2 & level 3 for each heading)

c) After finish everything, Updating Table of Contents to show the latest update.

5) List of Tables. (5 Mark)

a) Formatting all the tables (font size 11, single spacing, Title above the table, used table design tools)

b) After finish everything, Updating List of Tables.

6) List of Figures (5 Mark)

a) Resize the figures (chart, picture, model, diagram etc. Title below the figure)

b) After finish everything, Updating List of Figures

7) Different Header (according to main heading title on page and Footer with your name & matric number and page number). (5 Mark)

8) Citation and Reference (show 5 references using Chicago Style) (5 Mark)