Genre Analysis Essay (Midterm Paper)
This assignment asks you to write a thesis-driven interpretation about an assigned text, guided by an analysis of key genre conventions and complemented by secondary sources.
Your argument should identify a genre(s) that your chosen text conforms to and should identify one or more key genre conventions present in this text. You should analyze how the text employs, reinterprets, or subverts those conventions in order to elicit a certain response from a particular discourse community, or to address a relevant issue within that discourse community.
Because form. and content are inextricable, your analysis should focus on the text’s language and stylistic choices, not just its ideas or narrative. Secondary sources should be used to provide context and background information, and to engage with other people’s arguments about the text or genre.
Please consult the Genre Analysis Essay Rubric for specific descriptions of the key grading criteria.
Length: 1500-1800 words, typed, single-spaced, and formatted in MLA style.
Sources: A minimum of two (2) secondary sources, not including the primary text, must be used to develop the essay. At least one of these sources should present a complex argument that contributes significantly to the essay’s thesis. Sources may be academic or non-academic (but authored), and a works cited page in MLA format is required as part of the final draft. You can use a Web site like Easybib to help you format sources.
Process: Multiple drafts, peer review, and substantive revision are required elements of this assignment. Missing or incomplete drafts and other process work will result in a grade penalty on the final draft, up to and including failure.
Knowledge Practices & Processes
By the time you complete this assignment, you should be able to:
● Situate a text within its generic context by identifying its key genre conventions, discourse communities, and purpose(s)
*This is the starting point, identifying the relevant genre. You could use a secondary source (e.g., Wendland) to provide a formal definition of a specific type of science fiction that your story reinforces and/or subverts, and in what ways.
*You could even use sources like the Butler interview or the Jenny Wolmark chapter (in which she describes how a feminist version of science fiction works) to narrow/classify the genre in a specific way.
*Basically, when one of our sources says something like, “Tiptree’s sci-fi stories tend to work like this…,” that’s an attempt to explain the kind of science fiction story that we’re looking at, and in a sense, that’s an attempt to explain the story in the context of the sci-fi genre.
● Analyze how relationships between genre conventions and stylistic choices in a given text achieve a specific purpose, elicit a specific audience response, and/or address a specific context
*Once you’ve got a particular genre/subgenre that you think the text belongs to and/or challenges/subverts, the next step is to figure HOW the text conforms to and/or challenges/subverts that genre…
*You can discuss this in terms of literary/rhetorical devices (involving characterization, language, imagery, structure, things like that) and/or types of rhetorical appeals used (e.g., what kinds of emotions does the story elicit and in what ways? What kinds of ethics/values does the story imply or appeal to and in what ways?)
*Don’t turn your thesis into a grocery list (e.g., The author uses ___, ___, ___, ___, and ___). Showing more analysis and more insightful critical reading with fewer points that are related is better than showing a lot of points that are superficially developed and randomly connected.
● Develop arguable claims driven by textual analysis and engagement with secondary sources, in accordance with academic writing conventions
*For academic essays, textual evidence should be consistently presented and secondary sources should be credible (either credible authors or published in credible places).