代做COMM 396: Business Communications代做回归

2024-10-29 代做COMM 396: Business Communications代做回归

COMM 396: Business Communications


Business Development or Project Proposal

OBJECTIVE: Students learn to build business relationships with First Nations specifically, and cross- culturally more broadly.


This assignment asks you to consider opportunities in the Indigenous business and services sector in BC. We recognize the land in this country, whether through treaty, land purchase, or unceded territory, is Aboriginal land to which Aboriginal people have inherent rights. Recognition of this right dates back to 1763 and is confirmed in Section 35 of the Canadian Constitution, and addressed more specifically in the Tshilqot’in Supreme Court Decision of 2014 (see required readings). This right is a result of Aboriginal peoples’ own occupation of and relationship with their home territories. As such, Aboriginal title and rights are separate from rights afforded to non-Aboriginal Canadian citizens.

Because of Aboriginal Title, and as stated in the Tshilqot’in Decision, when we do business using land and resources in Canada, we must first obtain permission from the Aboriginal land holders, and second, compensate them fairly for use of this land and its resources. This is made more complicated by the past wrongs done to Indigenous Peoples through centuries of Canadian law and practice. These are things we must understand as citizens, and must be prepared to act upon when we work with Indigenous people in any capacity. Reconciliation attempts to address these wrongs and to create a better future for all. One part of doing this is to educate ourselves about the damagedone, as well as to learn from Indigenous peoples about their histories and traditions. Another part of Reconciliation is to conduct business in a manner that is both respectful and fair, as well as profitable.

You will leave Sauderas decision makers and leaders. You will be looked to for knowledge, influence and understanding. So, understanding historical complexity, cultural differences and current legal challenges  isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s the smart thing to do. Business leaders who knowhow to navigate the complexity of Canada’s relationships with Indigenous Peoples and First Nations are able to demonstrate  true leadership in their communities, and participate in unique economic opportunities that are not available to those who don’t take the time to learn, unlearn and understand.


This assignment uses the terms First Nation, Indigenous and Aboriginal and each have different meanings. Be sure you are clear on the differences before you begin. Some key terms are included in Appendix One.


The required readings for this assignment are shown in Appendix Two. It is a rigourous list and each are chosen very carefully, mindful of your time and work load, but added because they are each critical to understanding how to approach this opportunity. Without completing the required readings, you will struggle to address the assignment insufficient depth, it is likely to take you longer, and your lack of understanding will be evident in your final submission.


It should go without saying that Indigenous and First Nations’ interests should figure prominently in your report, including benefits to them, consultation processes and relationship building, and DECISION MAKING. If you are working with a Nation or community, you must also consider how this project will impact the community as a whole and how the community must be consulted. This is your opportunity  to demonstrate an understanding of the interests of the specific or broader Indigenous population you  are proposing to work with. In all instances, the initiative will include significant or exclusive Indigenous leadership.

Revenue generation is an important function for First Nations as they rebuild their economies. Your proposal will probably create income, possibly very significant income, or aid in the economic functioning of the community or business. If it doesn’t create revenue, it may contribute to Nation building and development. Since you are commerce students, educational opportunities and cost centres may not be a good option for this project.

You are encouraged to choose a project that reflects your chosen specialization. You must do enough research to gain an understanding of existing similar projects so that you are not creating a redundancy. Your idea should have a degree of complexity to it, more than a simple client transaction or marketing plan. YOU MUST CONFIRM YOUR IDEA WITH YOUR INSTRUCTOR BEFORE PROCEEDING.

Some possible projects are shown below but they are just a small sample, there are an infinite number of things you could propose. With a little help from your instructor, you should be able to come up with an idea that is interesting and even exciting to you.

Your proposal will probably reflect theSeventh Generation Principlewhich says that the decisions we make today should result in a sustainable world seven generations into the future” (ICTINC, 2020).

Indigenous corporations have many and varied responsibilities to their communities and are not always driven solely by profit.

You will probably write your proposal or report for your management. This might be the board of the    First Nation economic development corporation, it might be chief and council, it might be the CEO and senior leadership.


(If you have another idea outside these options, such as consulting, I’m open to discussion.)

1) A project to be developed and delivered by a Nation, or Nation-owned economic development corporation, or group of Nations or group of businesses

Here you will outline a proposal for an opportunity developed, led and operated by a Nation, or Nation- owned economic development corporation, and your role is as an employee working directly for this Nation/community. It is very common for First Nations to hire non-Indigenous people to help with their work, and commerce graduates are often in high demand. Most Nations, or sometimes a group of Nations sometimes under the title of a Tribal Council, have formed a business organization called an economic development corporation, that typically owns a number of businesses that provide revenue, jobs and services for the Nation. The corporation is owned by the Nation(s), and has a board of directors usually with a number of people from the Nation, as well as local businesspeople. If you are in real estate,a good example is MST-DC.

Possible projects:

•    Create a jobs scheme for young and/or low skilled workers. Start with an informal audit of all

the jobs the Nation has management over, then consider the employment rates and develop an employment plan.

•    If you are in accounting or finance you could outline the role and responsibilities of the CFO including budgeting, communications and how this role is different because it is for an Indigenous community. You’ll benefit from reading the published financial statements.

•    Develop a new initiative for an existing Indigenous run animation studio or Indigenous run music label.

•    Propose a real estate development and identify a potential external development firm as a partner.

•    Consider an on-reserve housing development. Keeping in mind that reserve land cannot be used as capital, identify how the development will be financed, and how individuals will get access to  sufficient financing lease or buy properties.

•    For an entrepreneurial venture, outline how you will finance the project. Explore typical

limitations Indigenous businesses have accessing capital. You might also consider marketing and distribution.

•    Choose one Nation and show how it could becomeFirst Nations Financial Management Board    (FNMB) certified for good governance, accounting and finance practices. Currently about half of all Nations in Canada are compliant so choose one that is not already. This will use some of the   principles you have learned in your accounting classes.

2) Industry Association or similar

There are many Indigenous business focused agencies for which you could generate an internal proposal or with which you could propose a collaboration. These include but are not limited to:

•    TheFirst Nations Financial Management Board(FNMB), for good governance, accounting and finance practices

•   Tale’awtxw Aboriginal Capital Corporation

•   NOTOA(for developing investment trusts)

•   First Nations Business Development Association

•   Indigenous Economic Development Resources Province of BC

•   First Nations Technology Council

•   Aboriginal Tourism Association of British Columbia

•   Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business

•   Vancouver Indigenous Fashion Week

•   Indigenous Fashion Arts

•    Indigenous Film Festival (there are many)

•   The National Aboriginal Capital Corporations Association (NACCA)

•   First Nations Bank of Canada

If one doesn’t exist, you could create an industry association or other business supporting entity. There are many Indigenous-owned businesses that might benefit from the creation of an industry association that provides services to members such as procurement, distribution, production, marketing, e-commerce or possibly all of these.

Possible projects:

•    Food processing and distribution collective

•    Street wear/hip hop collective for shared procurement, production, distribution and/or marketing

•    Create a fashion council to provide production, online retail and/or marketing support for young designers

o Perhaps modelled on BCFN Forestry Council

o Possibly in partnership with or support from VIFW

3) An Indigenous-led partnership with another entity such as a corporation

Identify and develop an opportunity for a largely non-Indigenous organization to engage with First Nations in BC, primarily for the purposes of good business development. Your proposal will focus on the relationship with the Indigenous entity. (Previous versions of this assignment allowed a more non-Indigenous focus that is no longer appropriate.) Consider how the partnership will be structured.

The proposed project should be Indigenous led, with the other partner in a management, administrative or financing role, but with the Indigenous partner having final decision making or veto abilities. Be sure that your proposal respects the power and integrity in Indigenous peoples and cultures and reflects the tenet, “Nothing aboutus without us.” This balance of control must be expressed clearly in your proposal.

Assume the Nation has approached you first with some interest in a collaboration; you are unlikely to approach them without a proper introduction, or a “cold call” since most Nations are currently overwhelmed with outside interest, far more than they could reasonably engage with. Understand that these collaborations make good business sense and are usually done to make money. A good partnership can bean act of Reconciliation (see below), and sometimes this is the primary impetus for initiating a project. Generally, avoid pro bono work and creating non-profit societies since we are focused on opportunities rather than charity, and doing so could come across as colonial or paternalistic.

Do not assume you need to limit yourself to one Nation, while this might be best, it may also be more appropriate to focus regionally, Nationally, or with a particular segment or business. IT MAY BE MOST APPROPRIATE NOT TO IDENTIFY A SPECIFIC NATION BUT RATHER TO SEEK A NATION THAT MEETS YOUR CRITERIA, HAS A NEED FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY AND THE CAPACITY TO ENGAGE IN IT. This organization   does not need to be the one you chose for your portfolio organization but it can be. If it doesn’tfit or make sense, you must choose a different organization. Consider your organization’s brand and strategy to see if a collaboration would make sense. For instance, it does not fit for Lululemon, Arcteryx, Aritzia or Herschel, and you may not choose these organizations for this assignment. Your idea must be demonstrably different from what the company is already doing.

It’s essential the proposal be a good fit for both parties, the corporation and the First Nation.

Possible projects:

•    Pension funds have recently been investing in First Nations projects. Research what has been done and develop a similar investment plan.

•    Mining – the Tahltan First Nation provides an interesting case study that may inform. similar deals elsewhere

•    Oil and Gas – first identify what has been done with First Nations, both what has worked well and what has been problematic

•    Partner with an Indigenous-run animation studio (find out what already exists)

•    Partner with an Indigenous-run music label (find out what already exists)

•    Develop the market for Nations as corporate clients (especially accounting/bookkeeping or banking) (find out what already exists)

•    Create a joint venture for a project on First Nations land or using First Nations controlled resources (e.g. real estate development)

4) A consulting report that considers a number of options and makes a recommendation. This would be commissioned and led by a First Nation, but conducted by you or aided by you. It will likely mirror the form. of acost-benefit analysis, but you will not be including actual costs, rather you will discuss benefits  and disbenefits. You might estimate some costs as “high, medium or low;” if so, assign a value range to these categories as they will be relative depending on the size of your project. You will include a recommendation that may say this is a project that should not be pursued, or pursued only under certain conditions. Include a “Recommendation(s)” section followed by your conclusion section.

Possible projects:

•    Various land use options for a specific parcel

•    An assessment of financing options open to Indigenous businesses

•    A jobs and training development scheme (similar to that shown in option 2)

5) If you are an Indigenous student:

If you are an Indigenous student you are welcome to approach the assignment as above, or to work with your instructor to develop an independent assignment that appropriately reflects your existing knowledge and experience. You may consider a project involving your own Nation, perhaps providing an analysis of land use options or general business development. It could also be something that provides services to the Nation, so may not be a business. You might start by creating a table that considers three different options plus a fourth option that is “do nothing;” then identify the pros and cons of each option and make a recommendation. If you know little about your own Nation this is a good opportunity to start learning more about it.