ACFI Derivative securities
Part A -1 Speculation using 90-day bank accepted bill futures contracts (5 marks)
On Tuesday, 1st November 2022, Mr Charles Leclerc will be required to enter into ten January 2023 90-day bank accepted bill contract. You may enter into these contracts as a buyer or as a seller. Whether you enter into these contracts as a buyer or a seller will depend on your expectations as to the likely direction of the Australian share market. Again, you should state a logical basis for entering into these contracts as a buyer or seller. For example, you might speculate that short-term interest rates are likely to rise or fall. Note that again the basis of your speculation is of lesser importance here than is demonstrating that you understand fully the nature of the transactions that you enter into.
Since most traders do not hold a futures contract until settlement, soon 30th November, Mr Charles must close out his position and do so at the settlement price of the January 2023 90-day bank accepted bill contract. The settlement date is the second Friday of January 2023 – that is 13th January 2023, and the term of the futures contract expires on 13 January 2023, which is after 73 days after it was entered into on 1st November 2022. Using the settlement price of the January 2023 90-day bank accepted bill contract on the days Mr Charles trade, detail Charles’s financial position after he has entered into contracts. It is mentionable that Mr. Charles should ignore margin calls but should include in his discussion the deposit that he was required to provide.
Part A -2 Hedging using SPI200 futures contracts (10 marks)
Mr. Charles Leclerc is an individual portfolio investor on Australian shares and his (companies) current market value of shares is $15107000, as of December 1st, 2022. Charles is intended to sell the portfolio within a month. In order to protect the value of that portfolio, Charles is seeking to enter into a number of January 2023 SPI200 futures contracts as either a buyer or a seller. Later, 28th December 2022 the portfolio of shares has been sold for $14800500. The decrease in the value of the portfolio was largely due the fact the portfolio was heavily dependent on crude oil where crude oil prices has increased throughout the month of December. So, Charles must have to close his (company’s) position at the settlement price of the January 2023 SPI200 futures contract. You should provide the design of an appropriate hedge for Charles. Also, describe the effectiveness of the hedge.
Task B. Propose a new derivative product (10 marks)
In this assignment, you are tasked with developing a new derivative product, just as new derivative products are introduced daily to the market. Consequently, your product could be a forwards contract, a future contract, or any other derivative products. However, some products, such as forwards contracts, are not necessarily traded on the exchange.
Here, you are tasked with designing a new derivative product; you are not required to use exchange-traded assets as underlying assets, but you should have access to the asset's fair price. Therefore, you must generate new ideas. Please consider the following points to answer.
1. The type of derivative must be identified, and contract specifications must be provided. (2marks)
2. Provide an analysis of the product's underlying asset (2marks)
3. Describe the advantages of your product and the types of investors who will be interested in it. (2marks)
4. Also, assume that an investor opens a $1 million AUD long (buy) position on January 1, 2023, using your new derivative product. You must calculate the return on your investment strategy based on the assumption that the contract will expire on February 1, 2023. You are required to provide a summary of the following conditions and results.
• The price of the underlying asset(s) remains unchanged between 1. January and
1. February 2023. (2 marks)
• On February 1, 2023, the price of the underlying asset(s) increases by one standard deviation of historical volatility. (2marks)
1. You have been provided ASX link to follow and find out the relevant section.
• For 90-day bank bill contract:
First goto Markets section → Trade our derivatives market → Derivative market price → Short-term derivatives → 90-day bank bill
• For SPI200
First go to Markets section → Trade our derivatives market → Derivative market price → Equity derivatives (INDEX) → SPI200 → Code (APG2023) and scroll down the monthly graph.
• S&P200 spot
First goto Markets section → Cash market prices → Markets (S&P/ASX200) GRAPH → Data pattern (Daily/ Monthly/ Quarterly/ Yearly)
2. Follow academic writing (with referencing).