代做IU000145 Feminist Coding Practices代做Statistics统计

2024-11-18 代做IU000145 Feminist Coding Practices代做Statistics统计

Unit Assessment Brief MA Internet Equalities

Unit Title: Feminist Coding Practices

Unit code: IU000145

Unit credit: 20 credits

Unit duration: Weeks 2-11

Year / Level: 1/7

Unit briefing date: Thursday 3rd October 2024

Unit introduction

In  this  unit  you  will  be  introduced  to  free  and  open-source  culture  and  software, considering  how  feminist  approaches  can  frame. the   practice  of  coding  (such  as generative code and feminist chatbot). This unit has the explicit aim of acquiring basic coding skills within a community of practitioners and ensuring you develop a foundation to tackle the rest of the course and orient your coding skills towards ethical technology development.

Please read the Learning Materials that accompany this document. This may include project briefs, unit guidelines, glossary, additional reading lists or event and presentation information. This information will be published together on Moodle.

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

On completion of this unit you will be able to:

LO1 Integrate, and deploy algorithms using web technologies, databases and networks (Enquiry)

LO2 Research and implement emerging practices around inclusion and community approaches to computation (Process)

LO3 Critically discuss issues around computational practice and representation (Knowledge)

LO4 Discuss and present creative work within the context of feminist computational practices (Realisation)

Assessment Criteria

Your work in this unit will be marked against the UAL assessment criteria, which are designed to give you clear feedback on your achievement. The full assessment criteria descriptions can be found on the UAL Assessmentwebpage.

What you have to produce

You will submit a portfolio project as directed by the unit brief.

This unit is assessed holistically (100% of the unit). There is no breakdown of grades for the different assessment evidence listed. Instead, the evidence is considered together and the tutors use their academic judgment to arrive at a grade for the unit as a whole. All components of the assessment must be submitted to pass the unit.