代写ISYS1000 (V.1) Introduction to Business Information Systems Trimester 3A, 2024代写C/C++程序

2024-11-18 代写ISYS1000 (V.1) Introduction to Business Information Systems Trimester 3A, 2024代写C/C++程序

ISYS1000 (V.1) Introduction to Business Information Systems

Trimester 3A, 2024


In this unit, the focus is on understanding the significance of Business Information Systems (BIS) and Business Information Technology (BIT) in promoting global, responsible, innovative, and technology-driven success in organisations. The unit offers an overview of the different types of information systems and technology, and how they support and enhance business processes through the appropriate use of technology. It also introduces the activities and tools used to develop, maintain, and operate effective BIS. By the end of this unit, students will have a foundational understanding of how BIS and BIT can contribute to organisational success in a global, responsible, innovative, and technology-driven manner.


This unit will help you to:

Understand how Information Systems (IS) play a crucial role in driving business operations, facilitating efficient processes, and fostering informed decision-making across organisational functions.

Recognise the strategic alignment between business processes, competitive advantage, and the support provided by IS, leading to enhanced operational efficiency and differentiation in the marketplace.

Gain proficiency in data and information management practices, particularly in utilising databases and other systems to organise, store, and analyse data effectively within organisational contexts.

Develop a comprehensive understanding of the ethical, social, and legal considerations associated with IS usage, emphasising ethical decision-making, privacy protection, and compliance with intellectual property laws.

Appreciate the strategic value of telecommunications networks and technologies in bolstering global business operations and facilitating seamless e-business communication and collaboration.

Learn how IS can optimise business operations, refine strategic planning processes, and maintain competitiveness by enabling efficient customer and supply chain management, leveraging e-commerce platforms, and supporting informed decision-making through analytics.

Unit Learning Outcomes

All graduates of Curtin University achieve a set of six Graduate Capabilities during their course of study. These inform. an employer that , through your studies, you have acquired discipline knowledge and a range of other skills and capabilities which employer would value in a professional setting. Each unit in your course addresses the Graduate Capalibilites through a clearly identified set of learning outcomes. They form. a vital part in the process referred to as assurance of learning. The learning outcomes notify you of what you are expected to know, understand or be able to do in order to be successful in this unit. Each assessment for this unit is carefully designed to test your knowledge of one or more of the unit learning outcomes. On successfully completing all of the assessments you will have achieved all of these learning outcomes.

Your course has been deisgned so that on graduating you will have achieved all of Curtin's Graduate Capabilities through the assurance of learning process in each unit.

Learning Activities

The learning activities in this unit are structured to be flexible and adaptive, supporting the learning of all students. To get the most out of our sessions, it’s crucial to complete the activities in the Learning Modules section on Blackboard before coming to class. This preparation will ensure you’re well-prepared to actively participate in our planned activities.

Here’s how the activities are organised:

Preparation Activities

1. Independent Learning: Prior to class, engage in self-directed learning activities, including reading assigned materials and watching suggested videos for the week. These resources are carefully selected to introduce new concepts and prepare you for in-class activities.

2. Comprehension Checks: Participate in comprehension check activities after completing your readings and videos. These are designed to test your understanding of the material and prepare you for deeper exploration during classroom sessions.

In-Class Activities

1. Application of Concepts: Classroom time is dedicated to applying what you’ve learned in a practical and collaborative setting. This approach allows you to tackle complex problems, engage in active learning exercises, and participate in discussions with a strong grasp of the subject matter.

2. Interactive Sessions: In-class sessions involve analysing and discussing case studies related to the week’s topics. You will work in groups to solve real-world problems, conduct research, and present your solutions. This hands-on approach enhances your critical thinking and collaborative skills.

Post-Class Activities

1. Reflection and Extension: After class, engage in activities that require you to reflect on what you have learned and apply this knowledge further. This may include simulation exercises and case studies that allow you to explore topics in greater depth.