代写PPOL 5014– 07 Thesis Workshop II Spring 2025帮做Python语言程序

2025-02-06 代写PPOL 5014– 07 Thesis Workshop II Spring 2025帮做Python语言程序

PPOL 5014– 07

Thesis Workshop II

Spring 2025

Course Syllabus

This semester, you will continue the work we started last Fall and complete your original empirical thesis by the end of the Spring Semester. You have done very well so far, but we still have work to do.

The final product of the thesis workshop course is a complete draft of your master’s thesis, and there is a firm deadline for this: April 16, 2025.

Class and Individual Meetings

This semester, we will meet in person several times as a class, but I will primarily hold individual meetings.

Class Meetings:

- January 14

- February 11

- March 11 – Writing Center Workshop (6:30 PM – 7:30 PM, mandatory)

- April 1

- April 15

Individual Meetings:

I will meet with students individually during times when the class does not meet as a group. Appointments will be posted on the Canvas calendar.

Grading and late assignment policy.

Throughout the semester, you will have several assignments, and they will determine your final grade.   It’s essential to deliver assignments by the deadline.   It allows me to provide comments and will enable you to address my comments before the next assignment.   Unless you have a documented excuse (illness, death in the family, university-sponsored trip, etc.), late assignments delivered within three days from the deadline will receive at most 50% of the grade.  However, I will allow one late assignment in the semester without penalty if it's three or fewer days later.  If your assignment is more than three days late, I will provide comments as time permits, but you will receive a 0 for the assignment.  No exception.

If you identify that you are having difficulties completing any of the assignments, please feel free to contact me for help before the due date.

All the deliverables are listed below and should be submitted electronically on Canvas.


Brief Description (detailed description will be posted on Canvas)

Due by 11:59 PM on


# 1: On-page report on the progress of your empirical model

Taken stock: Describe the status of your empirical work.   Do you have any major challenges?  If yes, please describe.  Do you anticipate needing external support in addition to Eric Gardner and Prof.  Treacy


Not graded

# 2: First-cut regression results. Empirical Analysis Chapter

You are expected to present the preliminary results of your regression analysis.  Your preliminary results should be inserted as a chapter in your thesis's clean (no redlines) version.



# 3: Revised draft of regression results

You must revise your econometric model and incorporate any comments received.



# 4: Revised regression analysis and the first draft of the write-up of your results.

Another round of revision of your regression analysis.  In addition, you are expected to submit the first version of the narrative of your results, including formatted tables.



# 5: Final draft of the Empirical Analysis Chapter.

The  final draft of the empirical analysis should be added to the thesis draft.  The final chapter should include a revised narrative and formatted tables.


15 pts

# 6: First draft Discussion/Policy Implication Chapter

In this chapter, you will provide an evidence-based policy discussion and recommendation.



10 pts

#7: Revised Draft of your Discussion/Policy Implications Chapter and first draft of the Conclusion Chapter

In addition to the revised policy discussion chapter, you are expected to deliver the conclusion chapter and an optional chapter with the direction of further research.


10 pts


You are expected to deliver the final draft of your thesis.   In addition to all revised chapters, you must include the abstract, references, and appendices (if you have them)


30 pts

#9: Turnitin Submission

Your thesis should be submitted to Turnitin. After I review your final draft, I will email you to indicate whether I will sign off on it or if it needs further review.

Due by noon on 04/14/25

5 pts

#10 Cover Sheet and Advisors Sign Off on Submitted Thesis.

You will receive instructions from Eric Gardner towards the end of the semester.


#11 Students Submit Thesis to University Review (this review addresses formatting only, not content)


Eric Gardner will provide instructions toward the end of the semester.


5 pts


Some of the recommended readings for the class are:

On Research design

· Morrison, Donna R. Guidebook of Practical Advice for Thesis Writer. Washington D.C., Georgetown University, 2019.

· Howard S. Becker, Howard S. Tricks of the Trade How to Think About Your Research While You are doing It, 1998

On writing Productivity and time management

· How to write a lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing

· Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day:  Guide to Starting, Revising, and Finishing Your Doctoral Thesis.

On Writing style

· Strunk, William and E.B. White The Elements of Style, 1979.