代做Programming Fundamentals调试Java编程

2025-02-06 代做Programming Fundamentals调试Java编程

Diploma in Information Technology

Programming Fundamentals

Instruction for CA3 Group Assignment

January 2025 Semester


This assessment is over 100 marks. It constitutes 40% of the overall assessment. The group assignment will cover 30% and the group presentation will cover 10%.

Rationale of Group Project

The rationale of the group project is to enable collaborative learning with your peers and learning to work as a team, which is commonplace in workplace environment. Students learn to apply theories taught in class and textbooks to real world situations.

In line with this objective, students are not allowed to reuse old assignments, or submit projects from previous semesters or copy largely from sources, particularly from the internet.

Forming Group

Students are to form. groups of 4 to 5 students per group. As this a group project, each member is expected to put in his/her fair share of the effort into the  project.  It is essential that groups manage their group effectively to complete this project.

Students should resolve group dynamics issue and may seek the mediation through the  lecturer  as  early  as  possible.  Last  minute  mediation  will  not  be  entertained. Students may request for peer evaluation as a final resort if all mediation fails.

Finally, the lecturer reserves the right to assign a mark to an individual student different from the rest of the group if that student is deemed not to have put in his/her fair share of effort into the project.

The Group Task:

You and your group members have been assigned to develop a  Cake Ordering System in Java that provides functionality for managing cakes, customers, and order information to a cake shop.

The application should be able to:

1.  allow the cake shop staff to create, update, delete and view cakes.

2.  allow the cake shop staff to add, edit, remove and view customers.

3.  allow the cake shop staff to make and cancel orders.

4.  allow the cake shop staff to generate reports of orders by date, cake and customer.

5.  allow the cake shop staff to generate reports of total number of orders.

6.  provide error handling for any invalid inputs from the cake shop staff.

Project Requirement

With what you  have learned from the module, you  are task to develop the Java application with the following:

1.  Design a class called Cake to represent a cake that can be ordered for a Customer.

Include attributes such as:

-    Cake code (e.g. C001)

-    Cake name (e.g. Chocolate cake)

-    Cake price (e.g. 62.00)

Include methods where appropriate.

2.  Design a class called Customer to represent a customer who orders a Cake.

Include attributes such as:

-    Customer ID (e.g. 1001)

-    Full name (e.g. Jackie Chan)

-    Contact number (e.g. 91111111)

-    Delivery address (e.g. 123 Clementi Road, Singapore 599123)

Include methods where appropriate.

3.  Design a class called Order to represent a cake order.

Include attributes such as:

-    Order ID (e.g. 50001)

-    Order date (e.g. 29/01/2025)

-    Cake

-    Customer

Include methods where appropriate.

4.  Design  a  class  called  CakeOrderingSystem  to  coordinate  the  overall application functionality.

Include attributes such as:

-    Cakes (ArrayList)

-    Customers (ArrayList)

-    Orders (ArrayList)

Include methods to:

-    Manage Cakes

-    Manage Customers

-    Manage Orders

-    Generate reports

Note: This would be the main class. You are to use all classes and methods created to  achieve  the  following  options  that  the  application  can  perform. Should you require additional methods to support the options, you are allowed to do so.

5.  Implement Error Handling where appropriate.

6.  Illustrate UML Class Diagrams for all classes.

7.  Aside from the Java program, your group is to write a Reflection word document not exceeding 3000 words. The reflection may contain the following pointers:

-    Things you have learnt through doing the assignment.

-    Challenges faced in programming or group work.

-    Screenshot and explanation on unresolved/unachievable requirements.

You are required to satisfy all requirements mentioned above.

You are free to add more appropriate fields and methods to the any of the above Java classes.

You need to handle all possible errors that will occur during the program execution.

You may also refer to a sample command output shown in Appendices B, C, D, E and F. (Note: You do not need to follow the exact output. They are some guides to show the essence of the Cake Ordering System)

Assessment Topics

Topics 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17