代写COMPX251 Applied Computing Tools Desktop Publishing P2代做Python程序

2025-02-07 代写COMPX251 Applied Computing Tools Desktop Publishing P2代做Python程序


Applied Computing Tools

Desktop Publishing P2

P2 Instructions

You should have completed the two P1s for your theme. The remaining part of the theme is the project (P2). The project requires you to submit two short posts to Moodle outlining your planned project, build the project, attend a show and tell session to demonstrate your project, and write a report describing your project and your experiences.

The time line is:

1.                     Think about what you want to do for a P2 Project.

2.                    Post a one paragraph statement of your proposed P2 project

First theme — end of week 4 (A & B), middle of week 2 (Summer). Second theme — end of week 10 (A & B), middle of week 5 (Summer).

This statement is to show that you are underway with your project, and to share your idea for critique. The paragraph should broadly outline the design of your publications. (What event you will promote, what the goal of the event is, who the audience is, what kind of publications you will create, broadly the style/tone are you aiming for, why you chose it, who the audience is).

Post your statement to the DTP theme discussion in Moodle. You should consider  the  postings  from  your  classmates  and  comment  on  the suitability/feasibility of their topics. Be prepared to defend your choice. (Remember, part of your assessment is based on your contributions).

3.                    Post an outline of the design for your project publications

First theme — middle of week 5 (A & B), end of week 2 (Summer). Second theme — middle of week 11 (A & B), end of week 5 (Summer).

The idea of the outline is to show that you are working satisfactorily, and to show your project design. Your outline should include:

•   what is the event to be publicised

•   who is your target audience

•   what are the event goals (is the event for fun, or serious, or for raising money)

•   a description of the publications to be used (what different documents will be used, what formats and roughly what style)

•   a description of graphics to add to the publications

•   any potential issues (layout, content, technical, etc)

•   an estimate of time required to implement the P2 project and write the report; and a costing for that time.

Note:              In  regard  to  the last point, given your project outline we want you to estimate the time it will take you to source your media, implement the project, and the time it will take to write the report.  Then tell us what you think the completed project would cost, i.e. what would you pay if you were asking someone to make it for you, or conversely, what would you charge to make it for someone else?

You should consider the postings from your classmates and comment on any problems you perceive in their designs. Discuss any feedback.

4.                    Spend  the  remaining  weeks  of  the  theme  working  on  your  project. Remember to record the time that you spend working on the project.

5.                     Sign up for and attend a show and tell session

First theme — during week 7 (A & B), end of week 3 (Summer).

Second theme — during study week (A & B), end of week 6 (Summer).

The ‘show and tell’ session is to demonstrate and explain your P2 project. Show and tell sessions will beheld separately for each theme, and you will need to reserve a space in a session before they start. Check Moodle for the session times and how to sign up for a session.

6.                    Write up a brief (no more than four pages) report that summarises your publication  design  and  the  design  process  for  Part  B  of  the  project. Emphasis should be given to your consideration of the design problems and your outcomes. i.e. justify why you came up with the design you did. The 'what' should be there primarily to illustrate the 'why'. When you write the report, record the time spent writing.

Reflect on the process in your report.  How did you find the software to use?  How successful was your project? Relate this to some reflection on the material you covered in the P1 modules (what you thought was good and bad, and consider the feedback from the Moodle discussion). What have you learned from the experience? Compare your time estimates from your outline with your actual time spent. Discuss any discrepancies.

7.                    After your ‘show & tell’ presentation, submit your report and any other files requested by the marker at your presentation into Moodle.

8.                     The report must be handed  in  at  the  end  of the  show  and  tell  week First theme end of week 7 (A & B), end of week 3 (Summer).

Second theme — end of study week (A & B), end of week 6 (Summer).

Promoting an Event

Desktop Publishing P2

This P2 project applies the material you explored in the Introduction to DTP module. You are to design and create promotional material for a formal event utilising the features and concepts you have learnt. Then you are to prepare a report describing the processes you utilised, and explaining why you designed the publications in the way you did. The publications are to be created in Adobe InDesign 2022, and the report is to be prepared using  either  InDesign  or  Word.  You  will  present  and  discuss  your publications at a Show & Tell session.

Part A:

This will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of the practical techniques. You are organising a formal event such as a wedding, or 21st, or awards ceremony, or a charity dinner or ball.   You need to produce multiple documents (we suggest 4-6 documents) that promote the event. Suitable publications include a poster or flyer, a brochure or catalogue, an order of service or entertainment schedule, standard letterhead paper for correspondence, as well as invitations and thank you cards. One of your documents should be suitable for online use and include interactivity. All your documents will need to be printed at actual size on suitable paper/card stock for the presentation.

You will need to think up all of the details for your event, or research the details if it is a real event; from time and place to readings or songs performed or items to auction at charity.

The publications should demonstrate/ include the following:

•   use of a consistent style across the documents

•   use of several different document formats

•   suitable use of layers and parent pages

•   one interactive PDF document

•   the final product should be packaged ready to send to a print service.

The content must be of substance and your own work unless it is a short quotation (in which case the source must be suitably cited). The material you base your work on must be suitably referenced. Any graphics or other non-text media used other than your own work or clip-art must be used only with permission and the source acknowledged.

Please note that the University does not condone plagiarism and if it is determined you have made unacknowledged use of another person’s work action will be taken under the University's discipline regulations (see the University calendar)

See the attached marker’s review and criteria pages for guidance on how the P2 project will be marked.

Part B:

Part  A  has   shown  that  you  can  create  documents part  B  is  to demonstrate your understanding of the process of desktop publishing.

You are to write a report summarising your publication design and the design process. Emphasis should be given to your consideration of the design problems and your outcomes. i.e. justify why you came up with the design you did. The 'what' should be there primarily to illustrate the 'why'. Use your design documents (sketches, etc) to illustrate your report. Relate this to some reflection on the material you covered in the P1 modules (what you thought was good and bad, and consider any feedback from Moodle).

The report must include a comparison of the time estimates from your outline with the actual recorded time working on the project and writing the  report.  Comment  on  any  differences,  including  reasons  why  the estimate varied from the time used. Based on this experience, how would you produce a better time estimate for future projects? Compare your finished product with your estimate of its worth from your outline. Do you think that it is worth what you proposed paying/charging? If not, give a new cost for what was actually created. Use this new cost and the number of hours you worked on it to calculate your hourly wage’ for the project. Comment on whether this is a good wage?

The report should be 1000-2000 words (at least one page, to around four word-processed text pages), plus screenshots, diagrams, and attachments.

What to hand in:

Submission is electronic via Moodle and physical at the Presentation. You are to hand in:

•   your report (as a PDF)

•   your Indesign and PDF files

•   bring professionally printed versions of your documents to the show & tell.  The  documents  should  be  in  their  intended  sizes  and  colour publications should be in colour.

(Flexi students may be expected to submit the via mail – check with your marker at the show & tell)