代做INF6027 Introduction to Data Science (AUTUMN 2024~25)代写留学生R程序

2025-02-10 代做INF6027 Introduction to Data Science (AUTUMN 2024~25)代写留学生R程序

INF6027 Introduction to Data Science (AUTUMN 2024~25)

1. Introduction and Aims

In this section, describe your selected problem or topic addressed in the report. This should include a brief summary of the literature around the topic, with sufficient references to support your arguments. You can also include figures from reliable sources to provide further evidence to support your narrative.

You should also state why you chose this topic/problem and why you think it is an important topic to consider in this dataset.

1.1 Research aim:

You should follow on from the motivations for the research, and explain what exactly is the aim of the research.

1.2 Research Questions:

1. List your research questions

2. For a project of this size, you can expect to have

3. at least two or three research questions

4. Ideally, research questions should be independent of the methodology and techniques

2. Methodology

You should describe the process you have used to gather the data, pre-process and clean the data, conduct the analyses, visualise the data. You should explain how you have studied the data using exploratory data analysis and used this understanding to develop your analysis and experimental details.

You should justify why you have chosen the methods you have, and what methods you could have used and why you didn’t use these other methods

2.1 Illustration of the methodology

<You should provide an illustration (figure/diagram) that illustrates how you have conducted the research>

2.2 Analysis

First provide details of exploratory data analysis to demonstrate how you studied the data and how that helped you make decisions on your methodology. Then provide details of the methods you have used, the experimental setup, the training/test data split, the parameters of the models.

Ask yourself: have you provided enough information for someone else to replicate your methodology and experiments? Will they achieve the same results?

2.3 Answering the research question

How are these methods going to answer your research questions? Explain how each methodological component helps answer the specific relevant RQs.

3. Results and Discussions

3.1 Results

In this section (and subsequent subsections), you should present the results of the analysis. Start by first presenting the results of the exploratory data analysis, to explain how you have studied the data, and what you have understood about the dataset.

You should then explain the results of the experiments, present the relevant visualisations and/or tables and explain what these results tell you. You should avoid reading out the graphs/tables, but instead you should provide explanations of what they mean and what do these findings mean for the context of your research.

3.2 Discussions

Present your discussions around the relevance of your findings, the implications and what you take out from the findings.

3.2.1 Answering the Research Questions

RQ1: <question 1>


RQ2: <question 2>


3.2.2 Relation to existing research

You should explain what these results mean in the context of the existing literature - are your findings supporting previous research or contradicting them? Why do you think that is the case?

4. R Code, GitHub Pages

You should provide a link to your GitHub repository and pages. With illustrations/images/screenshots, you should explain how you have structured your GitHub pages, and provide links to:

(i) your profile

(ii) the INF6027 project page

(iii) the INF4000 project page (this will be described in the INF4000 module)

(iv) code

(v) instructions on running the code

and what information you have provided on GitHub.

The GitHub pages are a resource that is meant for a potential client and/or your future employer so take care to make this look professional, and represent your academic/research profile appropriately.

We will not mark your GitHub pages directly, but will study your code from the repository, and what you present in this section, in relation to what exists in the GitHub pages.

5. Conclusions

You should first start with a summary of the project you have done in one/two paragraphs. Then move on to the next subsections

5.1 Key findings

In bullet points, you should provide a set of key findings that you have identified in your results and discussions section

1. Key finding 1 - refer to which section this is identified as a finding

2. Key finding 2 - …

3. …

5.2 Limitations, Assumptions and Weaknesses


1. Limitation 1 - explain why it’s a limitation

2. Limitation 2 …

3. Limitation 3 …

4. …


1. Assumption 1 - justify why this is a reasonable assumption

2. Assumption 2 …

3. Assumption 3 …

4. …


1. Weakness 1

2. Weakness 2

3. Weakness 3

4. …

5.3 Future Work

1. List a few directions on how you can take this research forward in the future

2. …

Summarise your work in 2-3 lines discussing what you have learned from the process and conclude the paper.


References must be in APA format

Please see this page for details