College of Social Sciences
Media Research Methods
PGT level
Welcome to Media Research Methods
Media Research Methods are those research techniques that look to uncover the meanings and significance of the wide variety of evidence that associated with research on, about or with the media. This includes a broad range of approaches and techniques so we focus on those you are most likely to use or encounter throughout your degree.
The purpose of the course is to introduce students to a number of the most commonly used media research methods and to develop practical understandings of the methodological underpinnings, application and critical analysis of these methods for those studying media, culture and journalism. As such, the course provides an overview of methods within the social sciences, and then explores the various stages and processes students undertake to produce a coherent media research design. It will provide instruction on how to approach the practical aspects of media research in ways which centre ethical concerns and procedures such as data management and privacy, informed consent and effective referencing.
This course guide offers details on the readings, the intended learning outcomes and an outline of the different sessions. Please read the course guide carefully and refer to it throughout the course of your study. Many of your questions about assignments, readings, and lectures can be answered by this document.
Course Aims and Learning Outcomes
The course is designed to give students grounding in the way in which media researchers conceptualise, select and apply particular methods and how they may fit into a broader understanding of media, culture and society.
The broad aims of the course are to provide students with:
● a robust introductory knowledge of a range of media methods;
● the ability to identify and formulate appropriate research questions
● and the types of information and data which can deliver on them;
● the tools to apply media research methods such as online inquiry, content analysis, social media analysis and interviewing, ethically, and with skill and comprehension.
Intended Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course students will be able to:
● Build a critical understanding of the theoretical, political and professional context within which media research is located.
● Demonstrate a detailed and reflexive knowledge of a range of methods of media research and the appropriateness of their application in different contexts.
● Demonstrate a robust understanding of the process of constructing a research design with application of research methods including evaluation of sources, data collection and analysis strategies.
● Incorporate and apply a critical and reflexive understanding of research ethics when working with media professionals, audiences and online data, including data produced by social media users.
● Develop a detailed understanding of how to manage different datasets with appropriate attention given to GDPR, data privacy and data management.
● Evaluate the significance of the practical aspects of carrying out different forms of media research, such as formulating achievable aims and objectives, gaining ethics approval, and good referencing practice.