代做UMEDFT-30-3 Contemporary Issues in Banking and Finance ​ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/25代写留学生Matlab语言

2025-02-11 代做UMEDFT-30-3	Contemporary Issues in Banking and Finance ​ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/25代写留学生Matlab语言



Assessment Brief

Submission details

Module title: Contemporary Issues in Banking and Finance

Module code: UMEDFT-30-3

Assessment title: Task 5: Debate/Quiz Game

Assessment type: Presentation

Assessment weighting: 5% of total module mark

Size or length of assessment: participation in one session

Submission and feedback dates

Submission deadline: depending on the debate-quiz game you are participating in, expect to submit your questions and participate as follows:

- Debate-quiz game 1: Central bank policy

o Questions due by email midnight Monday, January 27

o Debate-quiz game: Friday, January 31

- Debate-quiz game 2: Financial markets

o Questions due by email midnight Monday, February 3

o Debate-quiz game: Friday, February 7

- Debate-quiz game 3: Financial crises

o Questions due by email midnight Monday, February 10

o Debate-quiz game: Friday, February 14

This assessment is NOT eligible for 48 hour late submission window

Submission format: Please submit word or PDF format.

Marks and Feedback due on: 20 working days after your debate-quiz game (NB preliminary marks only until all presentations have been given)

Marks and Feedback will be provided via:


Module learning outcomes assessed by this task:

1. MO3 Apply critical thinking skills to develop informed arguments and propose evidence-based solutions in defined contexts.

2. MO4 Present in a professional manner

Use of AI in assessment: You may not use AI to assist you in this assessment.

Completing your assessment

What am I required to do on this assessment?

Assessed Individual Participation

All marks for this assessment are individual.

By midnight on the Monday before the debate-quiz game you must submit at least one question on the topic of your debate-quiz game, and you may submit no more than three questions on the topic. These questions should either be short answer or multiple choice questions, and you must also submit the correct answer for your question at the time that you submit your question. Keep in mind that this is individual work and that you can be penalized for collusion if you do not draft your questions on your own.

Attendance on the day of the debate-quiz game to which you are assigned is mandatory. On that day you will be placed in a team with other participants. The teams will compete to earn the most points and answer the most questions. Active participation in answering questions will be an important factor in your mark, as will the quality of your responses.

Where should I start?

The topics align with the module content. Make sure you attend the lectures, the lectorials, the presentations and read the suggested material. Make notes as you go. If you miss a class, review the recorded lecture material and attempt the lectorial questions for yourself. Ask a friend if you can look at their notes. Come to office hours to check your understanding or if you have any questions.

If there is something you don’t understand, bring it up in class, or come to office hours for a chat. You can also email for an appointment outside of office hours.

What do I need to do to pass?

The pass mark is 40%.

How do I achieve high marks in this assessment?

You mark will be determined as follows:

50% of the marks (50 of 100) will be awarded based on the quality of the highest scoring question that you submit. That is, submitting additional questions does not automatically improve your mark, but it allows you to have more chances at getting a higher mark. Marking of the questions is based on the following criteria: The question will be marked based on its critical engagement with the material covered in the module and/or engagement with the reading list and related research. Correct use of English and clarity of expression will also affect the mark. A basic factual question with an accurate answer (e.g. what is the name of the central bank in Malaysia) will receive a mark of 20. No questions submitted, a mark of 0.

50% of the marks (50 of 100) will be awarded based on your engagement with the quiz game itself, including making an attempt to answer questions. This mark will be determined by your participation, by your ability to answer questions and by the quality of your responses, and your demonstration of your critical thinking skills and your ability to present yourself professionally.

What additional resources may help me complete this assessment?

Further information about this assessment is available on the Blackboard site for this module and includes: The module handbook, reading list and debate folder. Make the most of the support offered by the university:  https://www.uwe.ac.uk/study/study-support/study-skills

What do I do if I am concerned about completing this assessment?

It is recommended that you review all of the relevant materials on Blackboard. You can also speak to your module leader for advice and guidance.  

UWE Bristol offer a range of Assessment Support Options that you can explore through this link, and both Academic Support and Wellbeing Support are available.

For further information, please see the Student study essentials.