代做Algorithms and Data Structures I Lab 5: Stackjack帮做Java编程

2025-02-11 代做Algorithms and Data Structures I Lab 5: Stackjack帮做Java编程

Algorithms and Data Structures I

Lab 5: Stackjack


The card game Blackjack is played all across the world. Blackjack uses a standard 52 playing card deck. There are many variations on rules, but for this Lab here are the ones you will need to know:

-    A hand consists of a stack of cards.

-     Each card has a respective point value:

-     Numeric cards (2 - 10) are worth that many points (e.g. a 5 is worth 5 points)

-     Face cards Jack, Queen, and King are worth 10 points

-    Aces can be worth either 1 or 11 points

-    A hand’s score is the sum of each of its cards’ point values

-    The Player plays against a Dealer

-    Whoever gets closest to 21 without going over wins

-     In the event of a tie, the Dealer wins


First, download the starter code from this folder. The starter code includes the following files:

-     Lab5.java: Driver program. Use it to compare your output to the output shown here.

-    StackInterface.java: An interface for the Stack ADT

-     HandScorerInterface.java: An interface that has one method:

-    public int score(Stack<Card> hand)

-    LinkedStack.java: A complete implementation of Stack Interface that uses a linked chain/list

-    Card.java: A Card class. Has methods for retrieving the suit (hearts, spades, clubs, diamonds) and value (“2” , “3” , “4” , . . .”jack” , “queen” , “king” , “ace”)

Second, take a look at the HandScorerInterface .java file. You will be responsible for following the comments in the interface file and implementing the score method in the HandScorer class. Here are some example hands and their scores:



10, jack, ace


jack, queen, 8


ace, ace, ace, ace, ace, ace, ace, ace, ace, ace, ace (11 total)


2, 4, 6, jack


king, ace


10, 5, 10


Note: suits don’t matter in Blackjack, and Blackjack uses multiple hands so more than 4 of the same value card can appear in one hand.

Your score method will likely remove items from the stack to count the score. Remember to add the items back before returning. The order of a Blackjack hand does not matter.

Here is some sample output from running Lab5 .java (note, this uses a random number generator so your card values will likely be different than mine):

Starting new game of Blackjack

Dealer's cards:

king of clubs

9 of clubs

3 of hearts

2 of clubs

Dealer's score: 24

Player's cards:

8 of spades

ace of diamonds

Player's score: 19

Player wins!


You are required to submit only HandScorer.java, a class you created to implement the HandScorerInterface. The autograder will use the HandScorer class that you submit to evaluate some sample Blackjack hands to ensure correctness.