代写AFIN2070 Stochastic Methods in Applied Finance, Session 2, 2024代做Java语言

2025-02-19 代写AFIN2070 Stochastic Methods in Applied Finance, Session 2, 2024代做Java语言

AFIN2070 Stochastic Methods in Applied Finance, Session 2, 2024

Quantitative analysis task


The assignment will cover quantitative analysis of the materials taught in the class. The assignment will cover the topics from week 1-9.

Information for Assignment:

On 2 October at 6 pm, the following three (3) items will become available on iLearn:

- A pdf titled "Assignment Questions" containing a list of assignment questions,

- An Excel spreadsheet titled "Assignment Data", and

- A link titled "Submit Assignment to Turnitin".

The assignment is worth a total of 30 marks. The submission due date is Sunday 13 October 11:59 pm.

Answer the questions to the best of your ability. There are two types of questions, CALCULATION (C) and WRITTEN RESPONSE (W). Where applicable, responses that do not show sufficient working steps will not receive full marks. Unless otherwise specified, give your answers to 4 decimal places.

You are required to submit your assignment to Turnitin. For Turnitin to scan your answers properly, your WRITTEN RESPONSE (W) answers must be typed and then converted into PDF format. Any other format will not be accepted. For CALCULATION (C) questions, you may insert pictures of graphs or handwritten equations in your document to show working, but handwritten or otherwise scanned/photographed submissions will not be graded if Turnitin cannot scan your WRITTEN RESPONSE (W) answers.

You will only be able to submit your assignment ONCE. Make sure you submit the final version of your assignment.

A penalty of 5% of the total possible mark (of the task) will be applied each day (24-hour period) a written assessment is not submitted, until the 7th day. The 7 days includes weekends. After the 7th day, a grade of ‘0’ (zero) will be awarded even if the student submits the assessment (for example, an assignment that is 25 hours late will incur a 3- mark penalty - 10% of the total 30 marks). This penalty will not apply to cases in which an application for special consideration is made and approved.

Skills in focus for this assessment

The assignment will develop your critical thinking, problem-solving and technical skills, as well as your discipline knowledge.


None specified beyond the above description



Students are not permitted to use GAITs to generate writing used in their final submission or produce counter-arguments on their final submission. Any of these actions will constitute and be treated as a breach of academic integrity.

Note, too, that this is an individual assignment. General discussion of the topic is allowed but analysis, conclusions and written submission must be your own work.


A maximum penalty of five percentage points of the total possible marks will be applied per day to late submissions, for up to a maximum of seven calendar days. Tasks that have not been submitted within the maximum number of additional late days will receive a mark of zero, unless otherwise specified in the late penalties section of the Unit Guide. Late submission for a task will only be permitted when specified in the unit guide. This provision does not apply to online exams or other assessment with a time-limit of less than 24 hours.

Where an application for Special Consideration is approved and the outcome is an extension to the due date of a task, submissions that are received after the new due date will be subject to late penalties that are calculated from the new due date. This only applies where the outcome is an extension to the due date – see the Special Consideration Policy for a schedule of all possible outcomes.