代做CCS302 China: Social Policy代写留学生Matlab语言

2025-02-19 代做CCS302 China: Social Policy代写留学生Matlab语言


China: Social Policy

Department of China Studies Stage 4 | Level 3

SECTION A: Basic Information

Brief Introduction to the Module

The aim ofthis module is to provide students with an understanding ofthe evolution of socialpolicy in China through an examination oftheori es and ideologies influencing it, to then carryout an analysis of suchpolicies.

Key Module Information

Module name

Module code

Credit value

Semesterin which t he module is taught

Pre-requisites needed for the mod ule

China: SocialPolicy





Programmes on which the module is shared

BAChina Studies

SECTION B: What You Can Expect from the Module

Educational Aims of the Module

To understand the evolution of socialpolicy in China through an examination oftheories and ideologies influencing it, to then carryout an analysis of suchpolicies.

Learning Outcomes

Students completing the module should be able to:

A. Demonstrate understanding ofthe implementation of socialpolicy in the Chinese context;

B. Analyse how diferent philosophical conceptsafect the development of socialpolicy in China

C. Compare China’s socialpolicy with policies in other countries.

D. Examine the consequences of market mechanisms during thereformera and their impacts on current socialpolicies.

E. Interrogate the process of socialpolicy legitimization during thereformera.

F. Identify the main targets ofChina’s socialpolicies to explain the decision-making process.

G. Conduct problem-centred policy analysis and provide policy recommendations

Methods of Learning and Teaching

Seminars for rehearsal of weekly topics; project work including preparation and presentation of an essay, as well as seminar participation. Teachi ng and learning is through the medium ofEnglish, and no knowledge ofChinese is required