代做Economics 496: Undergraduate Thesis Seminar II Spring 2024代做Prolog

2025-02-21 代做Economics 496: Undergraduate Thesis Seminar II Spring 2024代做Prolog

Economics 496: Undergraduate Thesis Seminar II

Spring 2024


The economics distinction program provides a challenging, yet supportive environment for students to produce an original thesis in economics.  In Thesis Seminar I, students will learn the paradigm for empirical research, identify an appropriate research topic, and conduct their empirical analyses.  In Thesis Seminar II, students will refine their empirical analyses, learn the keys to effective writing, write their theses, and present their work to the economics faculty, staff, and students.  Students who do not complete Seminar I satisfactorily will not be given permission to enroll in Seminar II.


Registration for the course is by invitation only.  Students are required to complete the two-semester econometrics sequence, ECN 521 and ECN522, or its equivalent.

(ECN410 is not an acceptable equivalent.)  Students who have not taken these courses may take them in tandem with the economics distinction program.

Course Requirements and Expectations:

Students are expected to attend all classes and make consistent, satisfactory progress towards the completion of their projects.


In Thesis Seminar II, students will be evaluated on four criteria: research log (1/4), class participation and presentations (1/4), department presentation (1/4), and the final project (1/4).  Attendance is mandatory.

Research log:  I will document each student’s progress using a research log.

Students must make consistent, satisfactory progress throughout the semester to receive full credit.

Class participation and presentations:  To be successful in the distinction program, students must provide regular updates on their progress.  To facilitate this process, students will discuss and present their work to the class throughout the semester.

Department presentation:  At the end of the semester, students must present their work to the economics department, including faculty, staff, and students.

Students will be evaluated based on the quality of the work, quality of the presentation, and the ability to adequately address audience questions, if any.

Final project: At the end of the semester, students must submit a completedresearch paper.  Students will be evaluated based on the quality of the work and the composition of their papers.

Economics Seminars:

The economics department hosts four economics seminars: applied microeconomics, public economics, trade and development, and econometrics. Students are strongly encouraged to attend one or more of these seminars.